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Message1. wx-devcpp beta 6 released
Posted by: 2004-09-29 14:58:28
Hi All,
I have made some fixes to my wx-devcpp IDE. Please check for details.

Message2. Re: wx-devcpp beta 6 released
Posted by: mooncake 2004-09-29 23:53:11
When i trying to compile my codes, it prompt me much errors.... (it is free error on devcpp 4.9.8).. What happen?

Thank you....
Message3. Re: wx-devcpp beta 6 released
Posted by: 2004-10-01 09:11:17
Can you please post  your error messages or send them to me @ gururamnath @at yahoo dot . com.
Message4. Re: wx-devcpp beta 6 released
Posted by: 2004-10-08 08:28:06
Hi, I tried this a while ago and just remembered to come back and look for an update, but the only option now is a bundle with mingw and wxWidgets!!!! Whats up with that?

Where's the exe?
Message5. Re: wx-devcpp beta 6 released
Posted by: 2004-10-10 23:30:06
Hello? Can anyone put up the exe somewhere? I don't fancy downloading 18 times more than I need to. I was very impressed with the first version I tried and would rather support this than use wxGlade (which is excellent). I'm not sure which version I did get ( as creation date is '16 September' and modyfied date is '3 June'!!
Message6. Re: wx-devcpp beta 6 released
Posted by: 2004-10-12 05:36:50
Sorry to give the full package. I have uploaded a yet to be released 6.3 beta exe at

Please let me know if this is of any help.

Message7. Re: wx-devcpp beta 6 released
Posted by: 2004-10-12 08:55:18
Hi, thanks, looks great, just one problem, it needs the template files, I didn't notice this before:

 "Moved the wxDialog Template from the executable to the Templates directory. when using this beta, be sure to copy wxDlg.cpp.code and wxDlg.h.code to Templates directory or you cannot create wxWidgets Form by clicking the New->New wxForm."

So I guess it needs those to be complete.

Oh I figured out why the creation date was after the modified date, it seems upx does that, never noticed before.

Thanks, Adam.
Message8. Re: wx-devcpp beta 6 released
Posted by: 2004-10-12 14:31:46
I have updated the zip file. Now the zip contains both the executable and the template code.
Hope this will be of help.

-Guru Kathiresan
Message9. Re: wx-devcpp beta 6 released
Posted by: 2004-10-13 03:51:51
Working great now. Wow, coming along nicely, the UI is very busy, but I suppose it has to be, although it'll scare noobs to death. Can't wait to get stuck into playing around.

Thanks again, Adam.
Message10. Re: wx-devcpp beta 6 released
Posted by: 2004-10-14 03:52:29
It would be really great if you can send your feedback about the program. if you have a wishlist about the things you would like to see in the next release, please let me know.
Guru Kathiresan
Message11. Re: wx-devcpp beta 6 released
Posted by: 2004-10-25 03:46:40
Hi , I just downloaded and istalled the latest release of wx-devcpp and it works great! I am up and running making GUI apps , the class view is very cool, as well as the event window. It is DevC++ on steroids , good job Guru. I will spend the next week on it and get back to you with any wishlist/bugs .

Message12. Re: wx-devcpp beta 6 released
Posted by: 2004-10-25 14:12:29
I can't change the editors font's family, but can change the size, or maybe the font display is incorrect. I have choose the font to courier new, but the displayed font is ugly.
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