| Forum List • Thread List • Reply • Refresh • New Topic • Search • Previous • Next 1  | 1. ScrollPane#2915 Posted by: lea 2003-11-19 21:30:54 | Yet another question:)!
It is possible, to blend out (bad english?) a scrollpane, when it is not needed, and show it again when it is needed. In Java there is option to do this automaticly. Maybe there is an option in wxWindows i did not recognize? | 2. Re: ScrollPane#2942 Posted by: upCASE 2003-11-22 01:57:55 | Hi! Sorry I didn't answer before.
I guess you mean the scrollbars when using a wxTextCtrl. Again, this is a problem of the underlying API, meaning Windows handles the scrollbars for the text control. But if you use wxTE_RICH as the control style on a wxTE_MULTILINE, it works. Then the scrollbars are only shown when needed.
upcaseupCASE ----------------------------------- If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try! | 3. Re: ScrollPane#2948 Posted by: lea 2003-11-22 16:03:18 | Not really, because there is the linewrap. When i use wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_RICH there is just a vertical srollbar (shown only if needed) When i use wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_RICH | wxTE_DONTWRAP it is the same. When i use wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_DONTWRAP there are two scrollbars (good), but they are visible all the time (bad).
So what i need are two scrollbars (horizontal and vertical) and they should only be drawn if necessary. | 4. Re: ScrollPane#2949 Posted by: lea 2003-11-22 16:09:19 | By the way there is surely no duty for you to answer my newbish questions:). Anyway, i am very happy that you are helping me with my problems, the documentation of wxWindows is quite poor:(. | 5. Re: ScrollPane#2951 Posted by: upCASE 2003-11-23 02:29:25 | Hi! Well, I don't think it to be my duty to answer all questions, but after all being a regular and moderator in this forum, I simply try to answer the questions I can answer, even if the answer sometimes is not 100% correct or leads to a good solution. :) You're quite right: Sometimes the docs are simply to short... I still hope that the docs in the next version will be better (judging from the wx 2.5 docs I guess they WILL )
"By the way there is surely no duty for you to answer my newbish questions:)." Well, after all: What's a forum good for if you don't share your knowledge? Especially when you've got a "newbish" question but want to learn something and I know the answer or at least a pointer to a solution...
To the real problem: Have a look at the wxScrolledWindow class. I'm not sure and currently don't have the time to try, but maybe you could do what you want using it.
Anyway, there are some classes I know from other frameworks that could be an addition to wxWindows, like a QWidgetStack, owner drawn borders and maybe even a scrollPane. When I find the time I'll try to implement basic versions of these. One last word: Allways be reminded that wxWindows, Qt and such are not Java :) They have many features Java offers, but still use the underlying API for all systems they where ported to, so some things may never be there, just because they can't be implemented in a cross platform way...
upcaseupCASE ----------------------------------- If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try! | 6. Re: ScrollPane#2959 Posted by: lea 2003-11-24 06:09:19 | Java != wxWindows, agreed!
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