Guidance Forums / wxWidgets (wxWindows) in C++ / How to translate my wxWidgets program to other language?

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Message1. How to translate my wxWidgets program to other language?
Posted by: Aison 2004-07-19 10:38:35
    My program is English-based, but I want to translage it into Chinese Simplified.I study the "Internat" sample carefully,and make the .po and .mo files with the gettext tools according the "Internat" sample,the I translate the example into Chinese Simplified successfully.
    But when I do it in my program,I couldn't translate it.I have done it for many times,and I have examined my program for many times,but still failed.I don't know why.Who can help me?
Message2. Re: How to translate my wxWidgets program to other language?
Posted by: Aison 2004-07-19 11:35:50
   Could you help me?
Message3. Re: How to translate my wxWidgets program to other language?
Posted by: upCASE 2004-07-19 15:08:31
"But when I do it in my program,I couldn't translate it."
What seems to be the exact problem? Have you stored the file in the correct directory hierarchy and named them?
To be honest: I haven't got much experience with that topic either. I wrote one program that had english and german translations. In fact it works.

 Could you help me?"
I'm trying, I'm trying. Am I the only one living in this forum?? :)
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try!
Message4. Re: How to translate my wxWidgets program to other language?
Posted by: Aison 2004-07-19 15:39:14
    Thank you.You're not the only one living in this forum,but I trust you.Several days ago I sent a mail to you about this problem,but you didn't write back.However,thanks a lot.
Message5. Re: How to translate my wxWidgets program to other language?
Posted by: upCASE 2004-07-19 15:45:01
To what adress did you send it? I don't remember recieving any mail from you. Normally I do answer all mails...

Have you tried this rescource:
Since wxWidgets uses it "under the hood" it might be usefull.

PS: Just updated my email address to the recent one. Sorry, I forgot to update it, maybe your mail is in my other account. Going to check that and mail back :)
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try!
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