Is it possible to run a program automatically at windows shutdown? (To be more specific, I'm making a program to backup my data on a different drive, and I'd like it to remind me every time I'm turning my system off).
function FormmainWndProc (Handle AS INTEGER, uMsg AS DWORD, wParam AS LONG, lParam AS LONG) as long deflng wmsg IF uMsg = WM_SYSCOMMAND THEN IF wParam = SC_MINIMIZE THEN cmdok_click END IF ELSEIF uMsg = WM_TRAYICON THEN wmsg=lParam AND &HFFFF IF wmsg = WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK or wmsg=WM_RBUTTONDOWN THEN '-- Respond on double click showmain END IF elseif umsg=WM_CLOSE or umsg=WM_QUERYENDSESSION or umsg=WM_QUIT then showmain Formmain_Unload false END IF END function