| Forum List • Thread List • Refresh • New Topic • Search • Previous • Next 1  | 1. wxWindows & Dev-C++ & wxDb#3061 Posted by: 2003-12-11 22:46:45 | Hi,
I'm having trouble starting to use wxDb or any other class related to Databases.
Well I'm getting error messages like this: undefined reference to `wxDb:.....`
I already searched the forum and did find some things. But there were two problems. 1: Guidance send some message like "Try this!" or "Did you try this?", but there was no link appearing on my screen which would guide me to something I could try. I guess my "Internet Explorer" is experiencing some of the lately well-known problems. 2: There are two things, I don't really understand. First, I looked up the documentation and there is mentioned that I'm supposed to compile wxWindows again to enable ODBC-Usage. But how do I do that? I changed wxUSE_ODBC = 1 three times in setup.h. But I don't know what to do now. Second, I'm supposed to include a file called "odbc32.lib". Where can I find the correct file. I got 5 different files with that name on my harddrive. I didn't find any file in the Dev-C++-Folder though. And how do I include it.
I know a lot of questions. But I would really appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance. | 2. Re: wxWindows & Dev-C++ & wxDb#3062 Posted by: upCASE 2003-12-12 02:25:01 | Hi! Correct, to enable ODBC support in wxWindows you have to have the library compiled with wxUSE_ODBC=1 in setup.h or by using --enable-odbc using configure. Otherwise it won't work and only lead to undefined references. Check http://upcase.malteser-gl.de for a little guide I wrote on compiling wxWindows with Dev-C++. There are other ways to do it, but that way should work for most people.
"odbc32.lib" is a MSVC library. You can't use it with Dev-C++, since Dev uses the gcc compiler. Look for a file called libodbc32.a located somewhere in the /lib dir of your compiler. To link this file in you need to specify -lodbc32 in the linker options of your project.
upcaseupCASE ----------------------------------- If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try! | 3. Re: wxWindows & Dev-C++ & wxDb#3063 Posted by: 2003-12-12 18:45:51 | Thanks, thanks, thanks!
Everything works fine.
Did I forget to thank you.
Anyway, thanks!
By the way: We may live very close to each other... | 4. Re: wxWindows & Dev-C++ & wxDb#3064 Posted by: upCASE 2003-12-12 19:11:28 | Hi! Glad I could be of help!
Guess you're right. xcom - just looked that up. It's D¨?sseldorf, right? Na, da sag ich mal: Gr¨??e aus K?ln :)
There are more germans that use to hang out here I believe, but, anyway, let's keep this forum international ;) If you have a question you can't explain in english, feel free to mail me and I'll try to answer it in our mothertounge.
upcaseupCASE ----------------------------------- If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try! | Forum List • Thread List • Refresh • New Topic • Search • Previous • Next 1  |