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Message1. cant use code completion feature in dev-c++
Posted by: 2004-08-04 18:09:06
write c code and found the code completion cant!
Message2. Re: cant use code completion feature in dev-c++
Posted by: 2004-08-06 04:11:19

I have the same problem with Dev-cpp, code completition dislplays only MY classes and NOT wxWidget which is well...not quite usefull. if anyone has the solution to this heeeeelp!:-)
Message3. GOT IT!
Posted by: 2004-08-17 06:38:55
hi again,

I got it! It's not as good as it should be, but it good enough! Under options (can't remember the exact location) there is a checkbox "Use cached code completition" or something similar. Check that, and then click "add" or whatever it's called and then go to the include folder of wxWidgets, press CTRL+A and hit OK. That should to it (well, at least a bit..)

sorry if some tips are wrong, i'm writing this from my memory.. (-:
Message4. Re: cant use code completion feature in dev-c++
Posted by: firefox78 2004-08-19 22:43:33
  My way is using C++Builder6.0 to edit code,using Dev-Cpp to compile.
  Bcb6 is very strong for the code completion!!
Message5. Re: cant use code completion feature in dev-c++
Posted by: 2004-09-02 07:23:44
it is because of poor struct parsing. DEV can not understand typedefs. For an example, if you need WNDCLASS then try to use WNDCLASSA. And also others. Use only "tag_" names.
Message6. Re: cant use code completion feature in dev-c++
Posted by: 2004-10-12 05:35:00
In the editor options, click the Class browsing tab and select the completion tab. In that add all the files in the \include\wx\msw . Dont add the header in the include\wx\ . There is a problem in DevC++ which doesnt parse the headers with ifdef specific to windows. You can also use wx-devcpp which configures the wx code completion automatically.
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