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Message1. opinions wanted + some linux questions
Posted by: 2004-08-17 05:22:07
hi again!

first the bad news:

how to work with wxW and KDevelop?? or Anjuta?? I have SuSE 9.0 and with Anjuta I got some error I cannot understand at all (damn..forgot to write it down..something about not being able to find something..:-)). I don't even know where to start with KDevelop. If anyone knows how to start a new project, or create a template or something, please help :-))

and the good news:

my first mini wxApp is done! if you have 5 minutes, please take a look at it and tell what you think. It's called wxTP (short for wxToiletPaper), and you can get it at my site: (site) (proggy description) (direct link, 1,26 Megs)

wxTP is used to "safely" wipe a file off the hard drive (the file is first overwritten with random junk as many times as you want and then removed).

Special note to upCASE, you have been mentioned in the readme file :-) Thanx a BUNCH!

Message2. Re: opinions wanted + some linux questions
Posted by: upCASE 2004-08-25 18:37:04
Used Anjuta here with SuSE 8.2. After "make/make install" compilation with Anjuta just went fine. Simply try the project template for wxWigets.

PS: Thanks for mentioning me :)
Nobody expects the spanish inquisition! :)
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!- Do. Or do not. There is no try!
Message3. Re: opinions wanted + some linux questions
Posted by: 2004-08-26 04:30:47

I think I did that "make/make install" thingie..and I did use the wxW template in Anjuta (how sad). Anyways, I now remember what the error was: it seems that Anjuta "forgets" to create something, because make complains something about not being able to find or valid make target etc.. well, something like that..

Maybe I'm doing something wrong within Anjuta itself, because (now I feel "a bit" ashamed) I have never programmed for linux, and I have no idea how make works in there (or anywhere), what is the order of clicking on that build menu?? I have no idea, but I tend to discover: it would be totaly kewl to create a REAL multiplatform app..(-:

Thanks for mentioning me:)

Don't mention it, you deserve it!(-:

Nobody expects the spanish inquisition!:)

Say, what are your primary weapons??(-:
Message4. Re: opinions wanted + some linux questions
Posted by: T1TAN 2004-09-04 03:30:18
finaly I wrote the damn thing down:

when I first try to create a project, this happens:
first and second messagebox:

"Unable to create file: /home/t1tan/Projects/smece/setup-gettext.
System: No such file or directory"

"ERROR: The Project was not successfully auto generated.
Please run manually."

Build output warnings & errors:

grep: ./ No such file or directory
**Warning**: I am going to run 'configure' with no arguments.

Running configure ...
./ line 146: ./configure: No such file or directory
Auto generation completed...........Unsuccessful

Surprisingly: compiling the was completed successfully.


Building source directory of the Project smece ...
make ?keep-going
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
Build completed..............Unsuccessful

I have also tried to run manually and I got the same output as Anjuta did.. I have also tried to create a project without gettext support, nothing changes..

The minimal sample compiled successfully. I have no idea what is going on.
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