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Message1. Exe file sizes
Posted by: 2003-06-08 00:45:47
Is there problem with my compiler/computer etc. or are simple wxWindows programs normally almost 2MB large?

I did install wxWindows with DevPaks. Compiler is WinGW which comes with dev-cpp

Is there any way to optimize size?
I tried optimize file size with line which were in welcome message, but it didn't work.

Cross-platform programming would be great, but those file sizes are not very cool...
Message2. Re: Exe file sizes
Posted by: guidance 2003-06-08 09:06:51
Try this(-s):

Usually I got about 1MB exe size. Then I'll use UPX to compress. After that would be 500~700kB. It should be acceptable for most cases.

The benefit of wxWindows is not only the cross-platform portability, but also the good wrap of low level OS GUI APIs, and more, like wxString, event table, wxArray, wxGrid etc.

With wxWindows, we can save time for learning detail low level Windows APIs. I strongly believe, we have to write programs for other OS than ms-Windows in not so far future. At that time, we still needn't dive into various OSes too deeply.
Message3. Re: Exe file sizes
Posted by: 2003-06-08 17:18:42
Now I got smaller than 1MB size. Smaller sizes are not very important yet, because I'm learning wxWindows and file size optimizing can be done later.
Anyway it's good to know that it's possible make smaller files.

Thanks a lot ! :)
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