Software / Reginald / Examples / parent.rex

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/* This example shows how to launch another script that runs
 * "detached". ie, The child script runs in a separate
 * process from the main script. The child script therefore
 * does not prevent the main script from running until the
 * child script ends. Nor does the child script end when the
 * main script ends. And the child script does not share
 * any variables, subroutines, condition traps, etc, with
 * the main script. It's as if the child script was manually
 * launched by the enduser, and is completely independent
 * from the main script.


/* ============== FUNCDEF stuff ============ */
	/* Register ShellExecute() */
	FUNCDEF('ShellExecute', 'void, void, str, str, str, str, 32u', 'shell32')


/* ************** Launch the child.rex script ************** */

SAY "This is the parent script, launching the child script."

/* Here we launch a child script named "child.rex". We launch
 * it by calling ShellExecute() and specifying an "open"
 * operation. A REXX script is actually considered a "Document"
 * (ie, data file) by the Windows operating system. And when
 * you open a Document, then Windows automatically runs the
 * application associated with the Document. So, if RXLAUNCH.EXE
 * is associated with REXX files, then RXLAUNCH.EXE is launched
 * and passed the name of our REXX script to run. ShellExecute()
 * will return as soon as RXLAUNCH.EXE starts up.
 * The first arg is the handle to some open window that you
 * want ShellExecute to use if it needs to display a message
 * box. Omit this arg to use the desktop.
 * The second arg is the operation. It must be either "open" (to
 * launch an application or open a Document), "print" (to print
 * a Document, such as printing a text file named "myfile.txt"),
 * or "explore" (to explore a Document). If omitted, it defaults
 * to "open".
 * The third arg is the name of the executable or Document to
 * open, print, or explore. ShellExecute can open an executable
 * or a Document. ShellExecute can print a Document. You can
 * specify the full path name, such as "c:\program files\reginald\rxlaunch.exe".
 * The fourth arg is used only if you specified the name of an
 * executable (ie, not a Document) as the third arg. The fourth
 * arg is any arguments you wish passed to the executable, such
 * as a Document name, etc, just as you may type them at a
 * command prompt.
 * The fifth arg is the name of the directory you want to be
 * used as the default directory. Omit this if you wish the
 * same directory as the exe/Document.
 * The sixth arg is used only if you specified the name of an
 * executable (ie, not a Document) as the third arg. The sixth
 * arg is one of the following numeric values:
 * 0 = Hides the exe's window and activates another window.
 * 1 = Activates and displays the exe's window at normal size. You should
 * specify this when displaying the window for the first time.
 * 9 = Activates and displays the exe's window at normal size. If the window
 * was previously minimized or maximized, it is restored its original size and
 * position. You should specify this when restoring a previously minimized window.
 * 4 = Displays the exe's window in its most recent size and position. The
 * currently active window remains active.
 * 2 = Activates the exe's window and displays it minimized.
 * 7 = Displays the exe's window as a minimized window. The currently active
 * window remains active.
 * 6 = Minimizes the exe's window and activates the next top-level window in
 * the Z order.
 * 3 = Activates the exe's window and displays it maximized.
 * 5 = Activates the exe's window and displays it in its current size and position.
 * 8 = Displays the window in its current state. The active window remains active.
 * 10 = Activates the window and displays it however the enduser has set
 * the properties for the exe.
 * If ShellExecute() succeeds, it returns the handle to the new process. If it
 * fails, then it returns a value of 32 or less.

result = shellexecute(, , 'child.rex', , , 1)
IF result <= 32 THEN DO
   WHEN result = 0 | result = 8 THEN SAY "The operating system is out of memory or resources."
   WHEN result = 2 THEN SAY "The specified file was not found."
   WHEN result = 3 THEN SAY "The specified path was not found."
   WHEN result = 5 THEN SAY "The operating system denied access to the specified file."
   WHEN result = 11 THEN SAY "The .EXE file is invalid (non-Win32 .EXE or error in .EXE image)."
   WHEN result = 26 THEN SAY "A sharing violation occurred."
   WHEN result = 27 THEN SAY "The filename association is incomplete or invalid."
   WHEN result = 28 THEN SAY "The DDE transaction could not be completed because the request timed out."
   WHEN result = 29 THEN SAY "The DDE transaction failed."
   WHEN result = 30 THEN SAY "The DDE transaction could not be completed because other DDE transactions were being processed."
   WHEN result = 31 THEN SAY "There is no application associated with the given filename extension."
   WHEN result = 32 THEN SAY "The specified dynamic-link library was not found."
   OTHERWISE SAY "ShellExecute failed."

/* ******** Carry on with this script while child.rex is running */
SAY "Press any key to end the parent..."
© Fri 2024-9-20  Guidance Laboratory Inc. Hits:0 Last modified:2010-07-16 20:45:53