| Forum List • Thread List • Refresh • New Topic • Search • Previous • Next 1  | 1. New devpacks out!#4080 Posted by: upCASE 2004-05-08 19:10:23 | Hi everybody! As some of you might know I created devpacks for wxWidgets 2.4.2 to be easily installed using the Dev-C++ package management system. Now, I finally had the time to update them and I'm very proud to announce, that the
all new version of my devpacks, updated to wxWidgets version 2.5.1 is ready to be downloaded at http://www.upcase.de
Like in the last release, the devpack contains a FINAL, MONOLITHIC, OpenGL, wxDB release, plus the docs and a template file. The contribs my be downloaded in a second devpack which also can be found on my site.
I hope you like the new release and find it usefull. If there's anything wrong: Post it here and I'll try to fix it when I have time. Comments are welcome!
When I find the time I'll update the tutorial on compiling wxWidgets to version 2.5.1 since the process isn't the same as for 2.4.2.
I do have plans for writing a tutorial series and release it on my site. I thought about planning an application like a text editor, implement the parts of it and release a tutorial part once a week (time is precious :)) If you've got some ideas on what kind of application would be best suited for a tutorial, or if you want to see some special topic covered -> Comment are welcome! But keep in mind: I firstly do want to cover "newbie" (no offense :)) stuff.
upCASE ----------------------------------- If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try! | 2. Re: New devpacks out!#4129 Posted by: 2004-05-16 07:48:35 | When I use your devpaks, I get "multiple definition of 'vtable for wxFrame'" when trying to compile a test application. How can I resolve this? | 3. Re: New devpacks out!#4138 Posted by: 2004-05-16 21:26:39 | Hi
I get the same problem when I make a new project. (New->Project->GUI etc) I don't know whats wrong. | 4. Re: New devpacks out!#4151 Posted by: upCASE 2004-05-17 14:55:46 | Hi! I guess that you're either using a compiler older than 3.3.1 or there are some objetc files allready compiled. Have you tried recompiling the whole project?
upCASE ----------------------------------- If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try! | 5. Re: New devpacks out!#4222 Posted by: 2004-05-25 23:16:05 | hi rené,
got still the same problems (-> http://g.yi.org/forum/read.php?13,3882) while using my compiled libs, and more "multibel definitions of 'vtable for ...'" using your libs. This is my gcc: C:\>gcc --v Reading specs from F:/Compiler/MinGW_3.2_gcc3.3.1/bin/../lib/gcc-lib/mingw32/3.3 .1/specs Configured with: ../gcc/configure --with-gcc --with-gnu-ld --with-gnu-as --host= mingw32 --target=mingw32 --prefix=/mingw --enable-threads --disable-nls --enable -languages=c,c++,f77,objc,ada,java --disable-win32-registry --disable-shared --e nable-sjlj-exceptions --enable-libgcj --disable-java-awt --without-x --enable-ja va-gc=boehm --disable-libgcj-debug --enable-interpreter --enable-hash-synchroniz ation Thread model: win32 gcc version 3.3.1 (mingw special 20030804-1)
Do you or anybody have the correct linking order and content? I wonder if it's a problem with MinGW or with the linking range and/or content?
I would be very glad, if anybody got an idea how to solve it. For fixing a bug wx 2.4.2., I had to update, but since I try, meanwhile 6 weeks ago, no wx is compilable anymore. I'm thinking of changing to WinAPI, tired of this problems...
hopefully achim | 6. Re: New devpacks out!#4223 Posted by: upCASE 2004-05-26 00:44:15 | Hi! I'm really confused... The new devpack has been downloaded about 126 times and no complaints so far. I had a problem like that and recompiling the whole project helped.
My gcc version: Reading specs from c:/mingw32/bin/../lib/gcc-lib/mingw32/3.3.1/specs Configured with: ../gcc/configure --with-gcc --with-gnu-ld --with-gnu-as --host= mingw32 --target=mingw32 --prefix=/mingw --enable-threads --disable-nls --enable -languages=c,c++,f77,objc,ada,java --disable-win32-registry --disable-shared --e nable-sjlj-exceptions --enable-libgcj --disable-java-awt --without-x --enable-ja va-gc=boehm --disable-libgcj-debug --enable-interpreter --enable-hash-synchroniz ation Thread model: win32 gcc version 3.3.1 (mingw special 20030804-1)
Since I don't know what I could propose, I suggest that you either compile the lib yourself or skip back to 2.4.2. I'm sorry. Maybe somebody else can comment?
upCASE ----------------------------------- If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try! | 7. Re: New devpacks out!#4225 Posted by: 2004-05-26 02:16:29 | hi rené,
can you please show me your comlpete linker parameters? these are mine: -lwxbase25d -lwxbase25d_odbc -lwxexpatd -lwxjpegd -lwxmsw25d_adv -lwxmsw25d_core -lwxpngd -lwxregexd -lwxtiffd -lwxzlibd -lws2_32 -lstdc++ -lgcc -lwsock32 -lwinspool -lwinmm -lshell32 -lcomctl32 -lctl3d32 -ladvapi32 -lopengl32 -lglu32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid
(first 10 build by myself, not of your Dev-Pack, but when using your libs, I adjusted it)
I think it possible, that there is the one or other too mutch or less (starting with -lws2_32), or maybe the order of them will cause something, but I don't know enought of these stuff, to be able to deside of this content.
thanx achim | 8. Re: New devpacks out!#4233 Posted by: upCASE 2004-05-26 14:52:53 | Hi! I will post them later this day since right now I'm at work and -> no wxWidgets here :(
That reminds me that mingw seems to have a "problem" with linking order. It may cause the problem you have. I can't remember exactly what it was, but I had something like that too. The solution was to move the wxWidgets lib down in the list. Although I'm pretty sure that the order in which you specify the libs shouldn't play a role, it seems like it does... My guess: Move -lwxmsw25d_adv -lwxmsw25d_core above -lwxmsw25d and see if that does the job...upCASE ----------------------------------- If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try! | 9. Re: New devpacks out!#4247 Posted by: 2004-05-26 23:33:56 | Hi upCase,
first at all thanks a lot for your dev-pack. Ich have got the same problems as Cody, Achim.
C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw25.a(monolib_frame.o)(.rdata$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x0):frame.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxFrame' base.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x0):base.cpp: first defined here C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw25.a(monolib_menu.o)(.rdata$_ZTV14wxMenuItemList+0x0):menu.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxMenuItemList' base.o(.data$_ZTV14wxMenuItemList+0x0):base.cpp: first defined here C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw25.a(monolib_menu.o)(.rdata$_ZTV6wxMenu+0x0):menu.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxMenu' base.o(.data$_ZTV6wxMenu+0x0):base.cpp: first defined here C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw25.a(monolib_object.o)(.rdata$_ZTV8wxObject+0x0):object.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxObject' base.o(.data$_ZTV8wxObject+0x0):base.cpp: first defined here C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw25.a(monolib_menucmn.o)(.rdata$_ZTV10wxMenuBase+0x0):menucmn.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxMenuBase' base.o(.data$_ZTV10wxMenuBase+0x0):base.cpp: first defined here C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw25.a(monolib_menucmn.o)(.rdata$_ZTV20wxwxMenuItemListNode+0x0):menucmn.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxwxMenuItemListNode' base.o(.data$_ZTV20wxwxMenuItemListNode+0x0):base.cpp: first defined here C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw25.a(monolib_list.o)(.rdata$_ZTV10wxListBase+0x0):list.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxListBase' base.o(.data$_ZTV10wxListBase+0x0):base.cpp: first defined here
mingw32-make.exe: *** [Project1.exe] Error 1
Gruss, Martin | 10. Re: New devpacks out!#4248 Posted by: 2004-05-27 00:10:50 | hi,
guess by writing: "My guess: Move -lwxmsw25d_adv -lwxmsw25d_core above -lwxmsw25d" you mean -lwxbase25d instead of -lwxmsw25d, because as I know, it's the new name of it. But I got this order, as you can look in http://www.lpthe.jussieu.fr/~zeitlin/wxWindows/docs/wxwin26.htm#librarieslist too. (An order is playing a role!) I'm more interested in the order of the other linker parameters, which belong all in all to the compiler.
Another question: how did you build the libs? mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc SHARED=1 ...? Or did you use ./configure by MSYS? The first way causes 501 undefined references to nearly everthing (guess 501 is the max number Dev-Cpp will count), the other way generates very angry messages about autoimport in reference to ld.exe. Didn't look specially after it so far, but think I have to, even as lists.wxwidgets.org told me to use ./configure. Any experiences about that?
I wonder what I did do wrong, 126 others can't be wrong!
solong, thanx, achim | 11. Re: New devpacks out!#4249 Posted by: 2004-05-27 00:48:34 | hi mahl23,
did you solve the "multiple definition of `vtable for ...'-problems"? If not: It's a little hard to update Dev-Cpp to another MinGW-version, because you have to look by yourself for double existing files in the directories /bin , /lib and /MinGW/bin and /MinGW/lib , as headers, libs and bins are exiting in /bin btw. /lib . After updating, the new files are in MinGW/..., and you have to delete the doubles in /bin btw. /lib.
Have a look to http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=4587938&forum_id=6572 . They're handling the newest version, but with 3.3.1 it behaves the same.
Removing the potpoury of gcc-vervions will solve the "multiple definition of `vtable for ...'-problem"
hope it helps greez achim | 12. Re: New devpacks out!#4250 Posted by: upCASE 2004-05-27 01:38:51 | Hi! Finally i'm home :) The lib was compiled using the makefile method since my MSYS is pretty outdated. Although it should work with MSYS I can't coment on that.
My linker settings are: -lwxmsw25 -lwxtiff -lwxjpeg -lwxpng -lwxzlib -lwxregex -lwxexpat -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -lwinspool -lwinmm -lshell32 -lcomctl32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lrpcrt4 -ladvapi32 -lwsock32 -lodbc32
./configure is definitly a cool mehtod to compile things, or better: Set things up before compiling. It give you more options than the makefile (about the same as in setup.h). I tried it on a SuSE 8.2 distrib and on Darwin (the MacOS Unix) and it worked like a charm...upCASE ----------------------------------- If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try! | 13. Re: New devpacks out!#4251 Posted by: 2004-05-27 02:20:12 | To achim,
thanks a lot for this advice. I don't know what acctually I have to do. It's too complicated for me. It seems now that I have to return to 2.4.2. It's very pity.
But still thanks a lot.
Regards, mahl23 | 14. Re: New devpacks out!#4252 Posted by: 2004-05-27 03:32:49 | Hello everybody,
I think I will try again, but I need your help.
I downloaded wxWidgets 2.5.1 from www.upcase.de and dev-cpp and it's update version from www.bloodshed.net.
My install steps are:
1. 2. 3. wxWidgets 2.5.1
My error messages:
C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw25.a(monolib_frame.o)(.rdata$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x0):frame.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxFrame' base.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x0):base.cpp: first defined here C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw25.a(monolib_menu.o)(.rdata$_ZTV14wxMenuItemList+0x0):menu.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxMenuItemList' base.o(.data$_ZTV14wxMenuItemList+0x0):base.cpp: first defined here C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw25.a(monolib_menu.o)(.rdata$_ZTV6wxMenu+0x0):menu.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxMenu' base.o(.data$_ZTV6wxMenu+0x0):base.cpp: first defined here C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw25.a(monolib_object.o)(.rdata$_ZTV8wxObject+0x0):object.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxObject' base.o(.data$_ZTV8wxObject+0x0):base.cpp: first defined here C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw25.a(monolib_menucmn.o)(.rdata$_ZTV10wxMenuBase+0x0):menucmn.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxMenuBase' base.o(.data$_ZTV10wxMenuBase+0x0):base.cpp: first defined here C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw25.a(monolib_menucmn.o)(.rdata$_ZTV20wxwxMenuItemListNode+0x0):menucmn.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxwxMenuItemListNode' base.o(.data$_ZTV20wxwxMenuItemListNode+0x0):base.cpp: first defined here C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxmsw25.a(monolib_list.o)(.rdata$_ZTV10wxListBase+0x0):list.cpp: multiple definition of `vtable for wxListBase' base.o(.data$_ZTV10wxListBase+0x0):base.cpp: first defined here
mingw32-make.exe: *** [Project1.exe] Error 1
Just like Achim mentioned, how did the others 126 compile it successfully? Is the method achim mentioned the only chance to compile?
Thanks a lot, Mah123
| 15. Re: New devpacks out!#4263 Posted by: 2004-05-28 08:24:11 | hi mahl23
you have to download MinGW-3.1.0-1.exe and gdb-5.2.1-1.exe from http://www.mingw.org/download.shtml#hdr2 and install it on your dev-cpp directory. delete all files in dev-cpp/bin and dev-cpp/lib that are also in dev-cpp/Mingw/bin btw dev-cpp/Mingw/lib directory (installation of new version makes no sense, if the old is still there, that will cause a potpourry of versions). that's all I guess, maybe you'll need more dowmloads, like MinGW Runtime, but try at first without.
good luck achim | 16. Re: New devpacks out!#4278 Posted by: yeohhs 2004-05-29 10:07:04 | Hello,
First, many thanks to upcase for the new devpak. :-)
MinGW-3.1.0-1.exe contains an older version of GCC compiler.
mah123, you will also need these: http://prdownloads.sf.net/mingw/gcc-core-3.3.1-20030804-1.tar.gz?download http://prdownloads.sf.net/mingw/gcc-g++-3.3.1-20030804-1.tar.gz?download
2.5.1 devpak was built using GCC 3.3.1.
Best Regards, Yeoh -- http://www.yeohhs.com
| 17. Re: New devpacks out!#4283 Posted by: 2004-05-29 17:01:13 | hi and sorry,
yeohhs is right, I forgot, that gcc-core-3.3.1-20030804-1.tar.gz and gcc-g++-3.3.1-20030804-1.tar.gz are necessary to update from 3.2.3. to 3.3.1., btw. thought MinGW-3.1.0-1.exe included 3.3.1. It's some days ago, sorry...
achim | 18. Re: New devpacks out!#4287 Posted by: 2004-05-30 04:59:43 | Hello and thanks a lot to achim and yeohhs,
it works now perfectly. The two zip files gcc-core-3.3.1-20030804-1.tar.gz and gcc-g++-3.3.1-20030804-1.tar.gz are needed, that solves my problem now.
Again, thank you very very much!!
Best Regards, mah123 | 19. Re: New devpacks out!#4293 Posted by: upCASE 2004-05-31 03:27:37 | Hi! Phew, what a relief ;)upCASE ----------------------------------- If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try! | 20. Re: New devpacks out!#4348 Posted by: 2004-06-05 17:56:39 | Hello and thanks too for these DevPaks,
I had the same problem as Mah123. I downloaded and installed (directly into C:\Dev-Cpp\ when prompted by the installer) these files, in this order:
MinGW-3.1.0-1.exe gdb-5.2.1-1.exe gcc-core-3.3.1-20030804-1.tar.gz gcc-g++-3.3.1-20030804-1.tar.gz
Now, I have a different problem. When I try to compile a project that uses wxWidgets, I get these errors:
[Linker error] undefined reference to `Application::wxEntry(HINSTANCE__*, HINSTANCE__*, char*, int)' [Linker error] undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'
The last line appears several times. That's all.
Here are my linker command-line options:
-lnetapi32 -lmpr -lRpkLib -lvResult -lwxmsw25 -lwxtiff -lwxjpeg -lwxpng -lwxzlib -lwxregex -lwxexpat -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -lwinspool -lwinmm -lshell32 -lcomctl32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lrpcrt4 -ladvapi32 -liphlpapi -lws2_32 -lodbc32
The first four are libraries I especially need for my project.
Here are my C++ compiler additional command-line options:
-D_X86_=1 -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -D__WIN95__ -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WIN32__ -DSTRICT -D__WXMSW__ -D__WINDOWS__ -fno-pcc-struct-return -fno-rtti -fstrict-aliasing -finline-functions -DHAVE_BOOL -malign-double -ffast-math -ffunction-cse -falign-functions=4 -falign-jumps=4 -falign-loops=4 -fmessage-length=0
I'm a newbie in advanced MingW configuration/update/options so I'll try anything you'll tell me.
Thanks again, vovor | 21. Re: New devpacks out!#4349 Posted by: upCASE 2004-06-05 23:47:25 | Hi! Have a look at this: http://www14.brinkster.com/aditsu/dev-cpp-faq.html
upCASE ----------------------------------- If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try! | 22. Re: New devpacks out!#4351 Posted by: 2004-06-06 01:14:37 | Hi !
Thanks but I have already read it. Actually, I get to solve half the problem. I just had to recompile the library I had compiled with my previous version of MingW and it removed all the `__gxx_personality_v0' errors.
Now, I'm looking for a solution about the wxEntry error. I have found some postings about it on Google and Google Groups but none solved it. I think the problem comes from a deprecated header or something like that... But I really don't know how this could be possible.
Thanks again, vovor | 23. Re: New devpacks out!#4362 Posted by: upCASE 2004-06-07 14:55:33 | Hi! Weird! Jugding the situation by browsing app.h I'd say that this problem could arise if you left out __WXMSW__ in the define list and/or didn't use IMPLEMENT_APP(). Essentially wxEntry() wraps up the entry code, so it coul be main() WinMain() or nothing (which means you implement it yourself). I guess you wanted a normal lib and are not trying to compile a DLL?
upCASE ----------------------------------- If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try! | 24. Re: New devpacks out!#4387 Posted by: 2004-06-08 17:45:33 | Hi !
I found the solution recently. Actually, IMPLEMENT_APP() must be called out of the namespace Application { }; block. So I finally wrote that :
namespace Application {
Core::Core() { ... }
Now it works!
Thank you all, vovor | 25. Re: New devpacks out!#4433 Posted by: 2004-06-12 15:02:43 | Compiler: Default compiler
Building Makefile: "C:\Program Files\Dev-Cpp\My Projects\Makefile.win"
Executing make...
make.exe -f "C:\Program Files\Dev-Cpp\My Projects\Makefile.win" all
g++.exe hello.o -o "wxTestProject.exe" -L"C:/Program Files/Dev-Cpp/lib"
hello.o(.text+0x86):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppConsole::CheckBuildOptions(char const*, char const*)'
hello.o(.text+0x129):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxEntry(HINSTANCE__*, HINSTANCE__*, char*, int)'
hello.o(.text+0x171):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrameNameStr'
hello.o(.text+0x18b):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxDefaultSize'
hello.o(.text+0x190):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxDefaultPosition'
hello.o(.text+0x272):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxStatusLineNameStr'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x14):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxObject::CreateRefData() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x18):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxObject::CloneRefData(wxObjectRefData const*) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x1c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxEvtHandler::ProcessEvent(wxEvent&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x20):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxEvtHandler::SearchEventTable(wxEventTable&, wxEvent&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x28):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxEvtHandler::TryParent(wxEvent&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x2c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxApp::GetEventTable() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x30):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxApp::GetEventHashTable() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x34):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxEvtHandler::DoSetClientObject(wxClientData*)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x38):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxEvtHandler::DoGetClientObject() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x3c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxEvtHandler::DoSetClientData(void*)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x40):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxEvtHandler::DoGetClientData() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x44):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxApp::Initialize(int&, char**)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x50):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppBase::OnInitGui()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x54):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppBase::OnRun()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x58):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppBase::OnExit()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x5c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxApp::CleanUp()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x64):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppBase::Exit()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x68):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppBase::OnInitCmdLine(wxCmdLineParser&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x6c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppBase::OnCmdLineParsed(wxCmdLineParser&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x70):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppConsole::OnCmdLineHelp(wxCmdLineParser&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x74):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppConsole::OnCmdLineError(wxCmdLineParser&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x78):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppConsole::CreateLogTarget()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x7c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppConsole::CreateMessageOutput()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x80):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppConsole::FilterEvent(wxEvent&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x84):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppConsole::ProcessPendingEvents()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x88):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxApp::Yield(bool)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x8c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxApp::WakeUpIdle()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x90):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppBase::CreateTraits()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x94):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppBase::MainLoop()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x98):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppBase::ExitMainLoop()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0x9c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppBase::Pending()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0xa0):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppBase::Dispatch()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0xa4):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppBase::ProcessIdle()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0xa8):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppBase::SendIdleEvents(wxWindow*, wxIdleEvent&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV13HelloWorldApp+0xc0):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppBase::SetActive(bool, wxWindow*)'
hello.o(.text$_ZN13HelloWorldAppD1Ev+0x16):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxApp::~wxApp()'
hello.o(.text$_ZN13HelloWorldAppD0Ev+0x16):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxApp::~wxApp()'
hello.o(.text$_ZN12wxAppConsole11GetInstanceEv+0x4):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppConsole::ms_appInstance'
hello.o(.text$_ZNK9wxAppBase12GetTopWindowEv+0x1e):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindows'
hello.o(.text$_ZNK9wxAppBase12GetTopWindowEv+0x32):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindows'
hello.o(.text$_ZNK5wxApp12GetClassInfoEv+0x4):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxApp::ms_classInfo'
hello.o(.text$_ZN7wxFrameC1EP8wxWindowiRK8wxStringRK7wxPointRK6wxSizelS4_+0xe):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrameBase::wxFrameBase()'
hello.o(.text$_ZN7wxFrameC1EP8wxWindowiRK8wxStringRK7wxPointRK6wxSizelS4_+0x25):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::Init()'
hello.o(.text$_ZN7wxFrameC1EP8wxWindowiRK8wxStringRK7wxPointRK6wxSizelS4_+0x45):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::Create(wxWindow*, int, wxString const&, wxPoint const&, wxSize const&, long, wxString const&)'
hello.o(.text$_ZN7wxFrameC1EP8wxWindowiRK8wxStringRK7wxPointRK6wxSizelS4_+0x5b):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrameBase::~wxFrameBase()'
hello.o(.text$_ZN13HelloWorldAppC1Ev+0xd):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxApp::wxApp()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0xc):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::~wxFrame()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x10):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::~wxFrame()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x14):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxObject::CreateRefData() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x18):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxObject::CloneRefData(wxObjectRefData const*) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxEvtHandler::ProcessEvent(wxEvent&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x20):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxEvtHandler::SearchEventTable(wxEventTable&, wxEvent&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x24):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::TryValidator(wxEvent&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x28):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::TryParent(wxEvent&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x2c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::GetEventTable() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x30):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::GetEventHashTable() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x34):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxEvtHandler::DoSetClientObject(wxClientData*)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x38):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxEvtHandler::DoGetClientObject() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x3c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxEvtHandler::DoSetClientData(void*)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x40):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxEvtHandler::DoGetClientData() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x44):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindowBase::Destroy()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x48):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::SetTitle(wxString const&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x4c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::GetTitle() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x60):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::Raise()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x64):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::Lower()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x68):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrameBase::GetClientAreaOrigin() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x6c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::Fit()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x70):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::FitInside()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x74):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::SetSizeHints(int, int, int, int, int, int)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x78):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::SetVirtualSizeHints(int, int, int, int)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x84):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindowBase::GetMaxSize() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x88):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::DoSetVirtualSize(int, int)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x8c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::DoGetVirtualSize() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x94):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindowMSW::Show(bool)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x98):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::Enable(bool)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x9c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::SetWindowStyleFlag(long)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0xac):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::MakeModal(bool)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0xbc):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::SetFocus()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0xc0):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::SetFocusFromKbd()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0xdc):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::Reparent(wxWindowBase*)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0xe0):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::AddChild(wxWindowBase*)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0xe4):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::RemoveChild(wxWindowBase*)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0xe8):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::SetValidator(wxValidator const&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0xf0):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::Validate()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0xf4):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::TransferDataToWindow()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0xf8):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::TransferDataFromWindow()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0xfc):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::InitDialog()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x104):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::RegisterHotKey(int, int, int)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x108):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::UnregisterHotKey(int)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x10c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::WarpPointer(int, int)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x114):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::Refresh(bool, wxRect const*)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x118):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::Update()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x11c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::ClearBackground()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x120):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::Freeze()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x124):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::Thaw()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x12c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::SetBackgroundColour(wxColour const&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x130):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::SetForegroundColour(wxColour const&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x134):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::SetCursor(wxCursor const&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x138):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::SetFont(wxFont const&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x13c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::GetCharHeight() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x140):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::GetCharWidth() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x144):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::GetTextExtent(wxString const&, int*, int*, int*, int*, wxFont const*) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x148):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrameBase::UpdateWindowUI(long)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x14c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindowBase::DoUpdateWindowUI(wxUpdateUIEvent&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x150):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::SetScrollbar(int, int, int, int, bool)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x154):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::SetScrollPos(int, int, bool)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x158):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::GetScrollPos(int) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x15c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::GetScrollThumb(int) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x160):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::GetScrollRange(int) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x164):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::ScrollWindow(int, int, wxRect const*)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x168):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::ScrollLines(int)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x16c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::ScrollPages(int)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x170):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::SetDropTarget(wxDropTarget*)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x178):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::SetConstraintSizes(bool)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x17c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::LayoutPhase1(int*)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x180):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::LayoutPhase2(int*)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x184):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::DoPhase(int)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x188):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::SetSizeConstraint(int, int, int, int)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x18c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::MoveConstraint(int, int)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x190):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::GetSizeConstraint(int*, int*) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x194):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::GetClientSizeConstraint(int*, int*) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x198):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::GetPositionConstraint(int*, int*) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x19c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::Layout()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1a0):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrameBase::OnInternalIdle()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1a8):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::GetDefaultBorder() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1ac):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindowBase::DoClientToScreen(int*, int*) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1b0):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindowBase::DoScreenToClient(int*, int*) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1b4):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::DoHitTest(int, int) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1b8):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::DoCaptureMouse()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1bc):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::DoReleaseMouse()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1c0):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::DoGetPosition(int*, int*) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1c4):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::DoGetSize(int*, int*) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1c8):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::DoGetClientSize(int*, int*) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1cc):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::DoGetBestSize() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1d0):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::DoSetSize(int, int, int, int, int)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1d4):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::DoSetClientSize(int, int)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1d8):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::DoMoveWindow(int, int, int, int)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1dc):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::DoSetToolTip(wxToolTip*)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1e0):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::DoPopupMenu(wxMenu*, int, int)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1e4):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::AdjustForParentClientOrigin(int&, int&, int) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1e8):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::DragAcceptFiles(bool)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1ec):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::LoadNativeDialog(wxWindow*, int&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1f0):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::LoadNativeDialog(wxWindow*, wxString const&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1f8):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindowMSW::MSWGetStyle(long, unsigned long*) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x1fc):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindowMSW::MSWGetParent() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x200):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::MSWCommand(unsigned, unsigned short)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x204):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::CreateWindowFromHWND(wxWindow*, unsigned long)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x208):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::AdoptAttributesFromHWND()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x20c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::SetupColours()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x210):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::MSWOnScroll(int, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned long)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x214):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::MSWOnNotify(int, long, long*)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x218):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::MSWOnDrawItem(int, void**)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x21c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::MSWOnMeasureItem(int, void**)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x220):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::MSWWindowProc(unsigned, unsigned, long)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x224):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::MSWDefWindowProc(unsigned, unsigned, long)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x228):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::MSWShouldPreProcessMessage(void**)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x22c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::MSWProcessMessage(void**)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x230):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::MSWTranslateMessage(void**)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x234):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::MSWDestroyWindow()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x238):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindow::OnCtlColor(unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, long)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x23c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindowMSW::Maximize(bool)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x240):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindowMSW::Restore()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x244):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindowMSW::Iconize(bool)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x248):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindowMSW::IsMaximized() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x24c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindowMSW::IsIconized() const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x250):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindowMSW::SetIcon(wxIcon const&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x254):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindowMSW::SetIcons(wxIconBundle const&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x258):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::ShowFullScreen(bool, long)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x260):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxTopLevelWindowMSW::SetShape(wxRegion const&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x264):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrameBase::IsOneOfBars(wxWindow const*) const'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x268):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::SendSizeEvent()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x26c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrameBase::SetMenuBar(wxMenuBar*)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x274):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrameBase::CreateStatusBar(int, long, int, wxString const&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x278):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::OnCreateStatusBar(int, long, int, wxString const&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x280):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrameBase::SetStatusText(wxString const&, int)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x284):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrameBase::SetStatusWidths(int, int const*)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x288):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::CreateToolBar(long, int, wxString const&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x28c):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrameBase::OnCreateToolBar(long, int, wxString const&)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x298):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrameBase::DoGiveHelp(wxString const&, bool)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x2a0):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrameBase::DetachMenuBar()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x2a4):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::AttachMenuBar(wxMenuBar*)'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x2a8):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::PositionStatusBar()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x2ac):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::PositionToolBar()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x2b0):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::InternalSetMenuBar()'
hello.o(.data$_ZTV7wxFrame+0x2b8):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::GetDefaultIcon() const'
hello.o(.text$_ZN12wxStringBaseC2EPKc+0x8):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxStringBase::npos'
hello.o(.text$_ZN12wxStringBaseC2EPKc+0x15):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxStringBase::InitWith(char const*, unsigned, unsigned)'
hello.o(.text$_ZNK12wxWindowBase10HasCaptureEv+0x7):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::GetCapture()'
hello.o(.text$_ZN12wxAppConsole22SetInitializerFunctionEPFPS_vE+0x7):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxAppConsole::ms_appInitFn'
hello.o(.text$_ZNK7wxFrame12GetClassInfoEv+0x4):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxFrame::ms_classInfo'
hello.o(.text$_ZN8wxStringaSERKS_+0x10):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxStringBase::operator=(wxStringBase const&)'
hello.o(.text$_ZN18wxAcceleratorTableaSERKS_+0x25):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxObject::Ref(wxObject const&)'
hello.o(.text$_ZN12wxStringBase4InitEv+0x7):hello.cpp: undefined reference to `wxEmptyString'
make.exe: *** [wxTestProject.exe] Error 1
Execution terminated what the hell is the problem?! I got devpack 2.5.1 and dec-c++
| 26. Re: New devpacks out!#4437 Posted by: 2004-06-12 17:24:39 | Hi!
I think you didn't link with the wxWidgets library file. In upCASE's wx2.5.1 DevPak, this file is named libwxmsw25.a and can be found in the Dev-Cpp\lib directory. So you have to go to your project's properties and add the -lwxmsw25 line to "Linker settings". Have a look at the page 1 of this thread, upCASE and me have detailed our "Linker settings".
Good luck! vovor | 27. Re: New devpacks out!#4440 Posted by: upCASE 2004-06-12 23:57:14 | Hi! In fact it looks like you don't link with ANY libraries and didn't use the needed defines (like __WXMSW__). Open the project template that came with my devpack and copy the compiler and linker settings to your project.
upCASE ----------------------------------- If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try! | 28. Re: New devpacks out!#4444 Posted by: 2004-06-13 05:50:05 | I just use your example and it gets an error:
C:\Program Files\Dev-Cpp\My Projects\Makefile.win [Build Error] [Project1_private.res] Error 1
WTF? | 29. Re: New devpacks out!#4449 Posted by: upCASE 2004-06-13 21:23:59 | Hi! Go to "project options" and select "Windows GUI" as project type, recompile. This is not my fault, not the fault of my devpack. It's a known problem of dev-c++.
And btw: It's not a good idea to have dev-c++ or projects in dirs with spaces.
upCASE ----------------------------------- If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try! | Forum List • Thread List • Refresh • New Topic • Search • Previous • Next 1  |