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Message1. BUG: view control
Posted by: Michael S 2005-12-03 16:51:26
I'm assuming you're not finished with all the details yet, Jeff, but just thought I'd point out a couple of bugs (?) as it stands at the moment.

Edit the Santa view control and select Sort ascending. Any change to this item is never saved in the resulting rexx script.

I edited in the text SORTUP instead manually, so the result became

	view 4, 4, 347, 180, report|single|always|share|edit|border|sortup, , myview

and ran the script. You'll see that column 1 IS sorted, but that 2 of the rows lose their contents and that columns 2 & 3 aren't sorted correctly.

I also noticed in the docs that one of the events generated is the COLUMNCLICK. Does this mean that our scripts have to take care of the sorting of columns and whether they're (already) sorted in asc/descending order ?

On another matter. Can I (and if so how) do I define a horizontal scroll bar and the widths of columns that are "off page". Imagine in the Santa example, there are 5 more columns, but I'm satisfied in showing the first 3 when the window comes up. I might want to be able to scroll to the right to see the remaining columns. Can I do that ?
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