Guidance Forums / wxWidgets (wxWindows) in C++ / ANN: new wx-devcpp 6.4 beta

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Message1. ANN: new wx-devcpp 6.4 beta
Posted by: 2004-11-08 16:00:46
Hello all,
I’m proud to announce the availability of the final build of wx-devcpp beta 6.4. Thanks to all the beta tester to make this release a reality. This version sports almost all the advanced controls of the wxWidgets. More than 25 new components are added to this release. The most notable feature of this version is the support for the wxFrame, wxToolBar, wxStatusbar and wxMenuBar components. Following are the fixes/features available with this version:

1.    Added Full support wxFrame Designer.
2.    Added Full support for wxPanel, wxNotebook etc.
3.    Added Full support for Toolbar and Menu Designer.
4.    Added Field Editor for the Statusbar Component.
5.    Added more than 25 new components(which includes Borland Delphi Style component for Common Dialogs).
6.    Lots and Lots of Bug Fixes.
7.    Support for Tansperant XPM images.
8.    Support for Cut-Copy-Paste Shortcut keys for the Designer.
9.    Upgraded the wx Library to 2.5.3.
10.    Added utility libraries for IniFile, SHA encryption, etc.
11.    Added Borland Delphi/BCB helper functions Check the borland-migration directory.
12.    Support for running wx-devCpp in Single instance mode.
13.    Abiity to invoke custom file extension with custom program.
14.    Fixed some weird form saving errors.
15.    Addes support for including wx's windows resource File .
16.    Added support for XPM and PNG image import.
17.    Fixed some weird program crash bug when deleting controls.

You can download the full version from:

If you find this program useful, please donate some money to the wxWidgets development community. You can find more info about the donation information at

If you find any problem with the program, please feel free to submit your bugs at:

You can find more info at

Guru Kathiresan
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