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Message1. When i use wx object, i can't use the functions called from included file
Posted by: 2003-08-20 20:25:13
I am do like this:

#include <mylib.h>
#include <wx/wx.h>




in mylib.h , i do like this:

#include <string>

string testme();

string testme() {
return "abc";

it prompt me errors, if it is just developing dos application, and call the header file, mylib.h, it is running ok, but, if use wx, it's going down... :(

what can i do now?

Message2. Re: When i use wx object, i can't use the functions called from included file
Posted by: guidance 2003-08-20 21:06:33
Why not use wxString instead?
Message3. Re: When i use wx object, i can't use the functions called from included file
Posted by: 2003-08-20 22:12:43

you means, use wxString inside mylib.h?

Message4. Re: When i use wx object, i can't use the functions called from included file
Posted by: guidance 2003-08-21 07:44:40
Yes. Can't?
Message5. Re: When i use wx object, i can't use the functions called from included file
Posted by: 2003-08-21 08:54:13
yup, can't..

i have try with this:

wxString testme() {
      return "hi, this is testing only";

finally, giving me this error message:

parse error before ')'

same error message when i use string testme() { .. }

if i replace string to char, it gonna ok.

Or.. got any solutions that, i can return whole string from functions?

Thank you.
Message6. Re: When i use wx object, i can't use the functions called from included file
Posted by: guidance 2003-08-21 10:57:12
Have you included necessary wxWindows headers before use any wx objects? Return a wxString works for me :)
Message7. Re: When i use wx object, i can't use the functions called from included file
Posted by: 2003-08-21 13:42:44
yes i do, but, i dont know why.

Meanwhile, i wonder is the file crashed.  Becuase, when i re-coding again, and compile, it gonna alright now.. -_-"

How do i call wxRegEX object inside?  becuase, i can't use regulation express now.. :(

Message8. Re: When i use wx object, i can't use the functions called from included file
Posted by: guidance 2003-08-21 13:52:16
"can't use" means compile error or runtime error?
Message9. Re: When i use wx object, i can't use the functions called from included file
Posted by: 2003-08-21 15:21:09
i think, is.. no such that function...
Message10. Re: When i use wx object, i can't use the functions called from included file
Posted by: guidance 2003-08-21 18:05:37
Link error? Most probably due to wx lib is not configured with regex enabled. Try these pre-compiled libwxmsw.a :
Message11. Re: When i use wx object, i can't use the functions called from included file
Posted by: 2003-08-21 22:25:05
it displayed me "ReplaceAll undeclared"

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