| Forum List • Thread List • Refresh • New Topic • Search • Previous • Next 1  | 1. wxPHP?#2734 Posted by: 2003-10-14 01:28:46 | I noticed wxPHP has been added to the forum title, is there a wxPHP project somewhere? I know one has been started at sourceforge ( http://www.sf.net/projects/wxphp ) but is only at planning. I've used php-gtk for a few things, and while being really cool, wxPHP would be better.
If this is the project refered to, has anyone any more information? | 2. Re: wxPHP?#2738 Posted by: 2003-10-14 21:14:49 | Hi,
i'm actually the (sf project) wxphp mantainer and i was invited to join this list so... i'm here ! ;)
I suppose that this is the first project attempting to join these two technologies. I tried to find if any existed but without luck so after some months of thinking i started one.
I don't have previous experience with php extension development so i'm actually learning...
Any help is welcome.
Marco Del Tongo Mantainer, wxPHP
| 3. Re: wxPHP?#2753 Posted by: 2003-10-17 22:45:34 | Hi, well it is certainly a needed addition to PHP, php-gtk is good, but is ugly on windows and seems a little stalled on ZE2 and GTK2, plus there is no thread support. I've looked at the Zend API before and didn't get any of it, but I wouldn't mind getting involved once I get comftable with C.
I've a few questions/thoughts though:
1) How are you planning on coding it, is it possible to autogenerate the API (or most of it) from source?
2) php-gtk requires the gtk runtime to be installed, for wxWindows there is no standard DLL distribution.
2 1/2) Options. PHP extensions need to be 1size fits all really, so all options need to be compiled in, but that would be some size. Some stuff is also already covered, sockets etc, however the wx API would still need to be presented for uniformity
3) wx relies on a lot of macros, have you plans on dealling with them?
There are plenty of other points and issues I can think of, but I havn't any idea what you have and havn't thought of yet. Do you need any other kind of help with the project, I can try where I can with the coding, but I have plenty of skils in PHP, SSH&SCP, CVS etc which might be helpful getting the project going. I'm going to download the PHP source now and have a look at the Zend API. | 4. Re: wxPHP?#2756 | Wow.. great, actually i am a PHP programmer (but, resign soon) If it is the truth, so that i can use PHP to write window program easily
Or else, we could load php_mysql etc dll into wxwindows and use it
Post Edited (10-18-03 22:27)Meow~ | Forum List • Thread List • Refresh • New Topic • Search • Previous • Next 1  |