software / rapidq / Examples / Date & Time / Reminder / readme.htm

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Reminder 2.2 SE


This is a birthday reminder and a simple address book. Every address entry can be associated with a date (e.g. birthday of a person) and an individual pre-warning period. If you start the program when an entry reaches the pre-warning period a window pops up and reminds you for that.

  • How to create a new database item:
    Fill out the fields in the lower panel. Then press Add to add the item to the database. (Press New to clean the fields from existing content.)
  • How to view the content of an existing database item:
    Simply select the item in the list.
  • How to modify an existing database item:
    Select the item in the list. Then modify the content of the fields in the lower panel. Press Edit to write the changes back to the database.
  • How to delete a database item:
    Select the item in the list. Then press Delete to remove it from the database.
  • How to search for a database item:
    Click in the list and type the search expression. While you hit the keys the system starts an incremental search.

The controls in the upper panel will be locked/disabled if you modify the content of the fields in the lower panel. Press Cancel to discard the changes and to unlock/enable the controls.

If you want the program to remind you for a database item you must assign a date (e.g. 02/20/2002 or 2002-02-20) and a pre-warning period (e.g. 3 for 3 days before) to the item.

You must add a shortcut to the startup folder if you want the program to do a database check automaticly when the systems starts up (or at midnight). Then an alarm window pops up if the pre-warning period of an item is reached. Select the item "Create Startup Shortcut" in the menu "Edit" to create such a shortcut.

This tutorial can be opened by the item "Tutorial" in the menu "?". Read the file readme.txt for additional information.
© Fri 2025-2-14  Guidance Laboratory Inc. Hits:0 Last modified:2003-07-21 11:02:34