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Message1. The wxWindows resource system
Posted by: 2003-09-17 22:58:24
Hi, I'm new.
I've installed wxWindows in Dev-cpp, using devpaks founded here:
The sample program compiles and runs correctly, but (there's always a but) in the help files i read this:
wxWindows has an optional resource file facility, which allows separation of dialog, menu, bitmap and icon specifications from the application code.

: this format is now deprecated in favour of the XML-based XRC resource system.
and so...i was thinking to use XML-based XRC resource, but the sample program doesn't work!
there are not helps to know how compile and run the program under dev-cpp (only VC++ for windows)...

In particular, I've got a lot of linking problems lihe this:
[Linker error] undefined reference to `wxXmlResource::Get()'
any suggestions?
Message2. Re: The wxWindows resource system
Posted by: guidance 2003-09-18 05:49:31
This means your lib is not xrc enabled, may try this or build your owns:
Message3. Re: The wxWindows resource system
Posted by: mooncake 2003-09-18 20:38:34

Post Edited (09-19-03 07:04)
Message4. Re: The wxWindows resource system
Posted by: 2003-09-18 22:30:34
lot of problems....
I'm trying to follow these passes:
1) Done
2) Done
3) I'm not sure I really want to do that...I used the WxWindows dev-Pak before..and now I've got much more header files in C:Dev-Cppincludewx
than in C:wxWindows-2.4.1includewx...and so....I think I''ve already all the necessary headers...
4) Done (without -mthreads in compiling and -s in linking)
5) I've included these directories:
    C:wxWindows-2.4.1contribinclude in "include directories"
    C:wxWindows-2.4.1contribsrc in "resources directories"

...nothing...a lot of:
C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw.a(frame.o)(.rdata$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x0):frame.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxFrame'
main.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x0):main.cpp: first defined here
C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw.a(menu.o)(.rdata$_ZTV6wxMenu+0x0):menu.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxMenu'
main.o(.data$_ZTV6wxMenu+0x0):main.cpp: first defined here
C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw.a(menu.o)(.rdata$_ZTV14wxMenuItemList+0x0):menu.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxMenuItemList'
main.o(.data$_ZTV14wxMenuItemList+0x0):main.cpp: first defined here
C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw.a(object.o)(.rdata$_ZTV8wxObject+0x0):object.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxObject'
main.o(.data$_ZTV8wxObject+0x0):main.cpp: first defined here
C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw.a(menucmn.o)(.rdata$_ZTV10wxMenuBase+0x0):menucmn.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxMenuBase'
main.o(.data$_ZTV10wxMenuBase+0x0):main.cpp: first defined here

PS: before changing the compiling/linking options...the project compiled, but the exe gave me a run-time error after the window appeared...

PPS:sorry for my english...=P
Message5. Re: The wxWindows resource system
Posted by: hailang_82 2004-09-09 11:24:52
My qns is one yr late
but ... haha

I also got tis problem.
I am using mingw 3.3.1 and dev C++
wxwidgets 2.5.2.

it gave me an error

[linker error] undefined reference to "vtable of MyFrame".

My friend used wxWidgets and Kdevelop compiling under Suse.
I am trying to copy over to Win XP. But cannot succeed.

Message6. Re: The wxWindows resource system
Posted by: 2005-04-15 07:46:04
Hi, i'm french and i'm new here.

I try to get wxWidgets working with dev-c++(4.9.9)
So I followed the steps:

Download Dev-C++ (at least 4.9.8, which is a version 5 beta) from here.
Download the wxWidgets 2.4.0 and imagelib DevPaks from here.
Install Dev-C++ (self installing .exe).
Install imagelib FIRST, just by double clicking on the downloaded DevPak.
Now the same for the wxWidgets DevPak.
There's one mistake in the templates, easy to fix. Note: this has now been fixed in the latest DevPak for wxWidgets (2003-05-16).
Open dev-cpp\Templates\WxWindows.template in a text editor (notepad) and go to the [Project] section.
Copy the line Compiler=--pipe -D...etc and paste just below.
Change pasted line to CppCompiler=--pipe -D.... etc and save the file.
Now, load up Dev-C++. file->new->project GUI->wxWidgets. Save in a directory. Compile. Should work perfectly.

I didn't do the steps between "(" and ")"...

and when I try to compile the sample:

mdi.cpp C:\Dev-Cpp\lib\libwxmswu.a(mdi.o)(.data$_ZTV14wxMenuItemList+0x0) multiple definition of `vtable for wxMenuItemList'
main.cpp C:\Documents and Settings\Sirius_Black\Bureau\teta3\main.o(.rdata$_ZTV14wxMenuItemList+0x0) first defined here
 C:\Documents and Settings\Sirius_Black\Bureau\teta3\ [Build Error]  [Projet1.exe] Error 1

and nothing else is displayed....
so what's the problem?
well, I have a job to do in c++ using windows, so if no one can tell me what the problem is, could you tell me what can I use to easily work with c++ to create windows? (ex: Visual c++ and wxWidgets? or borland c++ and alegro or other librairies)
thx for your help and sorry for my english...

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