Guidance Forums / wxWidgets (wxWindows) in C++ / Radio tool buttons flawed?

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Message1. Radio tool buttons flawed?
Posted by: 2003-12-05 02:44:31
Hey guys, I'm having some trouble with radio buttons on the toolbar. First of all they don't seem to like giving up their status, so I had to add events to them and keep  my own status flag. I added the same set to the menu bar, so the menu events call ToggleTool() and the toolbar  events call Check() to keep them set to the same value. However ToggleTool() only works on buttons which have not  been pressed. It seems as if pressing or 'toggling' a button only visibly alters the other buttons state? Pressing alters the visual aspect, toggling does not once it has already been used. I think this must be a bug, because this behaivour is not only usless (I might as well just use check buttons if I have to handle untoggling and staus myself) but inconsistant with the corresponding menubar version. Is this a bug?
Message2. Re: Radio tool buttons flawed?
Posted by: 2003-12-09 17:27:21
I had to add events to radio buttons (wxToolBar) too coz GetToolState() works only at start till other radio button is toggled - after that they all return TRUE.
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