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1. excel files... maybe?#548 Posted by: 2002-10-14 14:56:57 |
Is there a way to handle (i.e. put data into) excel files? |
2. If numeric values only,#550 |
try qxls.zip: http://citymap.getmyip.com/_scripts/file.php?f=80&r=2330 |
3. Re: excel files... maybe?#552 Posted by: 2002-10-14 16:54:43 |
qxls.inc allows to read from excel files, but not to write into them. Thanks anyway. |
4. COM?#555 |
RQ doesn't support COM well, but you can try: http://citymap.getmyip.com/_scripts/file.php?f=2114&r=2330 |
5. Re: excel files... maybe?#557 Posted by: 2002-10-15 16:55:40 |
This one seems to do all I need, but I can't make it work properly. I need to open an existing file, or at least create a new one and save it. I did create a new file, but could save it only in the c:winntsystem32 directory, and I can't move it from there! This is the code I used, based on excel.bas: where's the bug?
$INCLUDE "RAPIDQ.INC" $OPTIMIZE ON $APPTYPE GUI $TYPECHECK OFF $ESCAPECHARS ON DECLARE FUNCTION CopyFile LIB "kernel32" ALIAS "CopyFileA" (ByVal lpExistingFileName AS STRING, ByVal lpNewFileName AS STRING, ByVal bFailIfExists AS LONG) AS LONG DIM Wndw AS QFORM, ExcelApp AS QOLEOBJECT, ExcelSheet AS QOLECONTAINER DIM var1 AS VARIANT, var2 AS VARIANT, var3 AS VARIANT SUB Free_Objects(Action AS INTEGER) ExcelSheet.Free ExcelApp.Free CopyFile("c:WINNTsystem32exxol.xls","c:RapidQexxol.xls",0) Kill("c:WINNTsystem32exxol.xls")
Wndw.Width=600 Wndw.Height = 400 Wndw.Center
ExcelSheet.Parent=Wndw ExcelSheet.Width=580 ExcelSheet.Height=380 ExcelSheet.Align=alClient ExcelSheet.Cursor=crDefault ExcelSheet.Color=&H00FF00FF ' Background Colour - Ignore! ExcelSheet.SizeMode=smClip ' Ignore/d. ExcelSheet.BorderStyle=bsSizeable ' bsSizeable only, otherwise Lock- Out.
' Keep the Object invisible until we have created the Object, ' otherwise ' you will get the refresh problems noted in the RapidQ QOLECONTAINER ' chapter. ExcelSheet.AutoShow=0
ExcelApp.CreateObject("Excel.Application") ExcelSheet.CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")
' ExcelApp.Container=ExcelSheet ' is this really needed?
var1=Range("A2").Select var2=ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1
' This is the last piece!!...and it's working now ;) Excelapp.Cells(2,5) ="23" ExcelSheet.Saveas "c:exxol" ExcelSheet.Show ' Now show the Object. Wndw.OnClose=Free_Objects
Wndw.ShowModal |
6. Re: excel files... maybe?#564 Posted by: 2002-10-17 15:49:20 |
tricky, isn't it? Anyway, where can I learn something on QOLEOBJECTS AND CONTAINERS?
Thks |
7. Re: excel files... maybe?#570 |
I suggest you try VBS for best compatibility with MS-Office: http://citymap.getmyip.com/Forum/read.php?f=10&i=47&t=47#reply_47 |
8. Re: excel files... maybe?#586 Posted by: 2002-10-22 03:27:28 |
Hello Cajino, Replace your savecommand with this one, i think it will do what you want because it works on my pc. See the double backslash, Excel doesn't know your initial setting $EscapeChars On. I run Win2k and office xp and it works with me.
ExcelSheet.Saveas "c:\\exxol"
Wish you succes!
Kind regards, Andre |
9. Re: excel files... maybe?#589 Posted by: 2002-10-22 18:07:34 |
Wow, it works!!! Thanks very much, this makes it all much more useful for me.
Cajino |
10. Re: excel files... maybe?#591 Posted by: 2002-10-22 22:37:21 |
Again... what if I want to open an existing file? ExcelSheet.Open just doesn't work, but I didn't expect it to.. |
11. Re: excel files... maybe?#598 Posted by: 2002-10-24 13:09:58 |
I just sent to Guidance the latest version of qxls.zip so be sure to have the latest as when bugs are reported I try to update it to correctly read those files. I am working on xlsWRITE function which is about 50% done. Please stay tuned. |
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