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Message1. user programs/functions
Posted by: PeterJ 2009-02-02 23:45:49 Last edited by: PeterJ 2009-02-02 23:55:56 (Total edited 1 time)
Jeff, do you have some code which I could use to write my own programs/functions interfacing to Reginald. I remember, you mentioned writing in C, therefore I appreciate also a recommendation of a free C compiler. Most interesting are interfacing stem variables, if this is too complicated I can also start with simple functions, reading input parameters, and returning a result.
My learning curve is primarily in C, as I have not written a sinlge line of code in it.


Posted by: Jeff Glatt 2009-02-03 01:01:20
Go to and download the "Reginald's Developer Kit". In there, you'll find three articles, host.htm, debugger.htm, and funcs.htm.

If you're looking at add new functions (in a DLL) that lots of people can call from their rexx scripts (by loading your DLL with a LIBRARY statement, just like RexxGui, RexxINet, RexxSock, etc), then you'll want to read "funcs.htm".

If you're looking to write an application (in C or C++) that runs REXX scripts, like RxLaunch.exe or RexxCenter.exe, then read host.htm. If you also want your app to have its own built-in rexx debugger, like RexxCenter.exe, then read debugger.htm as well.

There are a bunch of example C apps that demonstrate all of the topics in the articles. Each comes with an MS Visual C++ project file, but you should be able to compile the apps with any Windows C/C++ compiler (such as DevC or MingW. But you'll have to write your own "makefile" for it). You'll likely need to go to Microsoft's web site, and download/install the "Platform Software Development Kit" (Platform SDK) to get all the C/C++ include files and libraries for Win32 development.
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