Guidance Forums / Reginald Rexx / Install/run reginald from a CDROM or USB drive

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Message1. Install/run reginald from a CDROM or USB drive
Posted by: mestrini 2007-06-22 06:05:11 Last edited by: Jeff Glatt 2007-06-26 17:12:23 (Total edited 2 times)
I started working at a place where i was given a desktop PC which is  locked down with administrative restrictions. I can't install Reginald because the administrator has locked down any installation of software that needs to write to the registry upon installation. Reginald's setup complains about not being able to do anything and moves on to immediate uninstall.
Is there a way to manually install RPC, Reginald and needed add-on DLLs in some folder, be it on a hard drive, a USB drive, or burned CDROM?
Posted by: Jeff Glatt 2007-06-23 01:45:16 Last edited by: Jeff Glatt 2007-07-12 00:59:18 (Total edited 2 times)
You can manually install Reginald on your system just by copying files. All Reginald needs the registry for is the following:

1) To check that you don't try to install an older version of Reginald over a newer version.
2) To uninstall via "Add/Remove Programs".
3) To allow the add-on DLL installers to automatically find where to install.
4) To setup a file association so that you can double-click on a REXX script and it will automatically run RxLaunch.exe.

But if you're going to manually install/uninstall yourself, then you can work around the above.

Make a directory on some media (USB, CDROM, whatever). Copy the following files to it:


Copy over (to the same directory) any add-on DLLs you use (ie, rexxgui.dll, rexxinet.dll, etc).

Now, to be able to double-click on a REXX script to run it, you'll need to set the file association. This may or may not work, depending upon how locked down your registry is. See the following thread for details:

If this doesn't work, then you'll have to make a shortcut to that REXX script in order to run it by doubleclick. Create a desktop shortcut to the script, and edit the shortcut's properties to set the "Target" edit box to run RxLaunch.exe on the script. For example, assume your shortcut is to the script named "C:\MyDir\MySript". In the Target box should be:


Assuming you've copied RxLaunch.exe to "D:\Reginald\RxLaunch.exe", change Target as so:

"D:\Reginald\RxLaunch.exe" "C:\MyDir\MySript"

That should do it.

You can also unzip RPC to that dir where you copied Reginald. But a lot of the customization won't be available to you. There's no way to work around that without some major rewriting of RPC. Most settings will not be saved between sessions. This includes keyboard shortcuts, window positions and sizes, all of the settings in the Options -> Preferences, and toolbar customizations.

You won't be able to add macros to RPC's menu.

Recent files won't be noted.

But RPC should run.
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