Guidance Forums / wxWidgets (wxWindows) in C++ / ANN: new wx-devcpp 6.3 beta

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Message1. ANN: new wx-devcpp 6.3 beta
Posted by: 2004-10-15 17:40:13
Hello all,
I have released the wx-devcpp beta 6.3 beta today.
Please visit   for more details.

Please report your bugs at
(I know no one uses this , but please, this helps in fixing the current bugs and add some notable developer productivity features that can match VC++)

Download the file from :

Following are the features/bugfixes you can see in this version.
Version History - List of changes/additions 1)Full support for Color and Font properties.
2)Full support for Bitmap(XPM) supports for TStaticBitmap and Icons in dialog.
3)Added full support for context sensitive help for wxWidgets classes(Hit F1 on a wxWidgets class and see how it works !).
4)Added partial support for wxGrid and wxBitmapButton controls.
5)Fixed an installer issue where the wx-devcpp ignores the wx include directories.
6)Fixed the issue in creating XPM from certain bitmaps.
7)Added couple of developer productivity enhancing tools - (like kings tools for VS.NET 2003) 8)Support for running dev-cpp in single instance mode(very usefull when combined with VC++ (with wx-devcpp used just as form designer)).
9)Changing a widget name will automatically update it ID.
10)Fixed an issue in the View widgets ID option.
11)Added stretch factor property for all the widgets.
12)Styles for all widgets are generated properly.
13)Fixed a bug where Source and Designer are not synced when changing certain properties like bitmap, listcolumns etc.
14)Fixed a bug where StaticLine when placed in the sizers is placed in the wrong location.

Guru Kathiresan
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