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Message1. Unable to add image handler
Posted by: 2004-02-07 02:10:53
I have been unable to successfully add an image handler.  I'm sure it isn't that difficult, but I just cant seem to get it to work.

This is the code I've been trying to compile:

bool MainApp::OnInit()
wxImage Pic_Splash; // Create an image variable


if (Pic_Splash.LoadFile("bitmaps\\splash.gif", wxBITMAP_TYPE_GIF)) // If the bitmap loads, show the splash screen
      new wxSplashScreen(Pic_Splash,
          6000, NULL, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
// Create the window
MainFrame *MainWin = new MainFrame("BlakkCount", wxPoint(1, 1),
wxSize(290, 190)); // Create an instance of our frame, or window
MainWin->Show(TRUE); // show the window
SetTopWindow(MainWin);// and finally, set it as the main window

return TRUE;
Thanks in advance

Message2. Re: Unable to add image handler
Posted by: KaReL 2004-02-07 03:41:50
what does (doesn't) it do?

Message3. Re: Unable to add image handler
Posted by: 2004-02-07 06:51:42
Dev-C++ gives a "parse error before ')'" on the line with
Message4. Re: Unable to add image handler
Posted by: upCASE 2004-02-08 04:52:00
1. Be sure to have <wx/image.h> image included, so that gcc won't complain about that parse error (normally this points to some unknown class name).
2. Use  Pic_Splash.AddHandler(new wxGIFHandler);, because the parameter should be a pointer to an image handler.

If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try!
Message5. Thanks
Posted by: 2004-02-09 09:11:39
Thanks a lot man
Message6. Re: Unable to add image handler
Posted by: 2004-02-15 04:05:38
it's really just a simple mistake, you have an extra ")" in your line "wxSize(290, 190);"  It shows the parse error where it is because it's the first line in your code with a "(". Just a simple typo.BlakkSyn wrote:

> I have been unable to successfully add an image handler.  I'm
> sure it isn't that difficult, but I just cant seem to get it to
> work.
> This is the code I've been trying to compile:

> bool MainApp::OnInit()
> {
> wxImage Pic_Splash; // Create an image variable
> Pic_Splash.AddHandler(wxGIFHandler);
> if (Pic_Splash.LoadFile("bitmaps\\splash.gif",
> wxBITMAP_TYPE_GIF)) // If the bitmap loads, show the splash
> screen
> {
>       new wxSplashScreen(Pic_Splash,
>           6000, NULL, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
>           wxSIMPLE_BORDER|wxSTAY_ON_TOP);
> }
> // Create the window
> MainFrame *MainWin = new MainFrame("BlakkCount", wxPoint(1, 1),
> wxSize(290, 190)); // Create an instance of our frame, or
> window
> MainWin->Show(TRUE); // show the window
> SetTopWindow(MainWin);// and finally, set it as the main window
> return TRUE;
> }

> Thanks in advance
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