ABS=ABS(NumericExpression) *Return absolute value of number ACOS=ACOS(NumericExpression) *Returns arccosine of NumericExpression ASC=ASC(Char$) *Returns the ASCII key value of Char$ ASIN=ASIN(NumericExpression) *Returns arcsine of NumericExpression ATN=ATN(NumericExpression) *Returns arctangent of NumericExpression BIN=BIN$(Integer-Number) *Returns the binary representation of the Number (must be a positive integer). BIN$=BIN$(Integer-Number) *Returns the binary representation of the Number (must be a positive integer). BIND=BIND *Num TO MyFunc BIND a function pointer CALLBACK/CODEPTR=CODEPTR(MySUB) *Returns the absolute address of the SUB/FUNCTION CALLFUNC=CALLFUNC(Num, Param1, Param2, ...) *Call function pointer CEIL=CEIL(NumericExpression) *Rounds a numeric expression up towards positive infinity. CHDIR=CHDIR Path$ *Change directory CHR=CHR$(Byte) *Returns character corresponding to the ascii key value CHR$=CHR$(Byte) *Returns character corresponding to the ascii key value CINT=CINT(NumericExpression) *Implemented for compatibility reasons. Use ROUND instead. CLNG=CLNG(NumericExpression) *Implemented for compatibility reasons. Use ROUND instead. CONST=CONST Variable = Expression*Assigns Variable a constant value CONVBASE=CONVBASE$(Str$, FromBase, ToBase) *Returns the representation Str$ FromBase to ToBase representation. CONVBASE$=CONVBASE$(Str$, FromBase, ToBase) *Returns the representation Str$ FromBase to ToBase representation. COS=COS(NumericExpression) *Returns cosine of an angle given in radians DATA=DATA constant|EXECUTE(...) [, constant|EXECUTE(...), ...] *Stores data for easy retrieval, use READ to read the data. DATE=DATE$ *Returns the current Date in MM-DD-YYYY format. DATE$=DATE$ *Returns the current Date in MM-DD-YYYY format. DEC=DEC(Variable [, DecVal]) *Decrements variable by 1 unless otherwise specified DEF...=DEF(...) *Variable See details for more information on this statement DELETE=DELETE$(S$, Index, Count)*Deletes Count number of characters from S$ starting at Index DELETE$=DELETE$(S$, Index, Count)*Deletes Count number of characters from S$ starting at Index DIM=DIM Variable AS DataType*Creates variable of type DataType DIR=DIR$[(FileSpec$, Attributes%)] *Returns the next file of FileSpec$ DIR$=DIR$[(FileSpec$, Attributes%)] *Returns the next file of FileSpec$ DIREXISTS=DIREXISTS(Path$) *Returns 0 if directory does not exist, non-zero otherwise DOEVENTS=DOEVENTS *Polls events, useful when you're in a deep/big loop END=END *Terminates program EXP=EXP(NumericExpression)* Calculates the exponential function (e raised to the power of NumericExpression) ENVIRON=ENVIRON StringExpression *Set environment string ENVIRON=ENVIRON$(environment-string) *Get environment value ENVIRON$=ENVIRON$(environment-string) *Get environment value EXTRACTRESOURCE=EXTRACTRESOURCE ResourceNumber%, FileName$ *Extracts a resource to file FIELD=FIELD$(StringExpresion, Deliminator, FieldNumber) *Returns a field/token separated by deliminators. FIELD$=FIELD$(StringExpresion, Deliminator, FieldNumber) *Returns a field/token separated by deliminators. FILEEXISTS=FILEEXISTS(FileName$) *Returns 0 if file not found, non-zero otherwise FIX=FIX(NumericExpression) *Truncates fractional number, rounding down towards 0. FLOOR=FLOOR(NumericExpression) *Rounds a numeric expression down towards negative infinity. FORMAT=FORMAT$(S$, arg1, arg2, ...) *Returns a formatted string assembled from a format string and a series of arguments (up to 50) FORMAT$=FORMAT$(S$, arg1, arg2, ...) *Returns a formatted string assembled from a format string and a series of arguments (up to 50) FRAC=FRAC(NumericExpression) *Returns the fractional part of the numeric expression. HEX=HEX$(NumericExpression) *Returns the HEXidecimal string representation of the NumericExpression HEX$=HEX$(NumericExpression) *Returns the HEXidecimal string representation of the NumericExpression INC=INC(Variable [, IncVal]) *Increments variable by 1 unless otherwise specified INITARRAY=INITARRAY(Array, values, ...) *Initializes array with corresponding values INP=INP(Address) *Returns the byte value read from an I/O port 0..65535 INPW=INPW(Address) *Returns the word value read from an I/O port 0..65535 INSERT=INSERT$(Source$, S$, Index)*Insert Source$ string to string S$ at Index INSERT$=INSERT$(Source$, S$, Index)*Insert Source$ string to string S$ at Index INSTR=INSTR([Start,] SearchString, FindString) Function *Returns the position in the SearchString that FindString was found, 0 otherwise INT=INT(NumericExpression) *Convert NumericExpression to a 32-bit INTEGER, truncating decimals. KILL=KILL Filename*Deletes file KILLMESSAGE=KILLMESSAGE hWnd, Message *Removes message from queue LBOUND=LBOUND(ArrayName[, Dimension]) *Returns the lowerbound of an array (Dimension starts at 1) LCASE=LCASE$(StringExpression) *StringExpression is lowercased LEFT=LEFT$(StringExpression, N) *Returns the leftmost N characters of a string LCASE$=LCASE$(StringExpression) *StringExpression is lowercased LEFT$=LEFT$(StringExpression, N) *Returns the leftmost N characters of a string LEN=LEN(StringExpression) *Returns the length of string LFLUSH=LFLUSH *Calling this will start printing your document. Make sure all your LPRINTs are executed before calling LFLUSH. LIBRARYINST=LIBRARYINST(DLLName) *Returns the handle to a loaded DLL module LOG=LOG(NumericExpression) *Returns the natural logarithm of NumericExpression LPRINT=LPRINT [Expression][|,][...]*LPRINT acts exactly like PRINT, except all output is directed to the default printer. Make sure to call LFLUSH. Also see the Printer component for graphical printing. LTRIM=LTRIM$(StringExpression) *Returns string with left padded spaces removed LTRIM$=LTRIM$(StringExpression) *Returns string with left padded spaces removed MEMCMP=MEMCMP(ptr1, ptr2, count) *Compares 2 memory addresses, Returns 0 if not equal, non-zero otherwise. MEMCPY=MEMCPY(destination, source, count) *Copies count bytes of source memory address to destination memory address. MEMSET=MEMSET(source, char, n) *Initializes a source memory block with n bytes of char. MESSAGEBOX=MESSAGEBOX(Msg$, Title$, MsgButtons%) *Displays a simple message box with prompts MESSAGEDLG=MESSAGEDLG(Msg$, MsgType, MsgButtons, HelpContext) *Displays a message dialog box, see RAPIDQ.INC for proper types & buttons MID=MID$(StringExpression, I, N) *Returns returns a substring with n chracters starting from i of StringExpression MID$=MID$(StringExpression, I, N) *Returns string with characters from I to N of StringExpression MKDIR=MKDIR Dir$ *Creates new directory OUT=OUT(Address, bytevalue) *Sends a byte value to a machine I/O port 0..65535 OUTW=OUTW(Address, wordvalue) *Sends a word value to a machine I/O port 0..65535 PLAYWAV=PLAYWAV FileName$|Resource_Handle, SndOption *Plays a WAV file, see RAPIDQ.INC for sndOptions POSTMESSAGE=POSTMESSAGE(Handle, uMsg, wParam, lParam)*Post message to handle, and does not block. Refer to your favourite WinAPI guide for the proper message numbers QUICKSORT=QUICKSORT(Array-begin, Array-end, ASCEND | DESCEND) *Sort any array, BYTE, WORD, SHORT, STRING, etc... RANDOMIZE=RANDOMIZE [Num] *Use randomize to reseed the random number generator READ=READ variable [, variable, ...]*Reads next DATA statement, stores it in variable. REDIM=REDIM Array(1000) AS INTEGER *Use REDIM to redimension an array preserving existing data. REDIM is equivalent to DIM if the array has not yet been allocated. RENAME=RENAME File1$, File2$ *Renames File1$ to File2$ REPLACE=REPLACE$(S$, R$, Index)*Replaces a string from S$ with R$ starting at Index REPLACE$=REPLACE$(S$, R$, Index)*Replaces a string from S$ with R$ starting at Index REPLACESUBSTR=REPLACESUBSTR$(Source$, ReplaceStr$, Withstr$) *Replaces the string ReplaceStr$ in Source$ with WithStr$ REPLACESUBSTR$=REPLACESUBSTR$(Source$, ReplaceStr$, Withstr$) *Replaces the string ReplaceStr$ in Source$ with WithStr$ RESTORE=RESTORE [linelabel] *Jumps to specific position in DATA statement. RESOURCE=RESOURCE(number%) *Get numeric value of Resource, mainly for use with ExtractResource, 0 based array. RESOURCECOUNT=RESOURCECOUNT *Get resource count. REVERSE=REVERSE$(S$)*Reverses a string REVERSE$=REVERSE$(S$)*Reverses a string RGB=RGB(Red%, Green%, Blue%) *Returns the BGR numeric representation of the color. RIGHT=RIGHT$(StringExpression, N) *Returns the righttmost N characters of a string RIGHT$=RIGHT$(StringExpression, N) *Returns the righttmost N characters of a string RINSTR=RINSTR([Start,] SearchString, FindString) *Reverse INSTR Function, searching starts from the end of SearchString RMDIR=RMDIR Dir$ *Removes directory RND=RND(UpperBound) *Returns a random number, if no upperbound is given, it Returns a decimal number. Use RANDOMIZE to reseed. ROUND=ROUND(NumericExpression) *Rounds number to nearest integer. RTRIM=RTRIM$(StringExpression) *Returns string with rightmost padded spaces removed RTRIM$=RTRIM$(StringExpression) *Returns string with rightmost padded spaces removed RUN=RUN command$ *Executes command, but does not block SENDMESSAGE=SENDMESSAGE(Handle, uMsg, wParam, lParam)*Post message to handle, and blocks. Refer to your favourite WinAPI guide for the proper message numbers SGN=SGN(NumericExpression) *Returns the sign of a numeric expression SHELL=SHELL command$ *Executes command, and blocks until finished SHOWMESSAGE=SHOWMESSAGE msg$ *Popups message in a simple box SIN=SIN(NumericExpression) *Returns sine of an angle given in radians SOUND=SOUND freq, duration *Outputs sound through PC Speaker SPACE=SPACE$(Num)*Returns string with Num spaces SPACE$=SPACE$(Num)*Returns string with Num spaces SQR=SQR(NumericExpression) *Returns the square root of NumericExpression, make sure it's non-negative STATIC=STATIC Variable AS DataType*Creates variable of type DataType and preserves variable between procedure calls STR=STR$(NumericExpression) *Returns the string representation of the numeric expression STR$=STR$(NumericExpression) *Returns the string representation of the numeric expression STRF=STRF$(NumericExpression, Format%, Precision%, Digits%) *Converts a floating point or number value to a string STRING=STRING$(m, n) or STRING$(m, StringExpression) *Returns a string m characters wide that only contains CHR$(n) character STRF$=STRF$(NumericExpression, Format%, Precision%, Digits%) *Converts a floating point or number value to a string STRING$=STRING$(m, n) or STRING$(m, StringExpression) *Returns a string m characters wide that only contains CHR$(n) character SWAP=SWAP A, B *Exchanges values, so A = B and B = A TALLY=TALLY(SearchString, MatchString) *Returns the number of occurrences of matchstring TAN=TAN(NumericExpression) *Returns tangent of an angle given in radians TIME=TIME$ *Returns the current time in HH:MM:SS format. TIME$=TIME$ *Returns the current time in HH:MM:SS format. TIMER=T* = TIMER Returns the current TIMER value UBOUND=UBOUND(ArrayName[, Dimension]) *Returns the upperbound of array (Dimension starts at 1) UCASE=UCASE$(StringExpression) *Returns a string whose characters have been uppercased UCASE$=UCASE$(StringExpression) *Returns a string whose characters have been uppercased UNLOADLIBRARY=UNLOADLIBRARY(DLLName) *Removes DLL from memory VAL=VAL(StringExpression) *Returns the closest numeric representation of the string expression VARPTR=VARPTR(variablename) *Returns the address of a variable. VARPTR=VARPTR$(address) *Returns the null-terminated string representation of a given address. VARPTR$=VARPTR$(address) *Returns the null-terminated string representation of a given address. VARTYPE=VARTYPE(variant) *Returns the type of a variant 0 - Integer, 1 - Float, 2 - String. zzz=end of list @Application=* ExeName=STRING*The executable name of the application, path name is excluded (use COMMAND$(0) for full path information). WXG Handle=INTEGER*hInstance of the application.W HelpFile=STRING*HelpFile specifies the name of the file the application uses to display help.W HintColor=INTEGER*clInfoBk HintColor determines the color of the hint boxes for the Help Hints.W HintHidePause=INTEGER*2500 HintHidePause specifies the time interval to wait before hiding the Help Hint if the mouse has not moved from the control or menu item.W HintPause=INTEGER*500 HintPause specifies the time interval that passes before the control's Help Hint appears when the user places the mouse pointer on a control or menu item.W HintShortPause=INTEGER*50 HideShortPause specifies the pause to wait before bringing up a hint if a hint has already been shown.W Icon=STRING*Specify an icon filename to appear as the default icon of your application.W IcoHandle=RESOURCE*Specify an icon resource to appear as the default icon of your application.W HelpCommand=SUB (Command AS WORD, Data AS LONG)*Accesses the Help commands in the WinHelp API2W HelpContext=SUB (Context AS LONG)*Bring up the Application's HelpFile at specifed Context ID1W HelpJump=SUB (JumpID AS STRING)*Brings up the HelpFile and displays the screen in the Help file that has the JumpID1W Minimize=SUB*Minimize Application0W Terminate=SUB*Terminates Application0WXG =* @ClipBoard=* Clear=SUB*Clear clipboard0 Close=SUB*Free clipboard for other processes0 GetAsHandle=FUNCTION (Format%) AS INTEGER*Returns handle of specified format1 GetAsText=FUNCTION (length%) AS STRING*Returns text of length%1 HasFormat=FUNCTION (Format%) AS BYTE*Returns true or false if the format exists or not1 Open=SUB*Begin critcal section0 SetAsHandle=SUB (Format%, Handle&)*Set handle and format2 SetAsText=SUB (Text$)*Set text of clipboard1 =* @QBitmap=* BMP=STRING*WW BMPHandle=RESOURCE*WW CopyMode=INTEGER*RWcmBlacknessW Empty=INTEGER*RW Font=QFONT*WW Handle=INTEGER*RWW Height=INTEGER*RWWG Monochrome=INTEGER*RWW Pixel=2D ARRAY of INTEGER*RWWG PixelFormat=INTEGER*RWpfDeviceW Top=INTEGER*RWWG Transparent=INTEGER*RWFalseW TransparentColor=INTEGER*RWW TransparentMode=INTEGER*RW0W Width=INTEGER*RWWG Circle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%, fill%)*Draw & Fill Circle6WG CopyRect=SUB (D, Image, S)*D and S are QRECTs, Image can be a QImage, QCanvas, or QBitmap3W Draw=SUB (x%, y%, BMP)*Draw Bitmap on Canvas3WG FillRect=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws & Fills a rectangle5WG Line=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws a line5WG LoadFromFile=SUB (FileName$)*Load BMP from a file1W LoadFromStream=SUB (Stream)*Load BMP from a stream1W Paint=SUB (x%, y%, c%, borderc%)*Fill Region4WG Pset=SUB (x%, y%, c%)*Pixel plot3WG Rectangle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws a rectangle5WG Rotate=SUB (xOrigin%, yOrigin%, Angle%)*Rotates entire bitmap at specified origin3W SaveToFile=SUB (FileName$)*Save BMP to a file1W SaveToStream=SUB (Stream)*Save BMP to a stream1W StretchDraw=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, BMP)*Draw BMP and stretch to fit inside Rect2W TextHeight=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the height, in pixels, of Text$ string1W TextWidth=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the width, in pixels, of Text$ string1W TextRect=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%)*Write text, and clip within region Rect6W TextOut=SUB (x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%)*Writes text to image5WG =* @QButton=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNoneW BMP=STRING*WW BMPHandle=RESOURCE*WW Cancel=INTEGER*RWFalseW Caption=STRING*RWWXG Color=INTEGER*RWWX Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefaultW Default=INTEGER*RWFalseW Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG Font=QFONT*WW Handle=INTEGER*RW Height=INTEGER*RWWXG Hint=STRING*RWWXG Kind=INTEGER*RWbkCustomW Layout=INTEGER*RWblBMPLeftW Left=INTEGER*RW0WXG ModalResult=INTEGER*RWmrNoneW NumBMPs=INTEGER*RWW Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*WWXG PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*WW ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalseWXG Spacing=INTEGER*RW4W TabOrder=INTEGER*RWW Top=INTEGER*RW0WXG Width=INTEGER*RWWXG Visible=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG StartDrag=SUB*Allows Button to be dragged0W OnClick=VOID*User clicked on the button0WXG OnKeyDown=SUB (Key AS Word, Shift AS INTEGER)*Key held down2W OnKeyPress=SUB (Key AS BYTE)*User presses a key1W OnKeyUp=SUB (Key AS Word, Shift AS INTEGER)*User releases a key2W OnMouseDown=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button held down4WXG OnMouseMove=SUB (X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse moves3WXG OnMouseUp=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button is released4WXG WndProc=SUB (Hwnd%, Msg%, wParam%, lParam%)*Messages sent to Button4W =* @Qcanvas=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNoneW ClientHeight=INTEGER*RWW ClientWidth=INTEGER*RWW Color=INTEGER*RWWXG CopyMode=INTEGER*RWcmBlacknessW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefaultW Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG Font=QFONT*WW Height=INTEGER*RWWXG Hint=STRING*RWW Left=INTEGER*RW0WXG Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*WWXG Pixel=2D ARRAY of INTEGER*RWWXG PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*WW ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalseW Top=INTEGER*RW0WXG Width=INTEGER*RWWXG Visible=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG Circle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%, fill%)*Draw & Fill Circle6WXG CopyRect=SUB (D, Image, S)*D and S are QRECTs, Image can be a QImage, QCanvas, or QBitmap3W Draw=SUB (x%, y%, BMP)*Draw Bitmap on Canvas3WG FillRect=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws & Fills a rectangle5WXG Line=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws a line5WXG Paint=SUB (x%, y%, c%, borderc%)*Fill Region4WXG Pset=SUB (x%, y%, c%)*Pixel plot3WXG Rectangle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws a rectangle5WXG Repaint=SUB*Force repainting0W Rotate=SUB (xOrigin%, yOrigin%, Angle%)*Rotates entire canvas at specified origin3W StretchDraw=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, BMP)*Draw image and stretch to fit inside Rect2W TextHeight=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the height, in pixels, of Text$ string1W TextWidth=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the width, in pixels, of Text$ string1W TextRect=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%)*Write text, and clip within region Rect6W TextOut=SUB (x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%)*Writes text to image5WXG OnClick=VOID*User clicked on canvas0WXG OnDblClick=VOID*User double clicked on canvas0W OnMouseDown=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button held down4WXG OnMouseMove=SUB (X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse moves3WXG OnMouseUp=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button is released4WXG OnPaint=VOID*Receives WM_PAINT message0WXG =* @Qcheckbox=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNoneW Caption=STRING*RWWXG Checked=INTEGER*RWFalseWXG Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG Font=QFONT*WW Height=INTEGER*RWWXG Hint=STRING*RWWXG Left=INTEGER*RW0WXG Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*WWXG PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*WW ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalseWXG TabOrder=INTEGER*RWW Top=INTEGER*RW0WXG Visible=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG Width=INTEGER*RWWXG OnClick=VOID*User clicked check box0WXG =* @QCombobox=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNoneW Color=INTEGER*RWW CopyMode=INTEGER*RWcmBlacknessW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefaultW DropDownCount=INTEGER*RW8W Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG Font=QFONT*WW Height=INTEGER*RWWXG Hint=STRING*RWWXG Item=ARRAY of STRING*RWWXG ItemCount=INTEGER*RWXG ItemIndex=INTEGER*RW-1WXG Left=INTEGER*RW0WXG MaxLength=INTEGER*RWW Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*WWXG PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*WW ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalseWXG Sorted=INTEGER*RWFalseWG Style=INTEGER*RWcsDropDownW TabOrder=INTEGER*RWW Text=STRING*RWW Top=INTEGER*RW0WXG Visible=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG Width=INTEGER*RWWXG AddItems=SUBI*Add items to comboboxSTRINGs, InfiniteWXG Circle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%, fill%)*Draw & Fill Circle6W Clear=SUB*Clears entire Combobox0WXG CopyRect=SUB (D, Image, S)*D and S are QRECTs, Image can be a QImage, QCanvas, or QBitmap3W DelItems=SUBI*Delete items by their indexIndex #s, InfiniteWXG Draw=SUB (x%, y%, BMP)*Draw Bitmap at (X,Y)3W FillRect=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws & Fills a rectangle5W InsertItem=SUB (Index%, String$)*Insert item at Index%2WXG Line=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws a line5W Paint=SUB (x%, y%, c%, borderc%)*Fill Region4W Pset=SUB (x%, y%, c%)*Pixel plot3W Rectangle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws a rectangle5W Repaint=SUB*Force repainting of combobox0W StretchDraw=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, BMP)*Draw BMP and stretch to fit inside Rect2W TextHeight=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the height, in pixels, of Text$ string1W TextWidth=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the width, in pixels, of Text$ string1W TextRect=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%)*Write text, and clip within region Rect6W TextOut=SUB (x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%)*Writes text to image5W OnChange=VOID*User selects a different item0WXG OnDrawItem=SUB (Index%, State%, R AS QRect)*Items are redrawn for ownerdraw comboboxes3W OnMeasureItem=SUB (Index%, Height%)*Calculate Height for ownerdraw variable comboboxes3W =* @QComPort=* BaudRate=INTEGER*RWbr110 Connected=INTEGER*R DataBits=INTEGER*RW8 Handle=INTEGER*R InQue=INTEGER*R OutQue=INTEGER*R Parity=INTEGER*RWprNone PendingIO=INTEGER*R Port=INTEGER*RW1 ReadBufSize=INTEGER*RW1024 StopBits=INTEGER*RWsbOneStopBit WriteBufSize=INTEGER*RW1024 AbortAllIO=SUB*Aborts all asynchronous read/write operations0 Close=SUB*Closes communication port0 Open=SUB*Opens communication port0 PurgeIn=SUB*Clears input buffer and stops all input functions0 PurgeOut=SUB*Clears output buffer and stops all output functions0 Read=SUB Read(QFile/QMemoryStream, Count%, Wait%)*Reads stream data from com port, Count% < 320003 ReadString=FUNCTION ReadString$(Count%, Wait%)*Returns a string representation bytes read from comport2 WaitForLastIO=SUB*Blocks until last IO is completed0 Write=SUB Write(QFile/QMemoryStream, Count%, Wait%)*Writes stream to com port, Count% < 320003 WriteString=SUB WriteString(Str$, Wait%)*Writes string to communication port2 OnBreak=VOID*A line break is detected, input and output is suspended until break is cleared0 OnClose=VOID*Com port is closed0 OnError=VOID*A line error occurs0 OnOpen=VOID*Com port is successfully opened0 OnRing=VOID*A ring signal is detected, used only with modems.0 OnRxChar=SUB (InQue AS INTEGER)*A character(s) arrives in the input buffer.1 OnTxEmpty=VOID*Output buffer is flushed0 =* @Qcoolbtn=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNoneW AllowAllUp=INTEGER*RWFalseW BMP=STRING*WWX BMPHandle=RESOURCE*WW Caption=STRING*RWWXG Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefaultW Down=INTEGER*RWFalseWX Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG Flat=INTEGER*RWFalseWX Font=QFONT*WW GroupIndex=INTEGER*RW0W Height=INTEGER*RWWXG Hint=STRING*RWWXG Layout=INTEGER*RWblBMPLeftW Left=INTEGER*RW0WXG NumBMPs=INTEGER*RWW Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*WWXG ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalseWXG Spacing=INTEGER*RWW TabOrder=INTEGER*RWW Top=INTEGER*RW0WXG Width=INTEGER*RWWXG Visible=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG StartDrag=SUB*Allows Button to be dragged0W OnClick=VOID*User clicked on the button0WXG OnMouseDown=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button held down4WX OnMouseMove=SUB (X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse moves3WX OnMouseUp=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button is released4WX =* @QDirTree=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNone BorderStyle=INTEGER*RWbsSingle Color=INTEGER*RW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefault Directory=STRING*RWFalse Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrue FastLoad=INTEGER*RWFalse Font=QFONT*W Height=INTEGER*RW HideSelection=INTEGER*RWFalse Hint=STRING*RW InitialDir=STRING*RW Left=INTEGER*RW0 Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*W PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*W ReadOnly=INTEGER*RWFalse ReadOnStart=INTEGER*RWFalse ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalse TabOrder=INTEGER*RW Top=INTEGER*RW0 Width=INTEGER*RW Visible=INTEGER*RWTrue AddDirTypes=SUB*Add directory types0 AddDriveTypes=SUB*Add drive types0 DelDirTypes=SUB*Del directory types0 DelDirTypes=SUB*Del drive types0 FullCollapse=SUB*Collapse entire directory list0 FullExpand=SUB*Expand entire directory list (slow)0 Reload=SUB*Re-read directories0 OnChange=VOID*Current directory changes0 =* @QEdit=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNoneW AutoSize=INTEGER*RWW BorderStyle=INTEGER*RWbsSingleW CharCase=INTEGER*RWecNormalW Color=INTEGER*RWW EditText=STRING*RWW Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG Font=QFONT*WW Handle=INTEGER*RW Height=INTEGER*RWWXG Hint=STRING*RWWXG InputMask=STRING*RWW IsMasked=INTEGER*RWFalseW Left=INTEGER*RW0WXG MaxLength=INTEGER*RW0WXG Modified=INTEGER*RWW Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*WWXG PasswordChar=INTEGER*RWW PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*WW ReadOnly=INTEGER*RWFalseWXG SelLength=INTEGER*RWW SelStart=INTEGER*RWW SelText=STRING*RWW ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalseWXG TabOrder=INTEGER*RWW Text=STRING*RWWXG Top=INTEGER*RW0WXG Visible=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG Width=INTEGER*RWWXG OnChange=VOID*Text changed0WXG OnKeyDown=SUB (Key AS WORD, Shift AS INTEGER)*Key held down2W OnKeyPress=SUB (Key AS BYTE)*User presses a key1W OnKeyUp=SUB (Key AS Word, Shift AS INTEGER)*User releases a key2W WndProc=SUB (Hwnd%, Msg%, wParam%, lParam%)*Messages sent to QEdit4W =* @QFileListBox=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNone Color=INTEGER*RW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefault Directory=STRING*RW Drive=STRING*RW Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrue ExtendedSelect=INTEGER*RWTrue Filename=STRING*RW Font=QFONT*W Height=INTEGER*RW Hint=STRING*RW Item=ARRAY of STRING*RW ItemCount=INTEGER*RW ItemHeight=INTEGER*RW ItemIndex=INTEGER*RW Left=INTEGER*RW0 Mask=STRING*RW*.* MultiSelect=INTEGER*RWFalse Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*W PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*W Selected=ARRAY of INTEGER*RW ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalse ShowIcons=INTEGER*RWFalse TabOrder=INTEGER*RW TopIndex=INTEGER*RW Top=INTEGER*RW0 Width=INTEGER*RW Visible=INTEGER*RWTrue AddFileTypes=SUBI*Add certain file types to list boxINTEGER, Infinite DelFileTypes=SUBI*Remove certain file types from listINTEGER, Infinite OnChange=VOID*Directory changes0 OnClick=VOID*File was clicked on0 OnDblClick=VOID*Selection was double clicked on0 =* @Qfilestream=* LineCount=INTEGER*RWXG Position=INTEGER*RWWXG Size=INTEGER*RWXG Close=SUB*Close the stream0WXG CopyFrom=SUB (Stream, Bytes%)*Copy from another stream2W Open=SUB (FileName$, Method%)*Open a file, Method% see RAPIDQ.INC2WXG ReadLine=FUNCTION () AS STRING*Reads an entire line, supports UNIX files0WXG ReadNum=FUNCTION (Size%)*Read Size% bytes, returns number1WXG ReadBinStr=FUNCTION (Size%)*Read Size% bytes, returns the binary string1WXG ReadStr=FUNCTION (Size%)*Read Size% bytes, returns the text string1WXG ReadUDT=SUB (MyType)*Read and store data in a MyType structure1WXG Seek=SUB (Position%, From%)*Seek to Position%, From% see RAPIDQ.INC2WXG WriteLine=SUB (S AS STRING)*Writes string with CR+LF1WXG WriteNum=SUB (number, bytes%)*Writes a number to file2WXG WriteBinStr=SUB (string, bytes%)*Writes a binary string to file (slow)2WXG WriteStr=SUB (string, bytes%)*Writes a text string to file (fast)2WXG WriteUDT=SUB (MyType)*Write data stored in a MyType structure1WXG =* @Qfont=* Color=INTEGER*RWW FontCount=INTEGER*RW FontName=ARRAY of STRING*RW Name=STRING*RWWX Size=INTEGER*RWWX AddStyles=SUBI*Add styles [bold, italic, etc]INTEGER, InfiniteW DelStyles=SUBI*Delete styles [bold, italic, etc]INTEGER, InfiniteW =* @QFontDialog=* Color=INTEGER*RW FontCount=INTEGER*R FontName=ARRAY of STRING*R MaxFontSize=INTEGER*RW MinFontSize=INTEGER*RW Name=STRING*RW Size=INTEGER*RW AddStyles=SUBI*Add styles [bold, italic, etc]INTEGER, Infinite DelStyles=SUBI*Delete styles [bold, italic, etc]INTEGER, Infinite AddOptions=SUBI*Add options [fdLimitSize, fdNoSizeSel, etc.]INTEGER, Infinite DelOptions=SUBI*Delete options [fdNoStyleSel, fdScalableOnly, etc.]INTEGER, Infinite Execute=FUNCTION*Returns TRUE or FALSE0 GetFont=SUB GetFont(F AS QFONT)*Get font attributes1 SetFont=SUB SetFont(F AS QFONT)*Set font attributes1 OnApply=VOID*User clicks on apply button0 =* @Qform=* AutoScroll=INTEGER*RWTrueW BorderStyle=INTEGER*RWbsSizeableWXG Caption=STRING*RWWXG ClientHeight=INTEGER*RWWXG ClientWidth=INTEGER*RWWXG Color=INTEGER*RWW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefaultW FormStyle=INTEGER*RWfsNormalW Handle=INTEGER*RW Height=INTEGER*RWWXG Hint=STRING*RWW IcoHandle=RESOURCE*WW Icon=STRING*WW KeyPreview=INTEGER*RWFalseW Left=INTEGER*RW0WXG ModalResult=INTEGER*WW PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*WW ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalseW Top=INTEGER*RW0WXG Visible=INTEGER*RWFalseWXG Width=INTEGER*RWWXG WindowState=INTEGER*RWwsNormalW AddBorderIcons=SUBI*Add Border IconsINTEGER, InfiniteW Center=SUB*Used to center a form0WXG Circle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%, fill%)*Draw & Fill Circle6W Close=SUB*Close form0WXG CopyRect=SUB (D, Image, S)*D and S are QRECTs, Image can be a QImage, QCanvas, or QBitmap3W DelBorderIcons=SUBI*Remove Border IconsINTEGER, InfiniteW Draw=SUB (x%, y%, BMP)*Draw Bitmap on Canvas3W FillRect=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws & Fills a rectangle5W HideTitleBar=SUB*Hides Caption0W Line=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draw line on form5W Paint=SUB (x%, y%, c%, borderc%)*Fill Region4W Pset=SUB (x%, y%, c%)*Pixel plot3W Rectangle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws a rectangle5W Repaint=SUB*Repaints the entire form0W Show=SUB*Used to show form when hidden0WX ShowModal=FUNCTION*Display form and wait for result0WXG ShowTitleBar=SUB*Displays Caption0W StretchDraw=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, BMP)*Draw BMP and stretch to fit inside Rect2W TextHeight=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the height, in pixels, of Text$ string1W TextWidth=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the width, in pixels, of Text$ string1W TextRect=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%)*Write text, and clip within region Rect6W TextOut=SUB (x%, y%, s$, fc%, bc%)*Write text to form5W OnClick=VOID*User clicks on open area of form0W OnClose=SUB (Action AS INTEGER)*Form closes1W OnKeyDown=SUB (Key AS Word, Shift AS INTEGER)*Key held down2W OnKeyPress=SUB (Key AS BYTE)*User presses a key1W OnKeyUp=SUB (Key AS Word, Shift AS INTEGER)*User releases a key2W OnMouseDown=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button held down4W OnMouseMove=SUB (X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse moves3W OnMouseUp=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button is released4W OnPaint=VOID*Form requires repainting0W OnResize=VOID*Form is resized0W OnShow=VOID*Form is displayed0W WndProc=SUB (Hwnd%, Msg%, wParam%, lParam%)*Messages posted/sent to form4W =* @Qgauge=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNone BackColor=INTEGER*RW BorderStyle=INTEGER*RWbsSingle Color=INTEGER*RW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefault Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrue Font=QFONT*W ForeColor=INTEGER*RW Height=INTEGER*RW Hint=STRING*RW Kind=INTEGER*RWgkHorizontalBar Left=INTEGER*RW Max=INTEGER*RW100 Min=INTEGER*RW0 Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*W Position=INTEGER*RW0 ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalse ShowText=INTEGER*RWTrue Top=INTEGER*RW Visible=INTEGER*RWTrue Width=INTEGER*RW =* @QGlassFrame=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNone ClientHeight=INTEGER*RW ClientWidth=INTEGER*RW Color=INTEGER*RW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefault Handle=INTEGER*RW Height=INTEGER*RW Hint=STRING*RW Left=INTEGER*RW Moveable=INTEGER*RWTrue Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*W PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*W ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalse Top=INTEGER*RW Transparency=INTEGER*RW60 TransparentColor=INTEGER*RW0 Width=INTEGER*RW =* @QGroupBox=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNone Caption=STRING*RW Color=INTEGER*RW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefault Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrue Font=QFONT*W Handle=INTEGER*R Height=INTEGER*RW Hint=STRING*RW Left=INTEGER*RW0 Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*W PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*W ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalse TabOrder=INTEGER*RW Top=INTEGER*RW0 Visible=INTEGER*RWTrue Width=INTEGER*RW Repaint=SUB*Repaint groupbox, and anything inside it0 OnClick=VOID*User clicked on groupbox0 OnDblClick=VOID*User double clicked on groupbox0 OnMouseDown=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button held down4 OnMouseMove=SUB (X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse moves3 OnMouseUp=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button is released4 =* @Qheader=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNone ClientHeight=INTEGER*RW ClientWidth=INTEGER*RW CopyMode=INTEGER*RWcmBlackness Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefault Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrue Font=QFONT*W Handle=INTEGER*RW Height=INTEGER*RW Hint=STRING*RW HotTrack=INTEGER*RWFalse Left=INTEGER*RW0 Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*W Pixel=2D ARRAY of INTEGER*RW PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*W Sections=ARRAY of SectionsType*RW SectionsCount=INTEGER*R ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalse Top=INTEGER*RW0 Width=INTEGER*RW Visible=INTEGER*RWTrue AddSections=SUBI*Add new sections to headerSTRING, Infinite Clear=SUB*Clears all sections0 Circle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%, fill%)*Draw & Fill Circle6 CopyRect=SUB (D, Image, S)*D and S are QRECTs, Image can be a QImage, QCanvas, or QBitmap3 Draw=SUB (x%, y%, BMP)*Draw Bitmap at (X,Y)3 FillRect=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws & Fills a rectangle5 Line=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws a line5 Paint=SUB (x%, y%, c%, borderc%)*Fill Region4 Pset=SUB (x%, y%, c%)*Pixel plot3 Rectangle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws a rectangle5 Repaint=SUB*Force repainting of header0 StretchDraw=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, BMP)*Draw BMP and stretch to fit inside Rect2 TextHeight=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the height, in pixels, of Text$ string1 TextWidth=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the width, in pixels, of Text$ string1 TextRect=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%)*Write text, and clip within region Rect6 TextOut=SUB (x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%)*Writes text to image5 =* @Qimage=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNone Autosize=INTEGER*RWFalse BMP=STRING*W BMPHandle=RESOURCE*W Center=INTEGER*RWFalse CopyMode=INTEGER*RWcmBlackness Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefault Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrue Font=QFONT*W Handle=INTEGER*RW Height=INTEGER*RW Hint=STRING*RW ICOHandle=RESOURCE*W Icon=STRING*W IncrementalDisplay=INTEGER*RWFalse Left=INTEGER*RW0 Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*W Pixel=2D ARRAY of INTEGER*RW PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*W ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalse Stretch=INTEGER*RWFalse Top=INTEGER*RW0 Transparent=INTEGER*RWFalse Width=INTEGER*RW Visible=INTEGER*RWTrue Center=SUB*Centers image0 Circle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%, fill%)*Draw & Fill Circle6 CopyRect=SUB (D, Image, S)*D and S are QRECTs, Image can be a QImage, QCanvas, or QBitmap3 Draw=SUB (x%, y%, BMP)*Draw Bitmap at (X,Y)3 FillRect=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws & Fills a rectangle5 Line=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws a line5 Paint=SUB (x%, y%, c%, borderc%)*Fill Region4 Pset=SUB (x%, y%, c%)*Pixel plot3 Rectangle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws a rectangle5 Repaint=SUB*Force repainting of image0 Rotate=SUB (xOrigin%, yOrigin%, Angle%)*Rotates entire image at specified origin3W StretchDraw=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, BMP)*Draw BMP and stretch to fit inside Rect2 TextHeight=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the height, in pixels, of Text$ string1 TextWidth=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the width, in pixels, of Text$ string1 TextRect=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%)*Write text, and clip within region Rect6 TextOut=SUB (x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%)*Writes text to image5 OnClick=VOID*User clicked on image0 OnDblClick=VOID*User double clicked on image0 OnMouseDown=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button held down4 OnMouseMove=SUB (X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse moves3 OnMouseUp=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button is released4 =* @QImageList=* BkColor=INTEGER*RW0 BlendColor=INTEGER*RW0 Count=INTEGER*RW DrawStyle=INTEGER*RWdsNormal Font=QFONT*W GetBMP=ARRAY of IMAGES/BMP*R GetICO=ARRAY of IMAGES/ICO*R Handle=INTEGER*RW Height=INTEGER*RW ImageType=INTEGER*RWitImage Masked=INTEGER*RWTrue ShareImages=INTEGER*RWFalse Width=INTEGER*RW AddBMPFile=SUB (FileName$, MaskColor%)*Add BMP file to Imagelist2 AddICOFile=SUB (FileName$)*Add Icon file to Imagelist1 AddBMPHandle=SUB (BMP_Resource, MaskColor%)*Add BMP to Imagelist2 AddICOHandle=SUB (ICO_Resource)*Add Icon to Imagelist1 Clear=SUB*Removes all images0 Delete=SUB (Index%)*Delete image at Index%1 InsertBMPFile=SUB (Index%, Filename$, Mask%)*Insert BMP file at Index%3 InsertICOFile=SUB (Index%, Filename$)*Insert Icon file at Index%2 InsertBMPHandle=SUB (Index%, BMP_Resource, Mask%)*Insert BMP at Index%3 InsertICOHandle=SUB (Index%, ICO_Resource)*Insert Icon at Index%2 =* @Qlabel=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNoneW Alignment=INTEGER*RWtaLeftJustifyW Angle=INTEGER*RW0W Autosize=INTEGER*RWFalseW Caption=STRING*RWWXG Color=INTEGER*RWWX Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefaultW Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG Font=QFONT*WW Handle=INTEGER*RW Height=INTEGER*RWWXG Hint=STRING*RWWXG Layout=INTEGER*RWW Left=INTEGER*RW0WXG LowerColor=INTEGER*RWclBtnShadowW Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*WWXG PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*WW ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalseWXG TextStyle=INTEGER*RWlsNoneW Top=INTEGER*RW0WXG Transparent=INTEGER*RWFalseW UpperColor=INTEGER*RWclBtnHighlightW Visible=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG Width=INTEGER*RWWXG Wordwrap=INTEGER*RWFalseW OnClick=VOID*User clicks on label0W OnDblClick=VOID*User double clicked on label0W OnMouseDown=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button held down3W OnMouseMove=SUB (X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse moves2W OnMouseUp=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button is released3W WndProc=SUB (Hwnd%, Msg%, wParam%, lParam%)*Messages sent to QLabel4W =* @Qlistbox=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNoneW BorderStyle=INTEGER*RWbsSingleW Color=INTEGER*RWWX Columns=INTEGER*RW0W CopyMode=INTEGER*RWcmBlacknessW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefaultW Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG ExtendedSelect=INTEGER*RWTrueWX Font=QFONT*WW Height=INTEGER*RWWXG Hint=STRING*RW0WXG Item=ARRAY of STRING*RWWXG ItemCount=INTEGER*RWXG ItemHeight=INTEGER*RWW ItemIndex=INTEGER*RW-1WXG Left=INTEGER*RW0WXG MultiSelect=INTEGER*RWFalseWX Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*WWXG PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*WW Selected=ARRAY of INTEGER*RWWX ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalseWXG Sorted=INTEGER*RWFalseWG Style=INTEGER*RWlbStandardW TopIndex=INTEGER*RWW TabOrder=INTEGER*RWW TabWidth=INTEGER*RW0W Top=INTEGER*RW0WXG Visible=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG Width=INTEGER*RWWXG AddItems=SUBI*Add items to listboxSTRINGs, InfiniteWXG Circle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%, fill%)*Draw & Fill Circle6W Clear=SUB*Clears entire listbox0WXG CopyRect=SUB (D, Image, S)*D and S are QRECTs, Image can be a QImage, QCanvas, or QBitmap3W DelItems=SUBI*Delete items by their indexIndex #s, InfiniteWXG Draw=SUB (x%, y%, BMP)*Draw Bitmap at (X,Y)3W FillRect=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws & Fills a rectangle5W InsertItem=SUB (Index%, String$)*Insert item at Index%2WXG Line=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws a line5W Paint=SUB (x%, y%, c%, borderc%)*Fill Region4W Pset=SUB (x%, y%, c%)*Pixel plot3W Rectangle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws a rectangle5W Repaint=SUB*Force repainting of listbox0W StretchDraw=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, BMP)*Draw BMP and stretch to fit inside Rect2W TextHeight=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the height, in pixels, of Text$ string1W TextWidth=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the width, in pixels, of Text$ string1W TextRect=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%)*Write text, and clip within region Rect6W TextOut=SUB (x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%)*Writes text to image5W OnClick=VOID*User clicks on item0WXG OnDblClick=VOID*User double clicks on an item0WXG OnDrawItem=SUB (Index%, State%, R AS QRect)*Items are redrawn for ownerdraw listboxes3W OnEnter=VOID*User presses enter to select item0W OnMeasureItem=SUB (Index%, Height%)*Calculate Height for ownerdraw variable listboxes3W WndProc=SUB (Hwnd%, Msg%, wParam%, lParam%)*Messages sent to Listbox4W =* @QListView=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNone BorderStyle=INTEGER*RWbsSingle CheckBoxes=INTEGER*RWFalse Color=INTEGER*RW Column=ARRAY of ColumnType*RW ColumnClick=INTEGER*RWTrue ColumnsCount=INTEGER*RW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefault Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrue Font=QFONT*W GridLines=INTEGER*RWFalse Handle=INTEGER*R Height=INTEGER*RW Hint=STRING*RW HotTrack=INTEGER*RWFalse Item=ARRAY of ItemType*RW ItemCount=INTEGER*RW ItemIndex=INTEGER*RW LargeImages=QIMAGELIST*W Left=INTEGER*RW0 MultiSelect=INTEGER*RWFalse Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*W PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*W ReadOnly=INTEGER*RWFalse RowSelect=INTEGER*RWFalse SelCount=INTEGER*RW Selected=ARRAY of INTEGER*RW ShowColumnHeaders=INTEGER*RWTrue ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalse SmallImages=QIMAGELIST*W SortType=INTEGER*RWstNone StateImages=QIMAGELIST*W SubItem=2D ARRAY of STRING*RW TabOrder=INTEGER*RW Top=INTEGER*RW0 Width=INTEGER*RW ViewStyle=INTEGER*RWvsIcon Visible=INTEGER*RWTrue AddColumns=SUBI*Add column headers to listviewSTRING, Infinite AddItems=SUBI*Add items to listviewSTRING, Infinite AddSubItem=SUB (Index%, String$)*Add sub item to Index%2 Clear=SUB*Clear all items in listview0 ClearColumns=SUB*Clear all columns in listview0 DelItems=SUBI*Delete items from listviewINTEGER, Infinite DelSubItem=SUB (Index%, SubIndex%)*Delete subitem from listview2 InsertItem=SUB (Index%, String$)*Insert item at Index%2 InsertSubItem=SUB (Index%, SubIndex%, String$)*Insert subitem3 SwapItem=SUB (Index1%, Index2%)*Swap items2 OnClick=VOID*Item was clicked on0 OnChange=SUB (Index%, Change AS BYTE)*Item changed (text, image, or state)2 OnColumnClick=SUB (Column%)*Column header was clicked1 OnDblClick=VOID*Selection was double clicked on0 OnKeyPressed=SUB (Key AS BYTE)*Key was pressed1 =* @QMainMenu=* Parent=QFORM*WWXG AddItems=SUBI*Add items to comboboxQMENUITEMs, InfiniteWXG Insert=SUB (I%, Item AS QMENUITEM)*Insert an item2W =* @Qmemorystream=* LineCount=INTEGER*RW Pointer=INTEGER*RWXG Position=INTEGER*RWWXG SetSize=INTEGER*WWXG Size=INTEGER*RWWXG Close=SUB*Close the stream0WXG CopyFrom=SUB (Stream, Bytes%)*Copy from another stream2WXG ReadLine=FUNCTION () AS STRING*Reads an entire line0W ReadNum=FUNCTION (Size%) AS DOUBLE*Read Size% bytes, returns number1WXG ReadStr=FUNCTION (Size%) AS STRING*Read Size% bytes, returns the string1WXG ReadBinStr=FUNCTION (Size%) AS STRING*Read Size% bytes, returns the binary string1W ReadUDT=SUB (MyType)*Read and store data in a MyType structure1WXG Seek=SUB (Position%, From%)*Seek to Position%, From% see RAPIDQ.INC2WXG WriteLine=SUB (S AS STRING)*Writes string with CR+LF1W WriteNum=SUB (number, bytes%)*Writes a number to memory2WXG WriteBinStr=SUB (string, bytes%)*Writes a binary string to file (slow)2W WriteStr=SUB (string, bytes%)*Writes string to memory2WXG WriteUDT=SUB (MyType)*Write data stored in a MyType structure1WXG =* @QMenuItem=* Caption=STRING*RWWXG Checked=INTEGER*RWW Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrueW RadioItem=INTEGER*RWFalseW ShortCut=STRING*RWW Visible=INTEGER*RWTrueW AddItems=SUBI*Add Subitems to MenuItemQMENUITEMs, InfiniteWXG Insert=SUB (I%, Item AS QMENUITEM)*Insert an item2W OnClick=VOID*User selects item0WXG =* @QMySQL=* Connected=INTEGER*RWXG DB=ARRAY of STRING*RWXG DBCount=INTEGER*RWXG FieldCount=INTEGER*RWXG Field.Decimals=INTEGER*RWXG Field.Flags=INTEGER*RWXG Field.Length=INTEGER*RWXG Field.MaxLength=INTEGER*RWXG Field.Name=STRING*RWXG Field.Table=STRING*RWXG Field.Type=INTEGER*RWXG Length=ARRAY of INTEGER*RWXG NumRows=INTEGER*RWXG Row=ARRAY of STRING*RWXG RowCount=INTEGER*RWXG Table=ARRAY of STRING*RWXG TableCount=INTEGER*RWXG Close=SUB*Disconnect from MySQL0WXG Connect=FUNCTION (Host$, User$, Passwd$) AS INTEGER*Connect to MySQL3WXG CreateDB=FUNCTION (DB$) AS INTEGER*Creates a new database1WXG DropDB=FUNCTION (DB$) AS INTEGER*Drop database1WXG EscapeString=FUNCTION (S$, Length%) AS STRING*Parses binary string S$ and returns a string that can be used in Blob fields2WXG FetchField=FUNCTION AS INTEGER*Fetch next field0WXG FetchLengths=FUNCTION AS INTEGER*Fetch lengths for current row0WXG FetchRow=FUNCTION AS INTEGER*Fetch next row0WXG FieldSeek=FUNCTION (Position%)*Jump to Field Position%1WXG Query=FUNCTION (Query$) AS INTEGER*Query database1WXG RealConnect=SUB (Host$, User$, Passwd$, DB$, Port%, UnixSock$, Flags%)*Connect to MySQL7WXG Refresh=FUNCTION (RefreshFlags%) AS INTEGER*Refresh database1WXG RowBlob=FUNCTION (Row%, Bytes&) AS STRING*Returns the binary blob as a string2WXG RowSeek=FUNCTION (Row%)*Jump to a certain row1WXG SelectDB=FUNCTION (DB$) AS INTEGER*Select database to use1WXG =* @QOpenDialog=* Caption=STRING*RWW FileName=STRING*RWWX Filter=STRING*RWW FilterIndex=INTEGER*RW1W InitialDir=STRING*RWW Execute=FUNCTION*Returns TRUE or FALSE0WX =* @QOutLine=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNone BMPClosed=STRING*W BMPLeaf=STRING*W BMPMinus=STRING*W BMPOpen=STRING*W BMPPlus=STRING*W BMPHandleClosed=RESOURCE*W BMPHandleLeaf=RESOURCE*W BMPHandleMinus=RESOURCE*W BMPHandleOpen=RESOURCE*W BMPHandlePlus=RESOURCE*W BorderStyle=INTEGER*RWbsSingle Color=INTEGER*RW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefault Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrue Font=QFONT*W Height=INTEGER*RW Hint=STRING*RW Item=ARRAY of STRING*RW ItemHeight=INTEGER*RW13 ItemIndex=INTEGER*RW ItemSeparator=STRING*RW\ Left=INTEGER*RW0 LineCount=INTEGER*RW OutLineStyle=INTEGER*RWosTreePictureText Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*W PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*W Row=INTEGER*RW ScrollBars=INTEGER*RWssBoth ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalse TabOrder=INTEGER*RW Top=INTEGER*RW0 Visible=INTEGER*RWTrue Width=INTEGER*RW AddChild=SUB (Index%, String$)*Add child at Index%2 AddLines=SUBI*Add lines to OutlineSTRING, Infinite AddOptions=SUBI*Add Outline optionsINTEGER, Infinite Clear=SUB*Clear all items0 DelLines=SUBI*Delete lines from OutlineINTEGER, Infinite DelOptions=SUBI*Delete Outline optionsINTEGER, Infinite Insert=SUB (Index%, String$)*Insert node at Index%2 OnClick=VOID*User clicked on item0 OnDblClick=VOID*User double clicked on item0 =* @Qovalbtn=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNoneW BMP=STRING*WW BMPHandle=RESOURCE*WW Caption=STRING*RWWX Color=INTEGER*RWWX ColorHighLight=INTEGER*RWW ColorShadow=INTEGER*RWW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefaultW Down=INTEGER*RWFalseW Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrue</TDWX Flat=INTEGER*RWFalseWX Font=QFONT*WW GroupIndex=INTEGER*RW0W Height=INTEGER*RWWX Hint=STRING*RWWX Layout=INTEGER*RWblBMPLeftW Left=INTEGER*RW0WX NumBMPs=INTEGER*RWW Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*WWX ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalseWX Spacing=INTEGER*RWW TabOrder=INTEGER*RWW Top=INTEGER*RW0WX Transparent=INTEGER*RWFalseW TransParentColor=INTEGER*RWW Width=INTEGER*RWWX Visible=INTEGER*RWTrueWX StartDrag=SUB*Allows Button to be dragged0W OnClick=VOID*User clicked on the button0WX OnMouseDown=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button held down4WX OnMouseMove=SUB (X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse moves3WX OnMouseUp=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button is released4WX =* @Qbutton=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNoneW Alignment=INTEGER*RWtaCenterW BevelInner=INTEGER*RWbvNoneW BevelOuter=INTEGER*RWbvRaisedW BevelWidth=INTEGER*RW1W BorderStyle=INTEGER*RWbsNoneW Caption=STRING*RWW ClientHeight=INTEGER*RWWX ClientWidth=INTEGER*RWWX Color=INTEGER*RWW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefaultW Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrueWX Font=QFONT*WW Height=INTEGER*RWWX Hint=STRING*RWW Left=INTEGER*RW0WX Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*WWX ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalseW TabOrder=INTEGER*RWW Top=INTEGER*RW0WX Width=INTEGER*RWWX Visible=INTEGER*RWTrueWX Repaint=SUB*Refreshes panel and all contents0W OnClick=VOID*User clicked on open area of panel0WX OnDblClick=VOID*User double clicked panel0W OnMouseDown=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button held down4W OnMouseMove=SUB (X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse moves over panel3W OnMouseUp=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button is released4W =* @QPopupMenu=* Alignment=INTEGER*RW AddItems=SUBI*Add Item to MenuQMENUITEMs, Infinite Insert=SUB (I%, Item AS QMENUITEM)*Insert an item2 Popup=SUB (X%, Y%)*Popup menu at (X,Y)2 =* @QRadioButton=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNoneW Caption=STRING*RWWXG Checked=INTEGER*RWFalseWXG Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG Font=QFONT*WW Height=INTEGER*RWWXG Hint=STRING*RWWXG Left=INTEGER*RW0WXG Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*WWXG PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*WW ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalseWXG TabOrder=INTEGER*RWW Top=INTEGER*RW0WXG Visible=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG Width=INTEGER*RWWXG OnClick=VOID*User clicked on radio button0WXG =* @Qregistry=* CurrentKey=INTEGER*R CurrentPath=STRING*R GetDataSize=INTEGER*R GetDataType=INTEGER*R HasSubKeys=INTEGER*R KeyItemCount=INTEGER*R ValueItemCount=INTEGER*R RootKey=INTEGER*RWHKEY_CURRENT_USER CloseKey=SUB*Closes opened key0 CreateKey=FUNCTION (Key$) AS INTEGER*Creates a new key in CurrentPath.1 DeleteKey=FUNCTION (Key$) AS INTEGER*Deletes key.1 DeleteValue=FUNCTION (ValName$) AS INTEGER*Deletes a value data.1 KeyExists=FUNCTION (Key$) AS INTEGER*Returns 0 or 1 if key exists.1 KeyItem=FUNCTION (Index%) AS STRING*Retrieve the names of the subkeys1 MoveKey=FUNCTION (Old$, New$, Delete%)*Moves existing key, subkeys, and data values.3 OpenKey=FUNCTION (Key$, CanCreate%)*CanCreate specifies whether to create the specified key if it does not exist.2 ReadBinary=FUNCTION (Key$, Index%) AS BYTE*Return binary value of specified key2 ReadFloat=FUNCTION (Key$) AS DOUBLE*Return double value of specified key1 ReadInteger=FUNCTION (Key$) AS INTEGER*Return integer value of specified key1 ReadString=FUNCTION (Key$) AS STRING*Return string value of specified key1 RegistryConnect=FUNCTION (CompName$) AS INTEGER*Establishes connection to another computer's registry.1 RenameValue=FUNCTION (Old$, New$) AS INTEGER*Renames existing data value.2 ValueExists=FUNCTION (Value$) AS INTEGER*Returns 0 or 1 if data value Value$ exists.1 ValueItem=FUNCTION (Index%) AS STRING*Retrieve the names of the data values1 WriteBinary=SUB (Key$, BYTE(), Size%)*Write Array of BYTEs in the specified key3 WriteFloat=SUB (Key$, Value#)*Write double value in the specified key2 WriteInteger=SUB (Key$, Value&)*Write integer value in the specified key2 WriteString=SUB (Key$, Value$)*Write string in the specified key2 =* @Qrichedit=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNoneW Alignment=INTEGER*RWtaLeftJustifyW BorderStyle=INTEGER*RWbsSingleW Color=INTEGER*RWW Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrueWX Font=QFONT*WWX Height=INTEGER*RWWX HideScrollBars=INTEGER*RWTrueW HideSelection=INTEGER*RWTrueW Hint=STRING*RWW Left=INTEGER*RW0WX Line=ARR_STRING*RWWX LineCount=INTEGER*RWWX Modified=INTEGER*RW Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*WWX PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*WW Plaintext=INTEGER*RWFalseW Readonly=INTEGER*RWFalseWX ScrollBars=INTEGER*RWssNoneWX SelAttributes=QFONT*WW SelLength=INTEGER*RWWX SelStart=INTEGER*RWWX SelText=STRING*RWWX ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalseW TabOrder=INTEGER*RWW Text=STRING*RWWX Top=INTEGER*RW0WX WantTabs=INTEGER*RWFalseW Width=INTEGER*RWWX WhereX=INTEGER*RWX WhereY=INTEGER*RWX Wordwrap=INTEGER*RWTrueW Visible=INTEGER*RWTrueWX AddString=SUB (S$)*Add a string1WX AddStrings=SUBI*Add strings (up to 255)STRINGWX Clear=SUB*Clear entire text0WX CopyToClipboard=SUB*Copy selected text to clipboard0W CutToClipboard=SUB*Cut selected text to clipboard0W LoadFromFile=SUB (FileName$)*Load text from a file1WX LoadFromStream=SUB (Stream)*Load text from a stream1WX PasteFromClipboard=SUB*Paste text from clipboard0W SaveToFile=SUB (FileName$)*Save text to a file1WX SaveToStream=SUB (Stream)*Save text to a stream1W SelectAll=SUB*Selects all text from Richedit0WX OnChange=VOID*Text changes0W OnKeyDown=SUB (Key AS WORD, Shift AS INTEGER)*Key held down2W OnKeyPress=SUB (Key AS BYTE)*User presses a key1W OnKeyUp=SUB (Key AS WORD, Shift AS INTEGER)*Key released2W OnMouseDown=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button held down4WX OnMouseMove=SUB (X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse moves2WX OnMouseUp=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button is released4WX =* @QSaveDialog=* Caption=STRING*RW FileName=STRING*RW Filter=STRING*RW FilterIndex=INTEGER*RW1 InitialDir=STRING*RW Execute=FUNCTION*Returns TRUE or FALSE0 =* @QScrollBar=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNoneW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefaultW Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrueWX Height=INTEGER*RWWX Hint=STRING*RWWX Kind=INTEGER*RWsbHorizontalWX LargeChange=INTEGER*RW1WX Left=INTEGER*RW0WX Max=INTEGER*RW100WX Min=INTEGER*RW0WX Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*WWX PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*WW Position=INTEGER*RW0WX ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalseWX SmallChange=INTEGER*RW1WX TabOrder=INTEGER*RWW Top=INTEGER*RW0WX Width=INTEGER*RWWX Visible=INTEGER*RWTrueWX OnChange=VOID*Scroll position changes0WX OnKeyDown=SUB (Key AS Word, Shift AS INTEGER)*Key held down2W OnKeyPress=SUB (Key AS BYTE)*User presses a key1W OnKeyUp=SUB (Key AS Word, Shift AS INTEGER)*User releases a key2W OnScroll=SUB (ScrollCode AS BYTE, ScrollPos AS LONG)*Scrolling2W =* @QScrollBox=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNone AutoScroll=INTEGER*RWTrue BorderStyle=INTEGER*RWbsSingle Color=INTEGER*RW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefault Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrue Font=QFONT*W Handle=INTEGER*R Height=INTEGER*RW Hint=STRING*RW HorzIncrement=INTEGER*RW8 HorzMargin=INTEGER*RW0 HorzPosition=INTEGER*RW0 HorzRange=INTEGER*RW0 HorzTracking=INTEGER*RWFalse HorzVisible=INTEGER*RWTrue Left=INTEGER*RW0 Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*W PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*W ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalse TabOrder=INTEGER*RW Top=INTEGER*RW0 Width=INTEGER*RW VertIncrement=INTEGER*RW8 VertMargin=INTEGER*RW0 VertPosition=INTEGER*RW0 VertRange=INTEGER*RW0 VertTracking=INTEGER*RWFalse VertVisible=INTEGER*RWTrue Visible=INTEGER*RWTrue Repaint=SUB*Repaint control0 OnClick=VOID*User clicked on scrollbox0 OnDblClick=VOID*User double clicked on scrollbox0 OnMouseDown=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button held down4 OnMouseMove=SUB (X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse moves3 OnMouseUp=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)*Mouse button is released4 OnResize=VOID*Scrollbox is resized0 =* @Qsocket=* Family=INTEGER*RWAF_INETW Protocol=INTEGER*RWIPPROTO_IPW Transferred=INTEGER*RWXG Type=INTEGER*RWSOCK_STREAMW Accept=FUNCTION ClientSock%(Socket%)*Accepts Client Connection1WXG Close=SUB (Socket%)*Closes Socket% file descriptor1WXG Connect=FUNCTION Sock%(ServerName$, PortNum%)*Connect to server on PortNum%2WXG ConnectionReady=FUNCTION Bool%(Sock%)*True/False if connection pending1WXG GetHostIP=FUNCTION AS STRING*Returns host IP Address0WXG GetHostName=FUNCTION AS STRING*Returns host name0WXG GetPeerName=FUNCTION GetPeerName$(Socket%)*Returns peer name1WXG IsClientReady=FUNCTION Bool%(Sock%, ClientSock%)*True/False if client is sending data2WXG IsServerReady=FUNCTION Bool%(Sock%)*True/False if server is sending data1WXG Open=FUNCTION Sock%(PortNum%)*Open TCP server on PortNum%1WXG Peek=FUNCTION Peek$(Socket%, NumBytes%)*Peek information coming from socket, but do not clear. Win322W Read=FUNCTION Message$(Socket%, NumBytes%)*Read NumBytes%2WXG ReadLine=FUNCTION Message$(Socket%)*Read complete line1WXG Write=SUB (Socket%, Message$, NumBytes%)*Sends NumBytes% from Message$3WXG WriteLine=FUNCTION Bytes%(Socket%, Message$)*Send Message$2WXG =* @Qsplitter=* Align=INTEGER*RWalLeft Beveled=INTEGER*RWTrue ClientHeight=INTEGER*RW ClientWidth=INTEGER*RW Color=INTEGER*RW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrHSplit Height=INTEGER*RW Hint=STRING*RW Left=INTEGER*RW MinSize=INTEGER*RW30 Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*W ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalse Top=INTEGER*RW Width=INTEGER*RW OnMoved=VOID*Splitter Moved0 =* @QStatusBar=* Align=INTEGER*RWalBottom Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefault Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrue Height=INTEGER*RW Hint=STRING*RW Left=INTEGER*RW0 Panel=ARRAY of PanelType*RW Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*W PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*W ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalse SimplePanel=INTEGER*RWFalse SimpleText=STRING*RW SizeGrip=INTEGER*RWTrue TabOrder=INTEGER*RW Top=INTEGER*RW0 Width=INTEGER*RW Visible=INTEGER*RWTrue AddPanels=SUBI*Add panels to status barSTRING, Infinite Clear=SUB*Clear panels0 OnResize=VOID*Status bar is being resized0 =* @QStringGrid=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNone BorderStyle=INTEGER*RWbsSingle Cell=2D ARRAY of STRING*RW Col=INTEGER*RW ColCount=INTEGER*RW5 Color=INTEGER*RW ColWidths=ARRAY of INTEGER*RW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefault DefaultColWidth=INTEGER*RW64 DefaultRowHeight=INTEGER*RW24 EditorMode=INTEGER*RW Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrue FixedColor=INTEGER*RW FixedCols=INTEGER*RW1 FixedRows=INTEGER*RW1 Font=QFONT*W GridHeight=INTEGER*RW GridLineWidth=INTEGER*RW1 GridWidth=INTEGER*RW Height=INTEGER*RW Hint=STRING*RW Left=INTEGER*RW0 LeftCol=INTEGER*RW Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*W PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*W Row=INTEGER*RW RowCount=INTEGER*RW5 RowHeights=ARRAY of INTEGER*RW ScrollBars=INTEGER*RWssBoth Separator=STRING*RW ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalse TabOrder=INTEGER*RW TabStops=ARRAY of INTEGER*RW Top=INTEGER*RW0 TopRow=INTEGER*RW Visible=INTEGER*RWTrue VisibleColCount=INTEGER*R VisibleRowCount=INTEGER*R Width=INTEGER*RW AddOptions=SUBI*Add options to string gridINTEGER, Infinite DeleteCol=SUB (Column%)*Deletes/Remove a column1 DeleteRow=SUB (Row%)*Deletes/Remove a row1 DelOptions=SUBI*Delete options from string gridINTEGER, Infinite Circle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%, fill%)*Draw & Fill Circle6 CopyRect=SUB (D, Image, S)*D and S are QRECTs, Image can be a QImage, QCanvas, or QBitmap3 Draw=SUB (x%, y%, BMP)*Draw Bitmap at (X,Y)3 FillRect=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws & Fills a rectangle5 InsertCol=SUB (Column%)*Inserts a blank column1 InsertRow=SUB (Row%)*Inserts a blank row1 Line=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws a line5 LoadFromFile=SUB (File$, RowOffset%, ColOffset%, MaxRows%)*Loads table from file w/Separator4 LoadFromStream=SUB (S AS QFileStream/QMemoryStream, RowOffset%, ColOffset%, MaxRows%)*Loads table from stream w/Separator4 Paint=SUB (x%, y%, c%, borderc%)*Fill Region4 Pset=SUB (x%, y%, c%)*Pixel plot3 Rectangle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws a rectangle5 Repaint=SUB*Force repainting of stringgrid0 SaveToFile=SUB (File$, RowOffset%, ColOffset%, MaxRows%)*Saves table to file w/Separator4 SaveToStream=SUB (S AS QFileStream/QMemoryStream, RowOffset%, ColOffset%, MaxRows%)*Saves table to stream w/Separator4 SwapCols=SUB (Col1%, Col2%)*Swap two columns2 SwapRows=SUB (Row1%, Row2%)*Swap two rows2 StretchDraw=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, BMP)*Draw BMP and stretch to fit inside Rect2 TextHeight=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the height, in pixels, of Text$ string1 TextWidth=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the width, in pixels, of Text$ string1 TextRect=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%)*Write text, and clip within region Rect6 TextOut=SUB (x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%)*Writes text to cell5 OnDrawCell=SUB (Col%, Row%, State%, R AS QRect)*Cells need to be redrawn4 OnSelectCell=SUB (Col%, Row%, CanSelect%)*User has selected a cell3 OnSetEditText=SUB (Col%, Row%, Value$)*User has changed contents of cell3 =* @QStringList=* Duplicates=INTEGER*RWdupIgnore Item=ARRAY of STRING*RW ItemCount=INTEGER*R Sorted=INTEGER*RWFalse Text=STRING*RW AddItems=SUBI*Add strings to stringlistSTRINGs, Infinite AddList=SUB (List AS QStringList)*Append another stringlist1 Build=FUNCTION Build(Start%, End%, Delim$) AS STRING*Returns a deliminated string3 Clear=SUB*Clears entire stringlist0 DelItems=SUBI*Delete strings by their indexIndex #s, Infinite Exchange=SUB (Index1%, Index2%)*Swap strings at Index1% with Index2%2 IndexOf=FUNCTION IndexOf%(String$)*Return Index number of string1 InsertItem=SUB (Index%, String$)*Insert string at Index%2 LoadFromFile=SUB (File$)*Load text file in stringlist1 LoadFromStream=SUB (File AS QStream)*Load file/memorystream in stringlist1 Parse=FUNCTION Parse(Source$, Delim$) AS LONG*Separates strings by the Delim$ and stores each item in the list2 SaveToFile=SUB (File$)*Saves stringlist to file1 SaveToStream=SUB (File AS QStream)*Load file/memorystream in stringlist1 Sort=SUB*Sort the stringlist0 =* @QTabControl=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNone ButtonStyle=INTEGER*RWFalse ClientHeight=INTEGER*RW ClientWidth=INTEGER*RW Color=INTEGER*RW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefault Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrue FlatButtons=INTEGER*RWFalse FlatSeperators=INTEGER*RWFalse FocusButtons=INTEGER*RWFalse Font=QFONT*W Height=INTEGER*RW Hint=STRING*RW HotTrack=INTEGER*RWFalse Left=INTEGER*RW0 MultiLine=INTEGER*RWFalse Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*W PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*W ScrollOpposite=INTEGER*RWFalse ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalse Tab=ARRAY of STRING*RW TabHeight=INTEGER*RW TabInactiveColor=INTEGER*RW TabInactiveFont=QFONT*W TabIndex=INTEGER*RW TabOrder=INTEGER*RW TabPosition=INTEGER*RW TabWidth=INTEGER*RW Top=INTEGER*RW0 Width=INTEGER*RW VerticalTabs=INTEGER*RWFalse Visible=INTEGER*RWTrue AddTabs=SUBI*Add tabs to controlSTRING, Infinite DelTabs=SUBI*Delete tabs from controlINTEGER, Infinite InsertTab=SUB (Index%, String$)*Inserts Tab at Index%2 OnChange=VOID*Tabs change0 =* @Qtimer=* Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrueWXG Interval=INTEGER*RWWXG OnTimer=VOID*Timer interval elaspes0WXG =* @QTrackBar=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNone Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefault Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrue Frequency=INTEGER*RW Height=INTEGER*RW Hint=STRING*RW Left=INTEGER*RW0 LineSize=INTEGER*RW1 Max=INTEGER*RW10 Min=INTEGER*RW0 Orientation=INTEGER*RWtbHorizontal PageSize=INTEGER*RW2 Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*W PopupMenu=QPOPUPMENU*W Position=INTEGER*RW SelEnd=INTEGER*RW SelStart=INTEGER*RW ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalse TabOrder=INTEGER*RW TickMarks=INTEGER*RWtmBottomRight TickStyle=INTEGER*RWtsAuto Top=INTEGER*RW0 Width=INTEGER*RW Visible=INTEGER*RWTrue SetTick=SUB (Pos%)*Set a tick mark at Pos%1 OnChange=VOID*Track bar changes0 =* @QDXImageList=* Parent=QDXSCREEN*W Draw=SUB (Item%, X%, Y%, Mask%)*Draw image on Screen4 LoadFromFile=SUB (FileName$)*Load image list1 =* @QDXScreen=* Align=INTEGER*RWalNone AllowStretch=INTEGER*RWTrue AutoSize=INTEGER*RWTrue BitCount=INTEGER*RW8 Color=INTEGER*RW Cursor=INTEGER*RWcrDefault Enabled=INTEGER*RWTrue Font=QFONT*W FullScreen=INTEGER*RWFalse Height=INTEGER*RW Hint=STRING*RW Left=INTEGER*RW Parent=QFORM/QPANEL/QTABCONTROL*W Pixel=2D ARRAY of INTEGER*RW ShowHint=INTEGER*RWFalse Top=INTEGER*RW Use3D=INTEGER*RWFalse UseHardware=INTEGER*RWTrue Visible=INTEGER*RWTrue Width=INTEGER*RW Circle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%, fill%)*Draw & Fill Circle6 CopyRect=SUB (D, Image, S)*D and S are QRECTs, Image can be a QImage, QCanvas, or QBitmap3 Draw=SUB (x%, y%, BMP)*Draw Bitmap at (X,Y)3 Fill=SUB (DevCol%)*Fill screen (not traditional colors)1 FillRect=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draw & Fill a rectangle5 Flip=SUB*Copies off-screen buffer to visible page0 Init=SUB (Width%, Height%)*Create Screen2 Line=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws a line5 Paint=SUB (x%, y%, c%, borderc%)*Fill Region4 Pset=SUB (x%, y%, c%)*Pixel Plot3 Rectangle=SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%)*Draws a rectangle5 Release=SUB*Force update0 Rotate=SUB (xOrigin%, yOrigin%, Angle%)*Rotates entire screen at specified origin3W StretchDraw=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, BMP)*Draw BMP and stretch to fit inside Rect2 TextHeight=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the height, in pixels, of Text$ string1 TextWidth=FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD*Returns the width, in pixels, of Text$ string1 TextRect=SUB (Rect AS QRECT, x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%)*Write text, and clip within region Rect6 TextOut=SUB (x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%)*Writes text5 AddLight=SUB (Light AS QD3DLight)*Add light to scene1 CameraLookAt=SUB (F AS QD3DFrame, Constraint AS INTEGER)*Fix frame and constrain rotation2 CreateFace=SUB (Face AS QD3DFace)*Creates a face1 CreateFrame=SUB (Frame AS QD3DFrame)*Creates frame1 CreateLightRGB=SUB (LightType%, R#, G#, B#, Light AS QD3DLight)*Create light object5 CreateMeshBuilder=SUB (MB AS QD3DMeshBuilder)*Creates meshbuilder1 CreateShadow=SUB (MB AS QD3DMeshBuilder, Light AS QD3DLight, px#, py#, pz#, nx#, ny#, nz#, V AS QD3DVisual)*Creates a visual shadow object9 CreateWrap=SUB (WrapType%, A#, B#, C#, D#, E#, F#, G#, H#, I#, J#, K#, L#, M#, W AS QD3DWrap)*Creates a wrap object15 ForceUpdate=SUB (X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%)*Force update on specific region4 LoadTexture=SUB (File AS STRING, Tex AS QD3DTexture)*Create a texture object2 Move=SUB (D AS DOUBLE)*Moves/animates scene1 SetBackgroundImage=SUB (Tex AS QD3DTexture)*Set background image for scene1 SetCameraPosition=SUB (X#, Y#, Z#)*Set camera position for entire scene3 SetCameraOrientation=SUB (DX#, DY#, DZ#, UX#, UY#, UZ#)*Set camera orientation for scene6 SetRenderMode=SUB (M AS INTEGER)*Set render mode for scene1 SetTextureQuality=SUB (Quality AS INTEGER)*Set texture quality for scene1 OnClick=VOID*Mouse button clicked0 OnDblClick=VOID*Mouse button double clicked0 OnInitialize=VOID*DirectX succeeds in initializing0 OnInitializeSurface=VOID*Another event for you to do initializing0 OnKeyDown=SUB (Key AS Word, Shift AS INTEGER)*Key held down2 OnKeyPress=SUB (Key AS BYTE)*User presses a key1 OnMouseDown=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%)*Mouse button held down3 OnMouseMove=SUB (X%, Y%)*Mouse moves2 OnMouseUp=SUB (Button%, X%, Y%)*Mouse button is released3 =* @QDXTimer=* ActiveOnly=INTEGER*RWTrue Enabled=INTEGER*RWFalse FrameRate=INTEGER*R Interval=INTEGER*RW OnTimer=VOID*Timer expired0 =* @QD3DFace Properties=* VertexCount=INTEGER*R AddVertex=SUB (X#, Y#, Z#)*Add a vertex3 GetVertex=SUB (Index AS LONG, Position AS QD3DVector, Normal AS QD3DVector)*Retrieve the position and normal of a vertex3 SetColorRGB=SUB (R#, G#, B#)*Set face color3 =* @QD3DFrame=* FogColor=INTEGER*RW FogEnabled=INTEGER*RW FogMode=INTEGER*RW AddLight=SUB (Light AS QD3DLight)*Add light object to frame1 AddScale=SUB (CombineType%, X#, Y#, Z#)*Add scale4 AddVisual=SUB (Visual AS QD3DMeshBuilder/QD3DMesh/QD3DVisual)*Add visual object to frame1 CreateFrame=SUB (Frame AS QD3DFrame)*Create frame relative to this1 DeleteFrame=SUB (Frame AS QD3DFrame)*Removes a frame from hierarchy1 DeleteVisual=SUB (Visual AS QD3DMeshBuilder/QD3DMesh/QD3DVisual)*Removes visual object from frame1 Load=SUB (FileName AS STRING)*Load a frame from .X file1 LookAt=SUB (F AS QD3DFrame, Constraint AS INTEGER)*Fix frame and constrain rotation2 Move=SUB (D AS DOUBLE)*Moves frame (rotate)1 SetBackgroundImage=SUB (Texture AS QD3DTexture)*Add texture to frame1 SetBackgroundRGB=SUB (R#, G#, B#)*Set background color3 SetFogParams=SUB (Start#, End#, Density#)*Set fog parameters3 SetOrientation=SUB (DX#, DY#, DZ#, UX#, UY#, UZ#)*Set orientation of frame6 SetPosition=SUB (X#, Y#, Z#)*Set viewing position of frame3 SetRotation=SUB (X#, Y#, Z#, Theta#)*Set rotation relative to X,Y,Z4 SetTexture=SUB (Tex AS QD3DTexture)*Add texture backdrop to frame1 =* @QD3DLight=* SetLightRGB=SUB (LightType%, R#, G#, B#)*Set lighting type and color4 SetPenUmbra=SUB (Angle#)*Set light of outer cone1 SetRange=SUB (Range#)*Set range of light1 SetUmbra=SUB (Angle#)*Set light of inner cone1 =* @QD3DMesh=* MaxY=SINGLE*R MinY=SINGLE*R =* @QD3DMeshBuilder=* FaceCount=INTEGER*R AddFace=SUB (Face AS QD3DFace)*Add a face to mesh object1 AddVertex=SUB (X#, Y#, Z#)*Add a vertex3 CreateFace=SUB (Face AS QD3DFace)*Creates a new face with no vertices1 CreateMesh=SUB (Mesh AS QD3DMesh)*Create mesh from meshbuilder1 DeleteFace=SUB (Face AS QD3DFace)*Delete face from meshbuilder1 GetFace=SUB (Index AS LONG, Face AS QD3DFace)*Get a single mesh face2 Load=SUB (S AS STRING)*Load an object file (.x file)1 Move=SUB (D AS DOUBLE)*Moves frame (rotate)1 Scale=SUB (X#,Y#,Z#)*Scale object3 SetQuality=SUB (Quality AS INTEGER)*Set rendering quality1 SetRGB=SUB (R#, G#, B#)*Set object's color3 SetRGBA=SUB (R#, G#, B#, A#)*Add color w/alphablending4 SetTexture=SUB (Tex AS QD3DTexture)*Add texture backdrop to object1 Translate=SUB (TX#, TY#, TZ#)*Translate is a move operation but in 3D3 =* @QD3DVector=* DVX=SINGLE*RW DVY=SINGLE*RW DVZ=SINGLE*RW X=SINGLE*RW Y=SINGLE*RW Z=SINGLE*RW =* @QD3DWrap=* Apply=SUB (M AS QD3DMesh)*Apply wrap to mesh1 ApplyRelative=SUB (F AS QD3DFrame, M AS QD3DMesh)*Apply wrap relative to frame2 =* @QRect=* Top=Integer*RW Left=Integer*RW Right=Integer*RW Bottom=Integer*RW |