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Message1. 'Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window' error
Posted by: 2003-06-14 04:41:20
'Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window' error
Here's some info that may help somebody:

I tried copying riched32.dll into my rapidq folder, but it didn't work. When I extracted riched20.dll into the rapidq folder from my Win98 CD, the error message disappeared.

Message2. Re: 'Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window' error
Posted by: 2003-06-15 13:47:49
The error isn't a problem really, just close the message window and the Rapid Q environment works fine.
Message3. Re: 'Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window' error
Posted by: 2003-06-15 19:04:09
Message4. Re: 'Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window' error
Posted by: cajino 2003-06-16 14:32:43
There's a solution. See richedit.dll in this link


Bye  Cajino
Message5. Re: 'Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window' error
Posted by: olowsam 2003-06-30 02:40:23
I am having the same problem too, even though it does not matter as Ad said, however I dont really like it that way. I tried downloading the richedit.dll from the site but I couldn't. Please What could be the problem?
Message6. Re: 'Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window' error
Posted by: guidance 2003-06-30 07:34:32
Couldn't download? Or it doesn't work on your PC?
Message7. Re: 'Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window' error
Posted by: 2003-07-01 20:37:31
strange, I had never encountered this problem on my win98se until about two days after reading the thread ( voodoo? ;) ). Tried all kinds of combinations of replacing dll's with no success. Anyway I was due an os re-install and afterwards the problem was resolved.
Here are the versions on my box now and no more "cannot focus" messages. Hope it helps

RICHED.DLL    4.00.834.839
RICHED32.DLL  4.00.834.839
Message8. Re: 'Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window' error
Posted by: 2005-05-21 03:44:04
I downloaded riched32.dll from:

I placed it in my RapidQ folder and the message went away.

I run RapidQ on Win XP.
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