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Message1. wxW wannabe questions
Posted by: 2004-06-24 02:07:53
hi everyone!

ok, this is the story: i got a 'suggestion' to use wxW, and not only because it's free (-:

the thing is, i WANT to use it, but i have only _one_ chance to download everything i need to use it (it's a favor). now, AFAIK, i will need gcc (which i can find on my mandrake distro), MingW (which is available at the homesite, but there are soooo many links available i really don't know where to click). then, i would need some IDE, and Dev-C++ seems kewl, and fairly easy to download. also, i would need some other stuff, like dialog editor etc.. since folks here have been using wxW for a while, i thought some of you might have a pack of links already available, titled: all-you-will-ever-need-for-wxWidgets. (-:

if you do, please post and get me to the free software world (-:

oh yeah, keep in mind that i'm spoiled by M$'s Visual Studio IDE & tools.. |-:

Message2. Re: wxW wannabe questions
Posted by: upCASE 2004-06-24 21:23:50
Well, I'm not quite sure about what you mean with this "_one_ chance" to download thing, but anyway: Home of Dev-C++ Home of the MinGW compiler. Download the latest setup  and update it by unpacking the archives with the new releases over it. The master resource :) Another really good resource ;) A cool free dialog editor My site, may be usefull... You'll find a tutorial on compiling wxWidgets there and the devpacks for version 2.5.1. Be sure to update mingw before using the devpacks. This has been discussed here in the forum.

Hope that helps.

If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try!
Message3. Re: wxW wannabe questions
Posted by: HeReSY 2004-06-25 22:08:51

i think he looks for some downloads for his linux mashine. Because he wrote something about a mandrake distro.

Just take a look at kdevelop as an ide.
If you make an update from your distri, you can download the latest wxWidgets package. Under Linux they're called wxGTK.

Message4. Re: wxW wannabe questions
Posted by: upCASE 2004-06-25 23:29:57
Shit, must have overlooked that... :)
I'd choose Anjuta as an IDE.

If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try!
Message5. Re: wxW wannabe questions
Posted by: 2004-06-29 18:11:23
em....sorry for my late reply.

> ;)

mmm, it sayz i need wxPython for this one..well, do i? what is wxPython??


MAY be usefull?? damn, you're some modest dude(-: your site is quite usefull! nice and simple design too, btw. makes your site even better. there is one thing i don't understand though: WHAT IS a 'devpak'?

oh yeah, i'm looking for stuff for windoze AND linux, i'm currently using both (hm...more or less..), so no link is useless, just...bring it on!! (-: so far, i understand that wxWidgets is for windoze and wxGTK is for linux. since this is common, what other libs will i need on linux?

about that _one_ chance: i've asked a friend to download all this (over bleeding ADSL at her work), because i have no net connection @ my /home .. it would be kinda awkward to ask for a download again and again know (-:

thank you all, this will make my search much easier and faster.


Message6. Re: wxW wannabe questions
Posted by: upCASE 2004-06-30 00:04:44
"wxWidgets is for windoze and wxGTK is for linux"
Yes and no. wxWidgets is the name of the library on both systems, but people often refer to wxGTK on linux since wxWidgets uses the GTK toolkit. But it can use X11 too if you like it. There even was something like wxQT, but think development has stopped.

wxGlade: On Windows just download the executable and be happy. You don't really need Python and wxPython for that (Python is a programming language and wxPython is a GUI binding). I'm not sure how this works on linux (but normally you should have Python available with your distro).

"what other libs will i need on linux"
Except the GTK devel stuff? I guess nothing but the installed libs. I can't really comment on that, because I haven't worked on linux in a while. But I can assure you that compiling wxWidgets wasn't a big deal back when I tried it (On a SuSE 8.1 distro).

"WHAT IS a 'devpak'"
A devpack is an archive that carries some setup infos. Dev-C++ has a package manager with which you can "install" these devpacks. Problem is that for my devpacks you'll need to update the mingw compiler to the latest version. See other forum posts about that topic. In general I do not recommend to use the devpacks (although they should work). Compile the lib yourself and you'll have something that actually works with your setup :)

GUI Editor:
There are others, but most of them are commercial. Check for some of them. Still, I'd recommend wxGlade.
You may want to give wxDev-C++ a try: Check this link
It is a real nice try, but unfortunatly it still has many bugs.
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try!
Message7. Re: wxW wannabe questions
Posted by: 2004-06-30 00:09:59
mmm, it sayz i need wxPython for this one..well, do i? what is wxPython??
Python is a high level programming language (think about Java, well it's the same but better), if you want more informations, Python should already be installed on most Linux systems (as well as Mac OS X), but may not be up to date.
wxPython is the Python wxWidgets port (aka WxWidgets for the Python programming language)
Message8. Re: wxW wannabe questions
Posted by: 2004-06-30 03:33:54
blast you all, i know what python is! (-: i'm not that n00b, i'm just new to this open source/free software stuff. and i just didn't understand WHY would i need wxPython for wxGlade (assuming that i just download .exe)

Still, I'd recommend wxGlade.
You may want to give wxDev-C++ a try

i think i'll take your advice, you seem to know what you're talking about (-:

In general I do not recommend to use the devpacks (although they should work). Compile the lib yourself and you'll have something that actually works with your setup :)

em, ok. so i shouldn't bother with devpaks at all? kewl, one thing less to think of.. (-:

oh and, how is wxW linked to my app when it's compiled? do users have to install some 'runtime', or do i get a few .dlls or something to distribute with the app?

actually this is what i like about this kind of software: look at all the technical support from you guys! when i finally start learning wxW, i'll be visiting this forum quite a lot... (-8
Message9. Re: wxW wannabe questions
Posted by: upCASE 2004-06-30 15:28:02
"how is wxW linked to my app when it's compiled? do users have to install some 'runtime', or do i get a few .dlls or something to distribute with the app?"
That would depend on you and how you would like it :)
wxWidgets can be compiled as a DLL or a static lib. Logically when using the DLL your apps will be much smaller but you'll have to ditribute the DLL along with it. With the static lib you'll need nothing but your app (except when using mingw which in fact would need some mingw DLL. It's rather small, 12 kb I think, and about multithreaded apps)

"so i shouldn't bother with devpaks at all?"
I didn't say that :)
Download them and decide if they're handy for you. Normally compiling the lib yourself is the best way, but if you're lazy or something doesn't work right, they might be a good way to get started. Be sure to get both (lib/contrib) for both versions (2.4.2/2.5.1).
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try!
Message10. Re: wxW wannabe questions
Posted by: 2004-07-01 00:21:11
hm, that's fine with me! i'm quite kewl with dlls lately (-:

say, in case i decide to download devpaks, what's the right place to do it? (well, except your site of course:-))
Message11. Re: wxW wannabe questions
Posted by: upCASE 2004-07-01 15:03:50
I guess there is no "right", like official, place to download devpacks. You may try for the 2.4.2 devpacks.

"i'm quite kewl with dlls lately"
Good, but don't say I didn't warn you: Static libs are the standard and I guess there's a reason for that :)
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try!
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