Jacques Philippe April 2002
HOWTO Include ASM routines in RapidQ using NASM and API CallWindowProc
First of all, a special thank to Pavel Minayev -aka evilone666- who opened
this road with Vector.Asm and Crc32.Asm. See Crc32.Zip and Rqasm.Zip in
RapidQ YahooGroups files section
- All the examples are ready for a NASM installation in c:\Nasm,
otherwise, you'll have to modify some directories.
- All the executable files are "TINY", to run them, you must copy your
RAPIDQCC.DLL and RAPIDQ32.DLL in your Windows directory (c:\Windows\)
- NASM, the 32 bits ASM compiler, is free. It's syntaxe is slightly
different from other Assemblers ; this can be confusing.
- Related Sites (I am new to NASM, so there may be better sites)
?official site?
http://nasm.octium.net/ download
http://www.web-sites.co.uk/nasm/where.html GUI
http://www.phoenix.gb.net/x86/ - Pavel's method loads a proc.bin as a resource at compile time and at
run time moves that resource to a QMemoryStream then uses the property
QMemoryStream.Pointer to point the procedure in API CallWindowProc.
- it's possible to directly load the proc.bin in a String or an Array and
use the VarPtr(String) or VarPtr(Array(0)) to point the procedure in
API CallWindowProc. The softwares BinToInc and BinToInc_Plus in
/Bin_To_Inc/ do that (the name BinTonInc was choosen for Binary to
RapidQ Include file). So, a single and simple file Included in the
RapidQ code will give access to ASM procedures.
Are NASM Shells to write Assembler routines called by Api
CallWindowProc in RapidQ
- use NASM_SHELL_2
- see NASM_SHELL_0 and NASM_SHELL_1 for a very basic tutorial
COMPILETOBIN.BAT in Directory \NASM_Compile\
Compiles a NASM source to a BIN file
- the line "set fich=GetByteAt" must be adapted to the filename of the
NASM source you want to compile
- the path to Nasmw.exe, the NASM compiler, must be adapted to your
- CompileToBin.Bat must be in the directory of the NASM source code
file you want to compile
- the compiled .BIN file will be created in the same directory as
BINTOINC.EXE in direcrtory \Bin_To_Inc\
Creates a RapidQ code file containing the BIN file in an Array.
The name of the .BIN file is used to create a function and a pointer
to that array.
Just run BinToInc.Exe, then use menu File/Open to select a .Bin file.
As Soon as a .Bin file is selected, a RapidQ code is generated on the
screen ; save that code in an .Inc file using menu File/Save.
The Option menu allows you to Include the "CallAsmProc API" declaration
to the RapidQ code or not ; it's usefull if you include many asm .Inc
files in you software...
Demo :
Run BinToInc.Exe in \Bin_To_Inc\, then File/Open
once selected, the screen fills with A RapidQ Code. Save It as
Now, you should be able to RQ Compile
Here is the kind of file created by BinToInc.Exe with an ASM .Bin file
' Begin of File ReverseString.Inc cut and pasted
DECLARE FUNCTION CallAsmProc LIB "user32" ALIAS "CallWindowProcA" _
' ============================================================
' ----- START ASM ReverseString -----
DefByte ReverseStringArray (0 To 60) = _
{ _
&HC8, &H00, &H00, &H00, &H51, &H56, &H57, &H8B, &H7D, &H0C, _
&H8B, &H75, &H08, &HB8, &H00, &H00, &H00, &H00, &HB9, &H00, _
&H01, &H00, &H00, &HFC, &HA4, &H40, &H80, &H3E, &H00, &H0F, _
&H84, &H02, &H00, &H00, &H00, &HE0, &HF2, &H8B, &H75, &H0C, _
&H01, &HC6, &H4E, &H8B, &H7D, &H08, &H89, &HC1, &HFC, &HA4, _
&H4E, &H4E, &HE0, &HFA, &H5F, &H5E, &H59, &HC9, &HC2, &H10, _
&H00 _
' ----- END ASM ReverseString -----
' ----- POINTER to use In CallAsmProc -----
' A Bit Faster than Calling ReverseString
DefInt ptrReverseString
ptrReverseString = VarPtr (ReverseStringArray(0))
' ----- RQ CALL ReverseString -----
Function ReverseString (Arg1 As Long, Arg2 As Long, Arg3 As Long, _
Arg4 As Long) as Long
Result = CallAsmProc (ptrReverseString, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
End Function
' ============================================================
' End of File ReverseString.Inc cut and pasted
RapidQ source BinToInc.Bas is available in \Bin_To_Inc\RQ_Source ;
these sources require QRedEx.Inc and QIni_JP.Inc to compile.
Does the same as BINTOINC.BAS, but with all the .BIN files present in
the selected directory. Try in \Bin_To_Inc\Demo_Plus\
RQASMTOINC.BAS RqAsm editor 'Compiling' directly Bin To an RQ .Inc file
RqAsm Adds the Nasm Header and Footer, creates the arguments macro to
call them by their names in the Nasm code.
_ RqAsm knows four words if most left on a line and followed by a space
end function
end sub
- the first word following 'function' or 'sub' is the name of the
function used in the creation of the RQ code. That 'name' will be
used to
- create the 'name.Asm' file
- compile the 'name.Bin' file
- name the RQ 'nameArray'
- create the RQ 'ptrName' to nameArray(0)
- create the RQ function or sub 'name'
- the words following the function or sub name are the arguments names
they will be used to define NASM macros, allowing easier access to
'pushed' arguments,
- separator between names and arguments is a single space = " "
- all lines out of function/end function or sub/end sub are ignored
- all other lines will simply be copied in the name.Asm file, such as
asm code lines, commented lines, ...
Here is An RqAsm Example :
--- RqASm Code Start --------------
; --------------------
; address is a pointer
function GetByteAt address
push edx
mov eax, address
mov edx, 0
mov dl, [eax]
mov eax, edx
pop edx
end function
--- RqAsm Code End ----------------
RqAsmToInc will create a NASM code GetByteAt.Asm file :
--- NASM Code Start ---------------
; NASM CODE Generated by rqAsmToBin on 04-14-2002 at 14:07:54
bits 32
%define address [ebp+08]
segment .text
enter 0, 0
; End Of RqAsm Automated Header
; User's Code Begins Here
push edx
mov eax, address
mov edx, 0
mov dl, [eax]
mov eax, edx
pop edx
; End of User's Code
; Automated RqAsm Footer
ret 16
; End of NASM Code
--- NASM Code End -------------------
RqAsmToInc will compile it in GetByteAt.Bin file
And Finnally RqAsmToInc will create a GetByteAt.Inc file
' ============================================================
' ----- START ASM GetByteAt -----
DefByte GetByteAtArray (0 To 21) = _
{ _
&HC8, &H00, &H00, &H00, &H52, &H8B, &H45, &H08, &HBA, &H00, _
&H00, &H00, &H00, &H8A, &H10, &H89, &HD0, &H5A, &HC9, &HC2, _
&H10, &H00 _
' ----- END ASM GetByteAt -----
' ----- POINTER to use In CallAsmProc -----
' A Bit Faster than Calling GetByteAt
DefInt ptrGetByteAt
ptrGetByteAt = VarPtr (GetByteAtArray(0))
' ----- RQ CALL GetByteAt -----
Function GetByteAt (Arg1 As Long) As Long
Result = CallAsmProc (ptrGetByteAt, Arg1, 0, 0, 0)
End Function
' ============================================================
that can be included in your RApidQ code. And simply called in RQ by
- Sub, Function and End Sub and End Function are delimiter. Same
reserved word as in RapidQ
- functionName, subName, arg_1, arg_2, arg_3, arg_4 must br any
'valid' NASM names
- the function/sub elements are separated by one single space
- arg_1, arg_2, arg_3, arg_4 are always Longs. Long can be a
pointer to anything : string, array, structure, CodePtr, ...
- functions returns always a Long (register eax is the returned value).
- Sub and Function cannot be nested
- Nearly all NASM procedure in the world can be 'ported' to RQ.
There even is a GUI 'set' written NASM available named 'gaz'.
Files and Directories
- The RqAsm file is saved in the RqAsm directory (choosen by user)
All the intermediary files, .ASM files and .BIN files, are stored
in that directory too.
- The final .INC file is saved in the INC directory (choosen by the
user) IE, in the RapidQ current project directory
- These two directories are choosen by the user on "Open RqAsm" or
"New RqAsm"
- The last directories and filename used are saved in an INI file
on RqAsmToInc Exit and reloaded on start.
RAPIDQ_TEST RQ ASM SPEED TESTS in directory \RapidQ_Test\
- ConAsmTest.Exe source : ConAsmTest.Bas
- GuiAsmTest.Exe source : GuiAsmTest.Bas
These will show you that CallWindowProc put a terrible time burden
on your fast ASM procedures...
RqAsmToInc in an usefull but unfinished thing... it could
- include the RQ Call Function
- have a better file saving system
- ...
April 14th, 2002