Guidance Forums / wxWidgets (wxWindows) in C++ / List Control, Showing Sort-Arrows Up/Down in Column Header

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Message1. List Control, Showing Sort-Arrows Up/Down in Column Header
Posted by: 2004-03-03 01:08:30
Does anybody know, how to bring in an arrow-up or -down in a List Control
Column Header, as it is commonly used in Windows?

I don't want to use any substitute as /, /, V, or ^.  It should be the graphic
up/down arrows.

Looks like the wxWidgets Implementation for Windows doesn't treat this matter.

Thanks for any tips.

Arthur Althaus
Zurich, Switzerland
Message2. Re: List Control, Showing Sort-Arrows Up/Down in Column Header
Posted by: upCASE 2004-03-03 16:45:57
Indeed. But I found this on the mailing list and yet again I think that when the new version is out somebody should really update the docs :)
Use void SetColumnImage(int col, int image) for that purpose. It's implemented in listctrl.h.

If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try!
Message3. Re: List Control, Showing Sort-Arrows Up/Down in Column Header
Posted by: 2004-06-26 12:58:12
I have "ripped" the list control code from EMULE.

It is in MFC.  I can offer it up to somebody here who is more knowledgeable of wxWigdets/Windows...

maybe that will leave some insight into porting this code to wxWidgets...

please let me know if you want the code or a link to the code.

I haven't done anything in wxWidgets.  I've only taken code from wxWidgets and ported to MFC... it's bound to be close to straight forward going from MFC to wxWidgets.

Let me know please.
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