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Message1. Old Rexx to Reglite questions
Posted by: Roger 2008-01-24 05:21:26
I downloaded Reglite to my new computer and all my old GUI Rexx programs don't run.  Should I convert them to the Reglite format or just use the old Rexx?  For example, will the new programming center work or does it require Reglite?  Is all the new development work going to be done on only Reglite?

Also, I have a non-GUI program that uses this old Rexx statement:

'c:\rk\pe2\ccopy c: ' 'e:\' || leftdsn || ' /y'

and leftdsn currently has the value 6614

I can't get this statement to work on Reglite using the ITERATEEXE statement even when I try something like this:

err = ITERATEEXE('c:\rk\pe2\ccopy.exe', 'c:', 'e:\6614aLL',, 'y')

Any suggestions?
Posted by: Jeff Glatt 2008-01-27 02:06:57
Development work has switched to Reginald Lite. The newest version of REXX Programmer Center doesn't work with legacy Reginald. (If there are enough people obstinate about sticking with legacy,  and who didn't archive the older version of REXX Programmer Center when I announced about terminating legacy support, I suppose I could do one final update to legacy to make it work with the current RPC. But all bets are off about future legacy compatibility with RPC).

When running a non-GUI program (ie, console mode) which can't be coaxed to work with ITERATEEXE (some console programs use really archaic APIs and even some UNIX stuff that expects to be launched from an actual command line), you should use the RXCMD add-on library. This is essentially the legacy Reginald support for launching programs (with some additional options), except that instead of using the format above, you call a function called Cmd(), passing the program name, and any arguments, as separate args to Cmd(). If the program works with legacy Reginald, it will work with RxCmd. RxCmd should actually even work with the last version of legacy Reginald (although it's kind of pointless to do that).
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