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Message1. Problem with wxTextCtrl on Mac OS X.2.8
Posted by: 2004-01-13 16:20:24
Dear folks,

I need some text controls for my project. Unfortunately the "text" sample of my wxMac 2.4.1 shows an abnormal behavior - and so do my own text controls in my project :-(

When typing letters in text controls I can see the cursor moving, but the letters itself are NOT shown UNTIL I press TAB-Button. Then I can see what I typed in the control.
Maybe the same problem: background color of these controls is shown only as "border", not in the full area of the control.

Has anybody an idea what goes wrong in here???

I develop my solution on a windows machine and compile it on the mac using makefile. I have no real possibility to debug on that mac, unfortunately.

Thanks Sabine

Message2. Re: Problem with wxTextCtrl on Mac OS X.2.8
Posted by: 2004-01-14 15:36:40
If anybody should face the same problem:

Yesterday I updated my wxWindows from wxMac-2.4.1 to wxMac-2.4.2.
Now it works.

Nevertheless, is there anywhere a buglist available, where I could have searched for that error?

Message3. Re: Problem with wxTextCtrl on Mac OS X.2.8
Posted by: upCASE 2004-01-14 22:38:54
Well, I was tempted to answer and suggest an update, but I thought maybe I should wait, because someone around with a Mac would know a solution :)

You can allways search the wxWindows site and have a look at the mailing list archives. Such errors are likely to show up there and get discussed. For bugtracking have a look at the wxWindows project site on You can browse bugs and post new ones there.

Glad you managed to solve the problem :)

If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try!
Message4. Re: Problem with wxTextCtrl on Mac OS X.2.8
Posted by: 2004-01-14 23:17:09
Hi upCASE,

I DID search the mailinglists... It wasn't a pleasure and I couldn't find something useful, unfortunately.
I will have a look at the now as well :-)

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