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Message1. X11(Solaris) Dialog wxTextCtrl controls too small.
Posted by: jetsfandb 2004-05-03 22:44:37
Anyone know why the wxTextCtrl controls on my dialog on Solaris/X11 are so small?
See linked images, on is linux/GTK version which is fine and other is X11.

Solaris/X11 version: ""

Linux/GTK version: ""
Message2. Re: X11(Solaris) Dialog wxTextCtrl controls too small.
Posted by: jetsfandb 2004-05-18 23:00:22
I should have mentioned before that the above is a wxDialog.
I have been able to fix this by explicitly setting the edit controls' size (they were set to wxDefaultSize before). With an explicit width all 3 platforms are fine.
Also, under Solaris and Linux, if I added a wxPanel first (without explicit size) it works, however, under windows the controls do not line up correctly for some reason.

Message3. Re: X11(Solaris) Dialog wxTextCtrl controls too small.
Posted by: jetsfandb 2004-05-26 21:00:39
I have discovered that if I give specific Width to the edit controls they are fine.
This is an acceptable workaround for me. I am still curious though as to why windows and Linux GTK expand to the appropriate size, yet X11 does not.
Message4. Re: X11(Solaris) Dialog wxTextCtrl controls too small.
Posted by: 2004-05-27 05:20:28
Probably because GTK sets a default value and the X11 framework not (or much shorter). This shows us that the "default" value is not set by wxWidgets itself, but by the underlying windowing system it used (GTK, X11, Windows... ).

It's the only explanation I see, but I may be wrong.
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