even though it isnt in RapidQ has there been 3d animation libraries written?
2. Re: 3d Animation
Posted by: 2003-09-09 02:18:42
In RapidQ has DirectX and Direct3D RM objects(QDX and QD3D) that could be used for 2D sprites animations and rotate 3D mesh using .Move properties. But it also allow us to call DLL as SUB and FUNCTION similar to VB.
What we don't have is people that making animation related examples of it or porting similar VB codes to RapidQ. I guess, it required understanding in DirectX and animation in depth. Mostly user of RapidQ is very beginner Basic users that want to escape VB or just a pure novice like me. Some experts in RapidQ coding mostly has no time to write such an examples but good in other areas...
What would be nice is a simple program that loads a bitmap in memory, then textures it on a simple rectangle. and makes it flip/rotate like a snowflake...