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Message1. wxVidCap for webcams and Dev++
Posted by: 2003-11-03 23:15:48
Hello every one,

I was wondering is anyone around here has used wxVidCap (a class for using webcams) with DevC++. I downloaded the sample ource code and it does not compile. (some header files are missing)

I was just wondering if I *HAVE* to use VC++ for this class.

Thank you,

- Sid
Message2. Re: wxVidCap for webcams and Dev++
Posted by: upCASE 2003-11-05 20:43:31
Hi Sid!
To be honest, I haven't used wxVidCap, but I had a quick look at it.
Seems like wxVidCap uses vfw (video for windows) which is a pretty old system, dating back to win 3.11 I guess. Anyway: vfw should work with gcc. In the latest release (and before too) there's a lib and the headers for vfw.
Maybe wxVidCap uses some VC extensions and so it won't compile....

On the wxWindows site I found another you might look at called wxLIVID. Seems that both projects are dead by now and never were moved to the contribs. Maybe it's because beeing cross-platform isn't that easy when thinking of how to capture a cam under Mac OS....

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