Guidance Forums / wxWidgets (wxWindows) in C++ / strange behaviour of tab key on dialog

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Message1. strange behaviour of tab key on dialog
Posted by: 2004-04-21 16:05:43
On a dialog I have put different wxTextCtrl widgets, some singleline, some multiline. When I use the tab key to jump from TextCtrl to TextCtrl everything works fine - on a Linux machine. When running the application on Windows, this works only for the singleline TextCtrl widgets. On multiline TextCtrls, the focus doesn't reach the next TextCtrl, but the one following the next TextCtrl. - Why? And, is there a chance to avoid this strange behaviour?

Thanks for help!
Message2. Re: strange behaviour of tab key on dialog
Posted by: 2004-04-30 22:17:23

what are you using,  witch wx version?
Did you try the style wxTE_PROCESS_TAB for the wxTE_MULTILINE textcontrol?

Message3. Re: strange behaviour of tab key on dialog
Posted by: 2004-05-19 03:59:29
Thanks for your help - works fine on Linux, I'll test it on Windows next.

I'm working with wx 2.4
Message4. Re: strange behaviour of tab key on dialog
Posted by: 2004-07-09 22:44:50
Ok, I now found the time to compile the program code - and it's still the same problem. For a detailed example:

I take a dialog window, put four TextCtrls and a ComboBox on it
1. Single line
2. Single line
3. Multi line
4. Single line
5. ComboBox

Now  I enter some text in 1. control - TAB - it jumps to 2. control - enter some text - TAB it jumpgs to 3. control - enter some text - TAB - it doesn't jump to 4. control, but to 5. control - I can press the TAB key of the keyboard as long as I want to, it never reaches 4. control, but only on windows, not on Linux.


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