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Message1. Help a new user
Posted by: 2003-11-26 20:35:24
I'm a new user.

I'm tring to compile an example using the resource.

The linker error are the following :

[Linker error] undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::LoadFromResource(wxWindow*, wxString const&, wxResourceTable const*)'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::CreateItem(wxItemResource const*, wxItemResource const*, wxResourceTable const*)'

What is missing.

Please help me.

Message2. Re: Help a new user
Posted by: upCASE 2003-11-27 20:11:04

Please be a little bit more specific. What version of wxWindows do you use? What are you trying to do? What example do you try to compile (if it is a wxWindows example post the name, otherwise consider posting a little bit of your code of which you think that it causes the error)?

If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try!
Message3. Re: Help a new user
Posted by: 2003-11-27 21:02:59

I would like to compile and execute a simple example I found in VisualVx.

It does not use resources but I want to use them so I put to 1 Wx_USE_RESOURCES and PROLOG_IO in set_up.h.

I'm using wxWindows ver. 2.4.2 with Dev-C++ ver.

Thanks a lot
Message4. Re: Help a new user
Posted by: upCASE 2003-11-29 02:32:17
Quting from setup.h
"/ use wxExpr (a.k.a. PrologIO)
#define wxUSE_PROLOGIO          1

// Use .wxr resource mechanism (requires PrologIO library)
#define wxUSE_WX_RESOURCES      1"

I'm not sure if wxr works, because the new resource system XRC was introduced a while ago. Currently it's in the contrib but soon it will be standard.

Sorry to be of no help here, but I never used wxr files.

If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try!
Message5. Re: Help a new user
Posted by: defaulk 2004-03-24 05:19:49
I'm having this same problem.  Still no ideas?  I looked at XCR, but that only loads at runtime, right? or can you get those to be compiled into the app?
Message6. Re: Help a new user
Posted by: 2004-03-24 18:21:31
Seems to me the linker does not find the right libraries.

Happened to mee, too. To resolve this issue, first find the libraries that are missing (e.g. by searching all files on your harddrive for the function names reported in the error list - it's crude, but works and you'll have time for making a coffee ;-). Then add these library files to the list somewhere deep down in the compiler options of your IDE or your makefile.

Best of success,

Message7. Re: Help a new user
Posted by: 2004-03-25 14:53:33
Do you add the wxxrc library to your project ? It must be linked to your project to make the wxrc works. Also be sure to put it before the wxmsw library in the list of linked libs.

I'm not sure it will solve your problem but ... :)

Message8. Re: Help a new user
Posted by: 2005-03-01 22:54:13
Roberto Wrote:
> I'm a new user.I'm tring to compile an example
> using the resource.The linker error are the
> following :? undefined reference to
> `wxWindowBase::LoadFromResource(wxWindow*,
> wxString const&, wxResourceTable
> const*)'? undefined reference to
> `wxWindowBase::CreateItem(wxItemResource const*,
> wxItemResource const*, wxResourceTable
> const*)'What is missing.Please help me.Bye

You need to recompile the whole library with the new setting
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