don't know wxGlade, is it of 2.5, and what's it for? Have you tried, placing the buttons "manually", without sizer:
wxPoint posB1(20, 20);
wxButton *p_button = new wxButton(panel, ID, "button", posB1, wxDefaultSize, wxBU_EXACTFIT, wxDefaultValidator, "name");
the style wxBU_EXACTFIT causes the minimal size. Don't know mutch about sizers, managed it my own by getting the size ( x and y) of the former items while storing it to a added memberdata of a derived class (e.g. MyTxtCtrl) and request them before generating the next item (addind the space between the two items)
Did you think of what will happen, if the frame's size would change? I got this problem before and solved it by using wxScrolledWindow instead of wxPanel...
Hope it helps... Regards Achim |