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Message1. Doing Compile & Run - Ends up executing out of DOS Window
Posted by: fparks 2003-09-28 03:22:13
After compiling using DEV-C++ it pops up and runs out of a DOS window.  I have the Compile->Options->Make set to mingw32-make.exe.  Can someone please help me with setting a parameter to get the program to run as a Windows program.

Compiler options are:

-g -O0 -mthreads -Wall -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -D__WIN95__ -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WIN32__ -DSTRICT  -D__WXMSW__  -s -D__WINDOWS__  -fmessage-length=0 -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti

On a Compile&Run it opens in a DOS window.

When attempting to execute the program from explorer I get:

menu.exe - Unable To Locate Component
THis application has failed to start because mingwm10.dll was not found.  Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

This problem does not occur using the command line mingw32-make -f makefile.g95 FINAL=1.  It generates a windows executable and runs fine from inside explorer or from the Run prompt.

Message2. Re: Doing Compile & Run - Ends up executing out of DOS Window
Posted by: fparks 2003-09-29 13:02:36
I think I figured out the problem.  Since I was compiling a program and not a project it didn't have a makefile to go by.  See next problem with that after I tried to clean it up.
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