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' Créé par D-évolution / Created by D-evolution -=@=- 2004 - 2005

' Pour plus de détail sur l'utilisation de ce composant reportez vous
' à la documentation fournise... (QTButton.html)
' For more details on using this component please refer to the doc
' (QTButton.html)

' Ajouté ceci après avoir inclus
' Contient 2 SUBs vous permettant de transformer vos BUTTONs et COOLBTNs en TBUTTON
' Cette méthode réduite, n'offre pas toutes les fonctionnalitées de QTButton, mais seulement la fonction
' enjolivure, elle réduit grandement votre code, et permet d'utiliser des tableaux...

' IMPORTANT vous devez avoir la dernière version (.94) de QTButton pour que cela fonctionne
' IMPORTANT you need at least version .94 of QTButton to make it work

     SUB Fast_QBtnToQTBtn( _
       BtnType AS STRING, _
       PartID AS INTEGER, _
       NumBMPs AS INTEGER, _
       Sender AS QBUTTON)
      DIM Dest AS QRECT, Source AS QRECT
      DIM tmpBitmap1 AS QBITMAP, _
       NBitmap1 AS QBITMAP, _
       XPBitmap1 AS QBITMAP
      DIM XPBtnType AS STRING ' Ajouté 19jan corrige un problème où les types sont différents
	'Dim oldCaption As String
	'	oldCaption = Sender.Caption
      DIM Width1 AS INTEGER, Height1 AS INTEGER
      DIM Width2 AS INTEGER, Height2 AS INTEGER
      DIM tR AS RECT_QTBtn
      DIM btnCount AS INTEGER

      Sender.Spacing = False
      btnCount = NumBMPs 'Sender.NumBMPs
      IF btnCount > maxnumbmp_QTBtn OR btnCount < True THEN _
       btnCount = maxnumbmp_QTBtn
      Sender.NumBMPs = btncount

      DIM fixTab AS INTEGER
      fixTab = False
      IF isXP_QTBtn AND BtnType = xpt_TabBtn THEN _
       fixTab = True
      IF isXP_QTBtn AND (XPBtnType = xpt_pushbtn OR XPBtnType = xpt_toolbarbtn OR XPBtnType = xpt_TabBtn) THEN _
       PartID = True

      Width1 = ((Sender.Width +3) *btnCount) +True
      Height1 = Sender.Height +3

	' Si l'image à déjà la même dimension elle ne sera pas redimensionnée
      IF QTBtnOptimize <> True OR _
       (isXP_QTBtn = True AND (XPBtnType <> BtnType OR PartID <> XPPartID)) OR _
       ((rWidth > False OR rHeight > False) AND _
       (tmpBitmap1.Width <> Width1 AND tmpBitmap1.Height <> Height1 AND _
       Width2 <> tmpBitmap1.Width AND Height2 <> tmpBitmap1.Width)) THEN
       DrawCount ++
       WITH NBitmap1
        .Width = Width1		'== (mod)
        .Height = Height1	'== (mod)
        .FillRect(False, False, .Width, .Height, clBtnFace)'==(mod) (13janv remplacé clPurple par clBtnFace)
			'.PixelFormat = DefPixelFormat
       END WITH
       WITH XPBitmap1
        .Width = Width1		'== (mod)
        .Height = Height1	'== (mod)
        .FillRect(False, False, .Width, .Height, clBtnFace)'==(mod) (13janv remplacé clPurple par clBtnFace)
			'.PixelFormat = DefPixelFormat
       END WITH
       Width1 = Sender.Width *btnCount
       Height1 = Sender.Height

       tmpBitmap1.Font.Name = Sender.Font.Name' == (add)
       tmpBitmap1.Font.Size = Sender.Font.Size' == (add)
       tmpBitmap1.Font.COLOR = Sender.Font.COLOR' == (add)
       tmpBitmap1.Font.Bold = Sender.Font.Bold
       tmpBitmap1.Font.Italic = Sender.Font.Italic
       tmpBitmap1.Font.Underline = Sender.Font.Underline

       IF isXP_QTBtn = False THEN
			' Thème non activé ou ce n'est pas Windows XP

        FOR J = False TO btnCount -True
				' Le centre ----------------------------------------------------------
         WITH Dest
          .Left = ((Width1 \btnCount) *J) +3 +(True *(J +True)) +(J *2) -IIF(J = 2, True, False)
          .Top = maxnumbmp_QTBtn -IIF(J=2, True, False)
          .Right = .Left +(Width1 \btnCount) -6
          .Bottom = Height1 -2 -IIF(J = 2, True, False)
         END WITH
         WITH Source: .Left = ((QTBtnBMP.Width \btnCount) *J) +3: .Top = 3: _
           .Right = .Left +(QTBtnBMP.Width \btnCount) -6
          .Bottom = QTBtnBMP.Height -3
         END WITH

         NBitmap1.CopyRect(Dest, QTBtnBMP, Source)

				' Les coins ----------------------------------------------------------
         FOR I = False TO 3
          WITH Dest
           .Left = ((Width1 \btnCount) *J) _
            +IIF(I = False OR I = 2, False, (Width1 \btnCount) -3) +(True *(J +True)) +(J *2) _
            -IIF(J = 2, True, False)
           .Top = IIF(I<2, True, Height1 -2) -IIF(J = 2, True, False)
           .Right = .Left +3
           .Bottom = .Top +3
          END WITH
          WITH Source
           .Left = ((QTBtnBMP.Width \btnCount) *J) _
            +IIF(I = False OR I = 2, False, (QTBtnBMP.Width \btnCount) -3)
           .Top = IIF(I < 2, False, QTBtnBMP.Height -3)
           .Right = .Left +3
           .Bottom = .Top +3
          END WITH
          NBitmap1.CopyRect(Dest, QTBtnBMP, Source)
         NEXT I
				' Les horizontaux ----------------------------------------------------
         FOR I = False TO True
          WITH Dest
           .Left = ((Width1 \btnCount) *J) +3 +(True *(J +True)) +(J *2) -IIF(J = 2, True, False)
           .Top = IIF(I = False, True, Height1 -2) -IIF(J = 2, True, False)
           .Right = .Left +(Width1 \btnCount) -6
           .Bottom = .Top +3
          END WITH
          WITH Source
           .Left = (QTBtnBMP.Width \btnCount) *J +3
           .Top = IIF(I = False, False, QTBtnBMP.Height -3)
           .Right = .Left +(QTBtnBMP.Width \btnCount) -6
           .Bottom = .Top +3
          END WITH
          NBitmap1.CopyRect(Dest, QTBtnBMP, Source)
         NEXT I
				' Les verticaux ------------------------------------------------------
         FOR I = False TO True
          WITH Dest
           .Left = ((Width1 \btnCount) *J) _
            +IIF(I = False, False, (Width1 \btnCount) -3) +(True *(J +True)) +(J *2) _
            -IIF(J = 2, True, False)
           .Top = maxnumbmp_QTBtn -IIF(J = 2, True, False)
           .Right = .Left +3
           .Bottom = Height1 -2 -IIF(J = 2, True, False)
          END WITH
          WITH Source
           .Left = ((QTBtnBMP.Width \btnCount) *J) +IIF(I = False, False, (QTBtnBMP.Width \btnCount) -3)
           .Top = 3
           .Right = .Left +3
           .Bottom = QTBtnBMP.Height -3
          END WITH
          NBitmap1.CopyRect(Dest, QTBtnBMP, Source)
         NEXT I
        NEXT J
        NBitmap1.PixelFormat = DefPixelFormat
			' Thème activé (Windows XP)
			' --
        DIM hTheme AS LONG
			'On Error Resume Next

			' Ouverture du thème
        DIM rtButton AS STRING
        rtButton = ""
			' Format unicode ?!?
        FOR I = True TO LEN(BtnType)
         rtButton = rtButton +MID$(BtnType, I, True) +rqNullChr
        NEXT I
        rtButton = rtButton +rqNullChr ' Un dernier pour finaliser

			'hTheme = False
        hTheme = OpenThemeData_QTBtn(Sender.Handle, VARPTR(rtButton))
        IF hTheme = False THEN _
         hTheme = OpenThemeData_QTBtn(Sender.Handle, VARPTR(rtButton))
        IF hTheme <> False THEN
				' Styles XP disponible

         DIM lR AS LONG
         DIM m_hDC AS LONG
         DIM m_lPartId AS LONG, m_lStateId AS LONG
				'Dim tR As RECT_QTBtn

				' m_hDC est le DC pour dessiner
				' m_lPartId et m_lStateId sont la class + l'état à dessiner
				' tR est un RECT spécifiant la zone dans laquelle dessiner
         m_hDC = XPBitmap1.Handle
         IF PartID > True THEN _
          m_lPartId = PartID _
         ELSE _
          m_lPartId = True 'BP_PUSHBUTTON
         FOR I = False TO 2 STEP 2
          m_lStateId = I +True 'PBS_NORMAL
          tR.Left = ((I *(Sender.Width +3)) +IIF(I <> 2, True, False))
          tR.Top = True -IIF(I <> 2, False, True) +fixTab 'False -iif(I <> 2, False, True)
          tR.Right = (tR.Left +Sender.Width) '+True
          tR.Bottom = (Sender.Height +True -IIF(I <> 2, False, True) +fixTab) '+iif(I <> 2, True, False)

          lR = DrawThemeBackground_QTBtn(hTheme, _
           m_hDC, _
           m_lPartId, _
           m_lStateId, _
           tR, tR)
         NEXT I
				' Inverse Survolle et Désactivé
         FOR I = True TO 3 STEP 2
          m_lStateId = I +True 'PBS_NORMAL
          tR.Left = (((I +IIF(I = True, 2, -2)) *(Sender.Width +3)) +True)
          tR.Top = True 'False
          tR.Right = (tR.Left +Sender.Width) '+True
          tR.Bottom = Sender.Height +True +fixTab '+2

          lR = DrawThemeBackground_QTBtn(hTheme, _
           m_hDC, _
           m_lPartId, _
           m_lStateId, _
           tR, tR)
         NEXT I
        END IF

			' Session de dessin terminée
        CloseThemeData_QTBtn hTheme
        CloseThemeData_QTBtn hTheme
        XPBitmap1.PixelFormat = DefPixelFormat
       END IF

      END IF
      Width2 = ((Sender.Width +3) *btnCount) +True
      Height2 = Sender.Height +3

      IF isXP_QTBtn THEN
       tmpBitmap1.BMP = XPBitmap1.BMP
       tmpBitmap1.BMP = NBitmap1.BMP
      END IF

      IF Sender.CAPTION = "" THEN
       Sender.Layout = False
       SetBkMode_QTBtn tmpBitmap1.Handle, True
       FOR I = False TO 2 STEP 2
        tR.Left = ((I *(Sender.Width +3)) +IIF(I <> 2, True, False))
        tR.Top = True -IIF(I <> 2, False, True) 'False -iif(I <> 2, False, True)
        tR.Right = (tR.Left +Sender.Width) '+True
        tR.Bottom = (Sender.Height +True -IIF(I <> 2, False, True) +fixTab) '+iif(I <> 2, True, False)

        DrawText_QTBtn (tmpBitmap1.Handle, Sender.CAPTION, LEN(Sender.CAPTION), _
       NEXT I
		' Inverse Survolle et Désactivé
       FOR I = True TO 3 STEP 2
        tR.Left = (((I +IIF(I = True, 2, -2)) *(Sender.Width +3)) +True)
        tR.Top = True 'False
        tR.Right = (tR.Left +Sender.Width) '+True
        tR.Bottom = Sender.Height +True +fixTab '+2

        DrawText_QTBtn (tmpBitmap1.Handle, Sender.CAPTION, LEN(Sender.CAPTION), _
       NEXT I

       tmpBitmap1.Height = (Height1 +True) +tmpBitmap1.TextHeight(Sender.CAPTION)
       Sender.Layout = 3
      END IF
      tmpBitmap1.PixelFormat = DefPixelFormat

      XPBtnType = BtnType
	'tmpBitmap1.Transparent = True
      tmpBitmap1.TransparentColor = tmpBitmap1.Pixel(True, True)
      Sender.BMP = tmpBitmap1.BMP
     END SUB

     SUB Fast_QCBtnToQTBtn( _
       BtnType AS STRING, _
       PartID AS INTEGER, _
       NumBMPs AS INTEGER, _
       Sender AS QCOOLBTN)
      DIM Dest AS QRECT, Source AS QRECT
      DIM tmpBitmap1 AS QBITMAP, _
       NBitmap1 AS QBITMAP, _
       XPBitmap1 AS QBITMAP
      DIM XPBtnType AS STRING ' Ajouté 19jan corrige un problème où les types sont différents
	'Dim oldCaption As String
	'	oldCaption = Sender.Caption
      DIM Width1 AS INTEGER, Height1 AS INTEGER
      DIM Width2 AS INTEGER, Height2 AS INTEGER
      DIM tR AS RECT_QTBtn
      DIM btnCount AS INTEGER

      Sender.Flat = False
    'Sender.NumBMPs = maxnumbmp_QTBtn
      Sender.Spacing = False
      btnCount = NumBMPs 'Sender.NumBMPs
      IF btnCount > maxnumbmp_QTBtn OR btnCount < True THEN _
       btnCount = maxnumbmp_QTBtn
      Sender.NumBMPs = btncount

      DIM fixTab AS INTEGER
      fixTab = False
      IF isXP_QTBtn AND BtnType = xpt_TabBtn THEN _
       fixTab = True
      IF isXP_QTBtn AND (XPBtnType = xpt_pushbtn OR XPBtnType = xpt_toolbarbtn OR XPBtnType = xpt_TabBtn) THEN _
       PartID = True

      Width1 = ((Sender.Width +3) *btnCount) +True
      Height1 = Sender.Height +3

	' Si l'image à déjà la même dimension elle ne sera pas redimensionnée
      IF QTBtnOptimize <> True OR _
       (isXP_QTBtn = True AND (XPBtnType <> BtnType OR PartID <> XPPartID)) OR _
       ((rWidth > False OR rHeight > False) AND _
       (tmpBitmap1.Width <> Width1 AND tmpBitmap1.Height <> Height1 AND _
       Width2 <> tmpBitmap1.Width AND Height2 <> tmpBitmap1.Width)) THEN
       DrawCount ++
       WITH NBitmap1
        .Width = Width1		'== (mod)
        .Height = Height1	'== (mod)
        .FillRect(False, False, .Width, .Height, clBtnFace)'==(mod) (13janv remplacé clPurple par clBtnFace)
			'.PixelFormat = DefPixelFormat
       END WITH
       WITH XPBitmap1
        .Width = Width1		'== (mod)
        .Height = Height1	'== (mod)
        .FillRect(False, False, .Width, .Height, clBtnFace)'==(mod) (13janv remplacé clPurple par clBtnFace)
			'.PixelFormat = DefPixelFormat
       END WITH
       Width1 = Sender.Width *btnCount
       Height1 = Sender.Height

       tmpBitmap1.Font.Name = Sender.Font.Name' == (add)
       tmpBitmap1.Font.Size = Sender.Font.Size' == (add)
       tmpBitmap1.Font.COLOR = Sender.Font.COLOR' == (add)
       tmpBitmap1.Font.Bold = Sender.Font.Bold
       tmpBitmap1.Font.Italic = Sender.Font.Italic
       tmpBitmap1.Font.Underline = Sender.Font.Underline

       IF isXP_QTBtn = False THEN
			' Thème non activé ou ce n'est pas Windows XP

        FOR J = False TO btnCount -True
				' Le centre ----------------------------------------------------------
         WITH Dest
          .Left = ((Width1 \btnCount) *J) +3 +(True *(J +True)) +(J *2) -IIF(J = 2 OR J = 3, True, False)
          .Top = maxnumbmp_QTBtn -IIF(J = 2 OR J = 3, True, False)
          .Right = .Left +(Width1 \btnCount) -6
          .Bottom = Height1 -2 -IIF(J = 2, True, False)
         END WITH
         WITH Source: .Left = ((QTBtnBMP.Width \btnCount) *J) +3: .Top = 3: _
           .Right = .Left +(QTBtnBMP.Width \btnCount) -6
          .Bottom = QTBtnBMP.Height -3
         END WITH

         NBitmap1.CopyRect(Dest, QTBtnBMP, Source)

				' Les coins ----------------------------------------------------------
         FOR I = False TO 3
          WITH Dest
           .Left = ((Width1 \btnCount) *J) _
            +IIF(I = False OR I = 2, False, (Width1 \btnCount) -3) +(True *(J +True)) +(J *2) _
            -IIF(J = 2 OR J = 3, True, False)
           .Top = IIF(I < 2, True, Height1 -2) -IIF(J = 2 OR J = 3, True, False)
           .Right = .Left +3
           .Bottom = .Top +3
          END WITH
          WITH Source
           .Left = ((QTBtnBMP.Width \btnCount) *J) _
            +IIF(I = False OR I = 2, False, (QTBtnBMP.Width \btnCount) -3)
           .Top = IIF(I < 2, False, QTBtnBMP.Height -3)
           .Right = .Left +3
           .Bottom = .Top +3
          END WITH
          NBitmap1.CopyRect(Dest, QTBtnBMP, Source)
         NEXT I
				' Les horizontaux ----------------------------------------------------
         FOR I = False TO True
          WITH Dest
           .Left = ((Width1 \btnCount) *J) +3 +(True *(J +True)) +(J *2) -IIF(J = 2 OR J = 3, True, False)
           .Top = IIF(I = False, True, Height1 -2) -IIF(J = 2 OR J = 3, True, False)
           .Right = .Left +(Width1 \btnCount) -6
           .Bottom = .Top +3
          END WITH
          WITH Source
           .Left = (QTBtnBMP.Width \btnCount) *J +3
           .Top = IIF(I = False, False, QTBtnBMP.Height -3)
           .Right = .Left +(QTBtnBMP.Width \btnCount) -6
           .Bottom = .Top +3
          END WITH
          NBitmap1.CopyRect(Dest, QTBtnBMP, Source)
         NEXT I
				' Les verticaux ------------------------------------------------------
         FOR I = False TO True
          WITH Dest
           .Left = ((Width1 \btnCount) *J) _
            +IIF(I = False, False, (Width1 \btnCount) -3) +(True *(J +True)) +(J *2) _
            -IIF(J = 2 OR J = 3, True, False)
           .Top = maxnumbmp_QTBtn -IIF(J = 2 OR J = 3, True, False)
           .Right = .Left +3
           .Bottom = Height1 -2 -IIF(J = 2, True, False)
          END WITH
          WITH Source
           .Left = ((QTBtnBMP.Width \btnCount) *J) +IIF(I = False, False, (QTBtnBMP.Width \btnCount) -3)
           .Top = 3
           .Right = .Left +3
           .Bottom = QTBtnBMP.Height -3
          END WITH
          NBitmap1.CopyRect(Dest, QTBtnBMP, Source)
         NEXT I
        NEXT J
        NBitmap1.PixelFormat = DefPixelFormat
			' Thème activé (Windows XP)
			' --
        DIM hTheme AS LONG
			'On Error Resume Next

			' Ouverture du thème
        DIM rtButton AS STRING
        rtButton = ""
			' Format unicode ?!?
        FOR I = True TO LEN(BtnType)
         rtButton = rtButton +MID$(BtnType, I, True) +rqNullChr
        NEXT I
        rtButton = rtButton +rqNullChr ' Un dernier pour finaliser

			'hTheme = False
        hTheme = OpenThemeData_QTBtn(Sender.PARENT, VARPTR(rtButton))
        IF hTheme = False THEN _
         hTheme = OpenThemeData_QTBtn(Sender.PARENT, VARPTR(rtButton))
        IF hTheme <> False THEN
				' Styles XP disponible

         DIM lR AS LONG
         DIM m_hDC AS LONG
         DIM m_lPartId AS LONG, m_lStateId AS LONG
				'Dim tR As RECT_QTBtn

				' m_hDC est le DC pour dessiner
				' m_lPartId et m_lStateId sont la class + l'état à dessiner
				' tR est un RECT spécifiant la zone dans laquelle dessiner
         m_hDC = XPBitmap1.Handle
         IF PartID > True THEN _
          m_lPartId = PartID _
         ELSE _
          m_lPartId = True 'BP_PUSHBUTTON
         FOR I = False TO 2 STEP 2
          m_lStateId = I +True 'PBS_NORMAL
          tR.Left = ((I *(Sender.Width +3)) +IIF(I <> 2, True, False))
          tR.Top = True -IIF(I <> 2, False, True) +fixTab 'False -iif(I <> 2, False, True)
          tR.Right = (tR.Left +Sender.Width) '+True
          tR.Bottom = (Sender.Height +True -IIF(I <> 2, False, True) +fixTab) '+iif(I <> 2, True, False)

          lR = DrawThemeBackground_QTBtn(hTheme, _
           m_hDC, _
           m_lPartId, _
           m_lStateId, _
           tR, tR)
         NEXT I
				' Inverse Sélectionné et Désactivé (Survolle est remplacé par Sélectionné)
         FOR I = True TO 3 STEP 2
          m_lStateId = (I +True) +IIF(I = True, True, False)'PBS_NORMAL
					'tR.Left = (((I +iif(I = True, 2, -2)) *(Sender.Width +3)) +True)
					'tR.Top = True
          tR.Left = (((I +IIF(I = True, 2, -2)) *(Sender.Width +3)) +IIF(I = True, False, True))
          tR.Top = IIF(I = True, False, True +fixTab)
          tR.Right = (tR.Left +Sender.Width) '+True
          tR.Bottom = Sender.Height +True +IIF(fixTab = True, fixTab, -True) '+2

          lR = DrawThemeBackground_QTBtn(hTheme, _
           m_hDC, _
           m_lPartId, _
           m_lStateId, _
           tR, tR)
         NEXT I
        END IF

			' Session de dessin terminée
        CloseThemeData_QTBtn hTheme
        CloseThemeData_QTBtn hTheme
        XPBitmap1.PixelFormat = DefPixelFormat
       END IF

      END IF
      Width2 = ((Sender.Width +3) *btnCount) +True
      Height2 = Sender.Height +3

      IF isXP_QTBtn THEN
       tmpBitmap1.BMP = XPBitmap1.BMP
       tmpBitmap1.BMP = NBitmap1.BMP
      END IF

      IF Sender.CAPTION = "" THEN
       Sender.Layout = False
       SetBkMode_QTBtn tmpBitmap1.Handle, True
       FOR I = False TO 2 STEP 2
        tR.Left = ((I *(Sender.Width +3)) +IIF(I <> 2, True, False))
        tR.Top = True -IIF(I <> 2, False, True) +fixTab 'False -iif(I <> 2, False, True)
        tR.Right = (tR.Left +Sender.Width) '+True
        tR.Bottom = (Sender.Height +True -IIF(I <> 2, False, True) +fixTab) '+iif(I <> 2, True, False)

        DrawText_QTBtn (tmpBitmap1.Handle, Sender.CAPTION, LEN(Sender.CAPTION), _
       NEXT I
		' Inverse Survolle et Désactivé
       FOR I = True TO 3 STEP 2
			'tR.Left = (((I +iif(I = True, 2, -2)) *(Sender.Width +3)) +True)
			'tR.Top = True
        tR.Left = (((I +IIF(I = True, 2, -2)) *(Sender.Width +3)) +IIF(I = True, False, True))
        tR.Top = IIF(I = True, False, True +fixTab)
        tR.Right = (tR.Left +Sender.Width) '+True
        tR.Bottom = Sender.Height +True +fixTab '+2

        DrawText_QTBtn (tmpBitmap1.Handle, Sender.CAPTION, LEN(Sender.CAPTION), _
       NEXT I

       tmpBitmap1.Height = (Height1 +True) +tmpBitmap1.TextHeight(Sender.CAPTION)
       Sender.Layout = 3
      END IF
      tmpBitmap1.PixelFormat = DefPixelFormat

      XPBtnType = BtnType
      IF PartID <> True THEN PartID = True
      XPPartID = True
	'tmpBitmap1.Transparent = True
	' Prévient l'apparission du rectangle de survole de CoolBtn
	'tmpBitmap1.Pixel(True, True) = clPurple
	'tmpBitmap1.TransparentColor = clPurple
      tmpBitmap1.TransparentColor = tmpBitmap1.Pixel(True, True)
      Sender.BMP = tmpBitmap1.BMP
     END SUB
© Fri 2025-2-7  Guidance Laboratory Inc. Hits:0 Last modified:2013-06-19 07:50:37