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Message1. Include directories in devcpp using environment variables
Posted by: 2004-02-07 03:33:06
Dear Forum,

I have asked this questions in devcpp bloodshed forum,.
but nobody couldn't give me an answer, and therefore
i came to you.

is there any way to set in global options a default
resource directory: for example wxwindowsinclude
If not; how can I set in Project options a relative
path, using a environment variable for example here
WXWIN. I tried (WXWIN), wxwin, $wxwin, ... but
nothing works.

I need for wxwindows the wx.rc, (mine is

but i want
to keep it so, that other people can use my dev file
without setting their wxwindows directory.
(in other words a relative path, and i thought, wxwin
can be used as environment variable)

thank you very much for your (possible)answer :)


Message2. Re: Include directories in devcpp using environment variables
Posted by: 2004-02-07 23:05:50

very strange.
WXWIN is set in environment: c:ProgrammewxWindows-2.4.2include

If I set %WXWIN% this in c++ include directories, everything is ok.

Only if i put this under project options und resource dir,
it is totally ignored.

I tried to call windres from the command line:

c:Eigene Dateiensrcatol_gnuwin>windres.exe -i atol_private.rc -I rc -o
s -O coff --include-dir ../res --include-dir %WXWIN%

it WORKED !!!

What is the reason? A bug? Or "my bug"?

thanks again for possible answer
How can I persuade devcpp to take the environment Inlucde arguments?

Message3. Re: Include directories in devcpp using environment variables
Posted by: 2004-02-11 22:38:08
Hey Francesco,

This may not be the ultimate answer to your problem, but it should be a good clue.  One thing I see wrong is WXWIN should point to your base wxWindows installation directory.  For instance WXWIN should equal c:ProgrammewxWindows-2.4.2 and not c:ProgrammewxWindows-2.4.2include (See for more information.

Note:  The steps listed at the above link are out of date and do not work.  What I did to get my project working in VC++ is open one of the example programs ("minimal" to be precise), and then opened the settings for both minimal and my project, and tab for tab, copied every value correctly over into my project.  This was the only way I could discover the correct compilation settings.

Hope this helps.

Message4. Re: Include directories in devcpp using environment variables
Posted by: 2004-02-13 03:10:58
Hello Tyler,

thank you for your answer and clarification about the wxwin variable.

I think, the thing about including an environment variable in dev-cpp
is a bug. There could also be the possibility to adjust "global" resource
(default" resource dirs as c/c++/lib directories in global settings.

anyway windres do understand ---include-dir %WXWIN%.



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