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Message1. Leo Feedback -Programming RapidQ with Leo
Posted by: boltex 2004-03-16 10:36:37
A couple months ago, I have reported here, and on yahoo's rapidQ-eGroup, that I have begun using Leo to write code for various languages, mainly RapidQ.

I would like to encourage you to try Leo's tutorials to perform basic things to try it out, of course!

If you consider trying it a bit more, (with some RapidQ coding for example...) , I have made the necessary changes for Leo to support the RapidQ syntax, for coloring among other things - But even more important: to be able to produce code that will compile with RQ without any special directives or any messing around... :)

After fiddling a bit more with Leo, I figured I could as well make some "Templates"...

One for a generic program (console),
one for a program with at least one Qform (gui),
one for a generic INC of an EXTENDED "QObject" (Like D. Glodt's Objects)
and some other useful recuring templates i cannot think right now...
Even some templates for Qforms, Buttons would be of practical use..(i thought)

 ...So, i will be making those templates for Leo, (to use in practical programming in RapidQ) before making a ZIP file to distribute.
 Like I did to build a 'tutorial' to customize EditPlus to be used as a Programmer-Editor to code with RapidQ.

So if you have tried Leo a bit, (enough to be comfortable with basic usage) and want the files I made to customize it for RapidQ coding, I will be glad to post it for you before i finish some kind of real "package" with templates...!
Message2. Re: Leo Feedback -Programming RapidQ with Leo
Posted by: 2004-05-02 22:14:21
What is LEO ?
Where I can find it ?
Message3. Re: Leo Feedback -Programming RapidQ with Leo
Posted by: 2004-05-08 05:35:24
Leo is...
-An outlining editor for programmers.
-Outlines clarify the big picture and provide unlimited space for details.
-A flexible browser for projects, programs, classes or data.
-A literate programming tool, compatible with noweb and CWEB.
-Leo outlines enhance any programming language.
-A data organizer for web sites and other complex data.
-Leo outlines can generate complex data spanning many different files.
-A project manager.
-Leo provides multiple views of a project within a single outline.
-Leo naturally represents tasks that remain up-to-date.
-Portable. Leo runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS X Jaguar.
-100% pure Python. Leo uses Tk/tcl to draw the screen.
-Fully scriptable using Python.  Leo's outline files are XML format.
-Open Software, distributed under the Python License.

Leo is at:

Homepage for "Leo-beginner-Tutorials" go to:

Funny thing i get a reply about leo! i just finished my Rapid-Q project in Leo!
I am now in the process of making it "browsable" on the web (and also downloadable in it's leo form)

It is called " RQSynthesis" and it can generate code, & doc at the same time it generates programs, it contains (and can generate any part of) all of Guidance's website and can generate any extended object by dominic glodt and a whole lot of other nice sh*t.

I mentionned also (on yahoo rapidQ egroup) that i made a plugin for Leo to support RapidQ (syntax color, etc.) But this as all been included in the latest version of Leo (4.2) -I am still using Leo 4.1 for stability reasons, 4.2 will get stable enough in fololowing months to be recommended instead of 4.1. pretty soon i guess.
Message4. Re: Leo Feedback -Programming RapidQ with Leo
Posted by: 2004-06-06 06:59:06
i'm french , i don't speak well english.

i want to create an irc bot.
I have a problem, my socket doesn't connect it.
my source is:
create s as qsocket
    connect("", 6667)
writeline(s,"NICK mobbbot")
writeline(s,"USER cia localhost :mobbbot")
writeline(s,"join #hackplanet")
end create

if anyone know why it doesn't connect, cans he tell me why...thanks
Message5. Re: Leo Feedback -Programming RapidQ with Leo
Posted by: erdemaal 2004-06-06 21:53:52
>create s as qsocket
>    connect("", 6667)
>writeline(s,"NICK mobbbot")
>writeline(s,"USER cia localhost > :mobbbot")
>writeline(s,"join #hackplanet")
>end create

you code is 95% wrong :)
See socket/chat/ChatCli.Bas example in the RapidQ examples

French translation :
T'as tout faux ! Regarde l'exemple socket/chat/ChatCli.Bas

Message6. Re: Leo Feedback -Programming RapidQ with Leo
Posted by: 2004-06-08 12:06:15
Ce message n'est pas à la bonne place!
On parlait d'utiliser RapidQ avec Leo

This thread is messed up!
We were talking about using Leo to code in RapidQ

ask guidance for chinese.
Message7. Re: Leo Feedback -Programming RapidQ with Leo
Posted by: boltex 2004-06-08 12:17:40
I was about to release the RapidQ synthesis i made with leo. When i though about testing it with the latest release of Leo: (at of this writing 4.2 alpha3) I am beginning this process tonight and will follow up shortly for a release if stable & steady.

In the meantime, if you wanna get aquianted with literate programming, see links a few messages up this thread.

Automatic Compilation and/or execution of arbitrary part or entirity of code through the use of @run nodes plugin (by Alexis G.P.) makes leo an amazing IDE.
I have & will continue to "tame" leo to be nice to RapidQ-ers.

Soon on a computer near you!
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