Leon AutoBackup |
2019-11-13 23:39 |
1,293 |
一个小巧方便的文件自动备份工具, 国产绿色软件,完全免费,不含任何广告。A free, fast, green, small and very easy to use file backup utility for Windows, based on plain file copy by time intervals. Here is the official home page of Leon AutoBackup, feel free for update. Any feedback, just post at: g.yi.org/?a=f&m=2284 Enjoy!
LeonEdit |
2021-05-24 15:04 |
259 |
Notepad-like editor with encryption. You can read or create a plain text file and save it with password, it's free and fast, enjoy!
| RenameByTime.exe | 276.0kB | | 2010-04-24 18:10 | 293 | A small Win32 utility, rename all files in a folder by their creation time. Useful for pictures created by digital camera etc. By using this tool, you needn't configure your camera to overprint date/time inside the photo. 这个小程序可以把您用数码相机拍摄的照片文件按拍照日期取名,这样就可以不用在拍摄时在画面上叠加日期了!当然,前提是您的相机的日期要事先设置正确。如果碰到同目录下几个文件的日期是相同的,为了避免文件重名或覆盖、丢失,这个程序会自动按文件读取顺序增量处理文件名,从而保证文件不丢失、不损坏且最接近实际拍摄时间。Coded by: Leon Wang, Feedback: g.yi.org/?a=f&b=5 |