| Forum List • Thread List • Refresh • New Topic • Search • Previous • Next 1  | 1. InetMatchName & files containing spaces#13624 Posted by: DougA 2012-11-13 01:16:08 | I have the following code in my program to debug this issue, and what I discovered is when the file I'm doing a MatchName on contains spaces, and the file exists, the function is returning 'DONE' -- Which means 'file not found'
Files that do not contain spaces work fine (and the size test in the middle runs as expected) If the file requested truely does not exist, DONE is also returned (correctly)
the web host is linux by the way. A GoDaddy host account.
Web_FN = 'filename with spaces' Drop DirList err = InetMatchName('DirList',Web_FN,"RELOAD|ONE") If err == '' then do If exists('DirList') then do /* file exists on web site */ If DirList.0 = Web_FN_size /* verify it's size */ then ConSay(con1,'File exists & size matches') else ConSay(con1,Web_FN_size DirList.0 '<---- size error') Return end else ConSay(con1,'InetMatchName err='' but DirList does not exist') end else If err \= 'DONE' then ConSay(con1,'Web_Upload InetMatchName error:' err) else ConSay(con1, err) /* DONE - file not found */Doug | Forum List • Thread List • Refresh • New Topic • Search • Previous • Next 1  |