Is it possible to pass a $Resource to an array without saving it as a file first? If so how do I do it? I have saved an array from one program as a txt file and want to include it as a $resource in another program and load it into an array again but saving it to disc seems messy. I have tried loading it via QMemoryStream but get an array full of 1's (but the correct lemgth!). I may just be handling the QMemoryStream wrongly (I'm a beginner) but don't want to waste more time trying to do something which is impossible in the first place.
I had a look, couldn't work out what it was doing. If I include it, as I understand it, it has RapidQ included in it so I end up with it twice in my program. an unnecessary overhead of 300K or have I missed something?
I think it won't. How about extract to a temparory file created by GetTempFileName?
DECLARE FUNCTION GetTempFileName LIB "kernel32" ALIAS "GetTempFileNameA" (ByVal lpszPath AS STRING, ByVal lpPrefixString AS STRING, ByVal wUnique AS LONG, ByVal lpTempFileName AS STRING) AS LONG