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' RAPIDQ.INC  -- Include file for RAPID-Q by William Yu
'             -- attach a $INCLUDE "RAPIDQ.INC"
'             -- to all your programs, or just extract what you need.



'------------------------- Useful variables -------------------------
      CONST False = 0
      CONST True = 1

'-- Control Alignments
      CONST alNone = 0
      CONST alTop = 1
      CONST alBottom = 2
      CONST alLeft = 3
      CONST alRight = 4
      CONST alClient = 5           '-- Expand to fit client

'-- Text Alignments
      CONST taLeftJustify = 0
      CONST taRightJustify = 1
      CONST taCenter = 2

      CONST SND_SYNC = 0           '-- Synchronous playback (Wait for sound to finish)
      CONST SND_ASYNC = 1          '-- Asynchronous playback (Like background play).
      CONST SND_LOOP = 8           '-- Loop sound
'-- BASIC Colors
      CONST clBlack = 0
      CONST clWhite = &HFFFFFF
      CONST clBlue = &HFF0000
      CONST clGreen = &H00FF00
      CONST clRed = &H0000FF
      CONST clPurple = &HFF00FF
      CONST clYellow=&H00FFFF

'-- System colors
      CONST clScrollBar = -2147483648
      CONST clBackGround = -2147483647
      CONST clActiveCaption = -2147483646
      CONST clInActiveCaption = -2147483645
      CONST clMenu = -2147483644
      CONST clWindow = -2147483643
      CONST clWindowFrame = -2147483642
      CONST clMenuText = -2147483641
      CONST clWindowText = -2147483640
      CONST clCaptionText = -2147483639
      CONST clActiveBorder = -2147483638
      CONST clInActiveBorder = -2147483637
      CONST clAppWorkSpace = -2147483636
      CONST clHilight = -2147483635
      CONST clHilightText = -2147483634
      CONST clBtnFace = -2147483633
      CONST clBtnShadow = -2147483632
      CONST clGrayText = -2147483631
      CONST clBtnText = -2147483630
      CONST clInActiveCaptionText = -2147483629
      CONST clBtnHighlight = -2147483628
      CONST cl3DDkShadow = -2147483627
      CONST cl3DLight = -2147483626
      CONST clInfoText = -2147483625
      CONST clInfoBk3DDkShadow = -2147483624
      CONST clNone = 536870911
      CONST clDefault = 536870912

'-- Mouse Shift States, True if Shift% AND ss<State>
      CONST ssShift = 256
      CONST ssCtrl = 16
      CONST ssAlt = 1

'-- MessageDlg Message Types
      CONST mtWarning = 0
      CONST mtError = 1
      CONST mtInformation = 2
      CONST mtConfirmation = 3
      CONST mtCustom = 4

'-- MessageDlg Message Buttons (NOT QBUTTON)
      CONST mbYes = 1          ' YES Button
      CONST mbNo = 2           ' NO Button
      CONST mbOK = 4           ' OK Button
      CONST mbCancel = 8       ' etc. etc.
      CONST mbHelp = 16
      CONST mbAbort = 32
      CONST mbRetry = 64
      CONST mbIgnore = 128
      CONST mbAll = 256

'-- MessageDlg Return Values: See ModalResult of QButton

'------------------------- QFONT Variables --------------------------
'-- Font Styles
      CONST fsBold = 0
      CONST fsItalic = 1
      CONST fsUnderline = 2
      CONST fsStrikeOut = 3

'-- Font Pitch
      CONST fpDefault = 0           '-- Depends on the font specified
      CONST fpVariable = 1          '-- Characters in font have different widths
      CONST fpFixed = 2             '-- Characters in font have same widths

'-- Font Character sets
      CONST ANSI_CHARSET = 0        '-- ANSI characters
      CONST SYMBOL_CHARSET = 2      '-- Standard symbol set
      CONST MAC_CHARSET = 77        '-- Macintosh characters
      CONST SHIFTJIS_CHARSET = 128  '-- Japanese shift-jis characters
      CONST GB2312_CHARSET = 134
      CONST OEM_CHARSET = 255       '-- Depends on the codepage of the OS

'------------------------- QFORM Variables --------------------------
'-- Window States
      CONST wsNormal = 0
      CONST wsMinimized = 1
      CONST wsMaximized = 2

'-- Form Styles
      CONST fsNormal = 0
      CONST fsMDIChild = 1
      CONST fsMDIForm = 2
      CONST fsStayOnTop = 3

'-- Border Styles
      CONST bsNone = 0              '-- No visible border line, Not resizeable
      CONST bsSingle = 1            '-- Single-line border, Not resizeable
      CONST bsSizeable = 2          '-- Standard resizeable border
      CONST bsDialog = 3            '-- Dialog, not resizeable
      CONST bsToolWindow = 4        '-- like bsSingle but with a smaller caption
      CONST bsSizeToolWin = 5       '-- like bsSizeable with a smaller caption

'-- Keyboard Shift States
      CONST CtrlDown = 1
      CONST AltDown = 16
      CONST ShiftDown = 256

'-- Border Icons
      CONST biSystemMenu = 0
      CONST biMinimize = 1
      CONST biMaximize = 2
      CONST biHelp = 3

'-- Close Actions
      CONST caNone = 0              '-- Don't close the form
      CONST caHide = 1              '-- Just hide the form
      CONST caFree = 2
      CONST caClose = caFree        '-- Close form
      CONST caMinimize = 3          '-- Minimize instead of closing

'------------------------- QLABEL Variables -------------------------
'-- Text Layout
      CONST tlTop = 0
      CONST tlCenter = 1
      CONST tlBottom = 2

'-- Label Style
      CONST lsNone = 0
      CONST lsRaised = 1
      CONST lsRecessed = 2

'------------------------- QPANEL Variables -------------------------
'-- Bevel Style
      CONST bvNone = 0
      CONST bvLowered = 1
      CONST bvRaised = 2

'-- Bevel Border
      CONST bpNone = 0         '-- No visible border
      CONST bpSingle = 1       '-- Single-line border

'------------------------- QEDIT Variables --------------------------
'-- CharCase
      CONST ecNormal = 0       '-- Text of the edit box displays in mixed case
      CONST ecUpperCase = 1    '-- Text of the edit box displays in uppercase
      CONST ecLowerCase = 2    '-- Text of the edit box displays in lowercase

'----------------------- QCOMBOBOX Variables ------------------------
'-- ComboBox Styles
      CONST csDropDown = 0           '-- Drop-down list with an edit box
      CONST csSimple = 1             '-- Edit box with no list.
      CONST csDropDownList = 2       '-- Drop-down list without an edit box
      CONST csOwnerDrawFixed = 3     '-- Owner draw fixed
      CONST csOwnerDrawVariable = 4  '-- Owner draw variable

'---------------------- QFILESTREAM Variables -----------------------
'-- File Mode
      CONST fmCreate = 65535
      CONST fmOpenRead = 0
      CONST fmOpenWrite = 1
      CONST fmOpenReadWrite = 2

'-- Offsets
      CONST soFromBeginning = 0       '-- Seek (offset) from Beginning
      CONST soFromCurrent = 1         '-- Seek (offset) from Current position
      CONST soFromEnd = 2             '-- Seek (offset) from End

'-- Read/Write Numbers
      CONST Num_BYTE   = 1            '-- ie. PRINT File.ReadNum(Num_SINGLE)
      CONST Num_SHORT  = 2
      CONST Num_WORD   = 3
      CONST Num_LONG   = 4
      CONST Num_DWORD  = 5
      CONST Num_SINGLE = 6
      CONST Num_DOUBLE = 8

'----------------------- QRICHEDIT Variables ------------------------
'-- Scroll Bars
      CONST ssNone = 0
      CONST ssHorizontal = 1
      CONST ssVertical = 2
      CONST ssBoth = 3

'---------------------- MODALRESULT Variables -----------------------
'-- Default ModalResults
      CONST mrNone = 0
      CONST mrOK = 1
      CONST mrCancel = 2
      CONST mrAbort = 3
      CONST mrRetry = 4
      CONST mrIgnore = 5
      CONST mrYes = 6
      CONST mrNo = 7
      CONST mrAll = 8
      CONST mrNoToAll = 9
      CONST mrYesToAll = 10

'------------------------ QBUTTON Variables -------------------------
'-- Bitmap Alignment
      CONST blBMPLeft = 0
      CONST blBMPRight = 1
      CONST blBMPTop = 2
      CONST blBMPBottom = 3

'-- Button Kind
      CONST bkCustom = 0              '-- None
      CONST bkOK = 1                  '-- Check Bitmap
      CONST bkCancel = 2              '-- X Bitmap
      CONST bkHelp = 3                '-- ? Bitmap
      CONST bkYes = 4
      CONST bkNo = 5
      CONST bkClose = 6
      CONST bkAbort = 7
      CONST bkRetry = 8
      CONST bkIgnore = 9
      CONST bkAll = 10

'------------------------ CURSORS Variables -------------------------
      CONST crDefault = 0        ' Normal pointer
      CONST crNone = -1
      CONST crArrow = -2
      CONST crCross = -3
      CONST crIBeam = -4
      CONST crSize = -5
      CONST crSizeNESW = -6
      CONST crSizeNS = -7
      CONST crSizeNWSE = -8
      CONST crSizeWE = -9
      CONST crUpArrow = -10
      CONST crHourGlass = -11
      CONST crDrag = -12
      CONST crNoDrop = -13
      CONST crHSplit = -14
      CONST crVSplit = -15
      CONST crMultiDrag = -16
      CONST crSQLWait = -17
      CONST crNo = -18
      CONST crAppStart = -19
      CONST crHelp = -20
      CONST crHandPoint = -21

'--------------------- QFILELISTBOX Variables -----------------------
'-- FileTypes
      CONST ftReadOnly = 0     '-- Display files with read-only attribute
      CONST ftHidden = 1       '--   "       "     "  hidden attribute
      CONST ftSystem = 2       '-- Displays system files
      CONST ftVolumeID = 3     '-- Displays the volume name
      CONST ftDirectory = 4    '-- Displays directories
      CONST ftArchive = 5      '-- Display files with archive attribute
      CONST ftNormal = 6       '-- Display files with no special attributes

'---------------------- QSCROLLBAR Variables ------------------------
'-- Kind
      CONST sbHorizontal = 0
      CONST sbVertical = 1

'-- ScrollCode
      CONST scLineUp = 0
      CONST scLineDown = 1
      CONST scPageUp = 2
      CONST scPageDown = 3
      CONST scPosition = 4
      CONST scTrack = 5
      CONST scTop = 6
      CONST scBottom = 7
      CONST scEndScroll = 8

'----------------------- QIMAGELIST Variables -----------------------
'-- Draw styles
      CONST dsFocused = 0      '-- Draws the image blending 25% with the system
                         '   highlight color. This only affects imagelists
                         '   which contain masks.
      CONST dsSelected = 1     '-- Draws the image blending 50%
      CONST dsNormal = 2       '-- Draws the image using the color specified in
                         '   the BkColor property
      CONST dsTransparent = 3  '-- Draws using the mask regardless of the BkColor
                         '   setting

'-- Image type
      CONST itImage = 0        '-- Draw image
      CONST itMask = 1         '-- Draw image mask

'------------------ QLISTVIEW/QTREEVIEW Variables -------------------
'-- Sort Type
      CONST stNone = 0         '-- Sort Type: None
'CONST stData = 1
      CONST stText = 2
'CONST stBoth = 3

'-- QLISTVIEW View Style
      CONST vsIcon = 0         '-- View Style: Full sized icon, text on bottom
      CONST vsSmallIcon = 1    '-- Small icons, text aligned to the right
      CONST vsList = 2         '-- Same as above (nevermind this)
      CONST vsReport = 3       '-- Each item appears on its own line with information
                         '-- arranged in columns

'----------------------- QTRACKBAR Variables ------------------------
      CONST tbHorizontal = 0   '-- TrackBar Orientation
      CONST tbVertical = 1

      CONST tmBottomRight = 0  '-- Tickmark placement
      CONST tmTopLeft = 1
      CONST tmBoth = 2

      CONST tsNone = 0         '-- Track bar displays no tick marks
      CONST tsAuto = 1         '-- Track bar displays tick marks automatically
                         '   for each increment in its range
      CONST tsManual = 2       '-- Track bar displays a tick mark at either end

'---------------------- QSTRINGGRID Variables -----------------------
      CONST goFixedVertLine = 0
      CONST goFixedHorzLine = 1
      CONST goVertLine = 2
      CONST goHorzLine = 3
      CONST goRangeSelect = 4
      CONST goDrawFocusSelected = 5
      CONST goRowSizing = 6
      CONST goColSizing = 7
      CONST goRowMoving = 8
      CONST goColMoving = 9
      CONST goEditing = 10
      CONST goTabs = 11
      CONST goRowSelect = 12
      CONST goAlwaysShowEditor = 13
      CONST goThumbTracking = 14

'-- ColumnStyles
      CONST gcsList = 0
      CONST gcsEllipsis = 1
      CONST gcsNone = 2

'----------------------- QOUTLINE Variables -------------------------
'-- Outline Style
      CONST osText = 0
      CONST osPlusMinusText = 1
      CONST osPictureText = 2
      CONST osPlusMinusPictureText = 3
      CONST osTreeText = 4
      CONST osTreePictureText = 5

'-- Outline options
      CONST ooDrawTreeRoot = 0         '-- First item is connected to the root item
      CONST ooDrawFocusRect = 1        '-- Draw focus retangle around selected item
      CONST ooDrawStretchBitmaps = 2   '-- Stretch bitmap to fit size of item

'------------------------ QGAUGE Variables --------------------------
'-- Kinds
      CONST gkText = 0
      CONST gkHorizontalBar = 1
      CONST gkVerticalBar = 2
      CONST gkPie = 3
      CONST gkNeedle = 4

'----------------- QBITMAP/QCANVAS/QIMAGE Variables -----------------
'-- CopyMode
'CONST cmBlackness = 0     ' Fill Destination rectange on the canvas with black
'CONST cmDstInvert = 1
'CONST cmMergeCopy = 2
'CONST cmMergePaint = 3
'CONST cmNotSrcCopy = 4
'CONST cmNotSrcErase = 5
'CONST cmPatCopy = 6
'CONST cmPatInvert = 7
'CONST cmPatPaint = 8
'CONST cmSrcAnd = 9
'CONST cmSrcCopy = 10      ' Copies source image to the canvas
'CONST cmSrcErase = 11
'CONST cmSrcInvert = 12
'CONST cmSrcPaint = 13
'CONST cmWhiteness = 14    ' Fill Destination rectange on the canvas with white

'by: Lance (7/14/02 11:17:46 am)
' The CopyMode values in Rapidq.Inc are wrong.
'Here are the correct values.

      CONST cmBlackness = &H42
      CONST cmDstInvert = &H550009
      CONST cmMergeCopy = &HC000CA
      CONST cmMergePaint = &HBB0226
      CONST cmNotSrcCopy = &H330008
      CONST cmNotSrcErase = &H1100A6
      CONST cmPatCopy = &HF00021
      CONST cmPatInvert = &H5A0049
      CONST cmPatPaint = &HFB0A09
      CONST cmSrcAnd = &H8800C6
      CONST cmSrcCopy = &HCC0020
      CONST cmSrcErase = &H440328
      CONST cmSrcInvert = &H660046
      CONST cmSrcPaint = &HEE0086
      CONST cmWhiteness = &HFF0062

'-- QBITMAP Pixel Formats
      CONST pfDevice = 0
      CONST pf1bit = 1
      CONST pf4bit = 2
      CONST pf8bit = 3
      CONST pf15bit = 4
      CONST pf16bit = 5
      CONST pf24bit = 6
      CONST pf32bit = 7

'-- QBITMAP TransparentMode
      CONST tmAuto  = 0
      CONST tmFixed = 1

'------------------------ QLISTBOX Variables ------------------------
'-- ListBox Styles
      CONST lbStandard = 0           '-- All items are strings
      CONST lbOwnerDrawFixed = 1     '-- Owner draw fixed
      CONST lbOwnerDrawVariable = 2  '-- Owner draw variable

'------------------------ QCOMPORT Variables ------------------------
'-- Baud Rates
       CONST br110 = 0
       CONST br300 = 1
       CONST br600 = 2
       CONST br1200 = 3
       CONST br2400 = 4
       CONST br4800 = 5
       CONST br9600 = 6
       CONST br14400 = 7
       CONST br19200 = 8
       CONST br38400 = 9
       CONST br56000 = 10
       CONST br57600 = 11
       CONST br115200 = 12

'-- Stop bits
       CONST sbOneStopBit = 0
       CONST sbOne5StopBits = 1
       CONST sbTwoStopBits = 2

'-- Parity
       CONST prNone = 0
       CONST prOdd = 1
       CONST prEven = 2
       CONST prMark = 3
       CONST prSpace = 4

'---------------------- QFONTDIALOG Variables -----------------------
'-- Font Options
      CONST fdAnsiOnly = 0             '-- No weird symbols
      CONST fdTrueTypeOnly = 1
      CONST fdEffects = 2
      CONST fdFixedPitchOnly = 3
      CONST fdForceFontExist = 4
      CONST fdNoFaceSel = 5
      CONST fdNoOEMFonts = 6
      CONST fdNoSimulations = 7
      CONST fdNoSizeSel = 8
      CONST fdNoStyleSel = 9
      CONST fdNoVectorFonts = 10
      CONST fdShowHelp = 11
      CONST fdWysiwyg = 12
      CONST fdLimitSize = 13
      CONST fdScalableOnly = 14
      CONST fdApplyButton = 15

'----------------------- QDIRTREE Variables -------------------------
'-- DirTypes
      CONST dtReadOnly = 0
      CONST dtHidden = 1
      CONST dtSystem = 2
      CONST dtNormal = 3
      CONST dtAll = 4

'-- DriveTypes
      CONST drtUnknown = 0
      CONST drtRemovable = 1
      CONST drtFixed = 2
      CONST drtRemote = 3
      CONST drtCDRom = 4
      CONST drtRamDisk = 5

'------------------------ QSOCKET Variables -------------------------
'-- Protocols
      CONST IPPROTO_IP   = 0        ' dummy for IP
      CONST IPPROTO_ICMP = 1        ' control message protocol
      CONST IPPROTO_IGMP = 2        ' group management protocol
      CONST IPPROTO_UDP  = 17       ' user datagram protocol
      CONST IPPROTO_IDP  = 22       ' xns idp
      CONST IPPROTO_RAW  = 255      ' raw IP packet

'-- Socket Types
      CONST SOCK_STREAM    = 1      ' stream socket
      CONST SOCK_DGRAM     = 2      ' datagram socket
      CONST SOCK_RAW       = 3      ' raw-protocol interface
      CONST SOCK_RDM       = 4      ' reliably-delivered message
      CONST SOCK_SEQPACKET = 5      ' sequenced packet stream

'-- Address families
      CONST AF_UNSPEC    = 0        ' unspecified
      CONST AF_UNIX      = 1        ' local to host (pipes, portals)
      CONST AF_INET      = 2        ' internetwork: UDP, TCP, etc.
      CONST AF_IMPLINK   = 3        ' arpanet imp addresses
      CONST AF_PUP       = 4        ' pup protocols: e.g. BSP
      CONST AF_CHAOS     = 5        ' mit CHAOS protocols
      CONST AF_IPX       = 6        ' IPX and SPX
      CONST AF_NS        = 6        ' XEROX NS protocols
      CONST AF_ISO       = 7        ' ISO protocols
      CONST AF_OSI       = AF_ISO
      CONST AF_ECMA      = 8        ' european computer manufacturers
      CONST AF_DATAKIT   = 9        ' datakit protocols
      CONST AF_CCITT     = 10       ' CCITT protocols, X.25 etc
      CONST AF_SNA       = 11       ' IBM SNA
      CONST AF_DECnet    = 12       ' DECnet
      CONST AF_DLI       = 13       ' Direct data link interface
      CONST AF_LAT       = 14       ' LAT
      CONST AF_HYLINK    = 15       ' NSC Hyperchannel
      CONST AF_APPLETALK = 16       ' AppleTalk
      CONST AF_NETBIOS   = 17       ' NetBios-style addresses
      CONST AF_VOICEVIEW = 18       ' VoiceView
      CONST AF_FIREFOX   = 19       ' FireFox
      CONST AF_UNKNOWN1  = 20       ' What?
      CONST AF_BAN       = 21       ' Banyan

'----------------------- QHEADER Variables --------------------------
'-- Header Styles
      CONST hsText = 0
      CONST hsOwnerDraw = 1

'--------------------- QSTRINGLIST Variables ------------------------
'-- Duplicates
      CONST dupIgnore = 0
      CONST dupAccept = 1
      CONST dupError = 2

'-------------------- QOLECONTAINER Variables -----------------------
'-- Size Mode
      CONST smClip = 0              '-- Clip parts that don't fit inside
      CONST smCenter = 1            '-- Center object within the container
      CONST smScale = 2             '-- Scales or shrinks object to fit inside
      CONST smStretch = 3           '-- Stretch to fill entire container
      CONST smAutoSize = 4          '-- Sizes container to match size of object

'-- Object States
      CONST osEmpty = 0
      CONST osLoaded = 1
      CONST osRunning = 2
      CONST osOpen = 3
      CONST osInPlaceActive = 4
      CONST osUIActive = 5

'--------------------- STRF$ Format Variables -----------------------
      CONST ffGeneral = 0
      CONST ffExponent = 1
      CONST ffFixed = 2
      CONST ffNumber = 3

'------------------------- DIR$ Variables ---------------------------
'-- File Attributes
      CONST faReadOnly  = 1
      CONST faHidden    = 2
      CONST faSysFile   = 4
      CONST faVolumeID  = 8
      CONST faDirectory = 16
      CONST faArchive   = 32
      CONST faAnyFile   = 63

'------------------------ PRINTER Variables -------------------------
'-- Orientations
      CONST poPortrait  = 0
      CONST poLandscape = 1

'---------------------------- QBColor -------------------------------

       DIM QBColor(0 TO 15) AS INTEGER
       QBColor(0) = 0               '-- Black
       QBColor(1) = &H800000        '-- Blue
       QBColor(2) = &H8000          '-- Green
       QBColor(3) = &H808000        '-- Cyan
       QBColor(4) = &H80            '-- Red
       QBColor(5) = &H800080        '-- Magenta
       QBColor(6) = &H8080          '-- Brown
       QBColor(7) = &HC0C0C0        '-- White
       QBColor(8) = &H808080        '-- Grey
       QBColor(9) = &HFF0000        '-- Light Blue
       QBColor(10) = &HFF00         '-- Light Green
       QBColor(11) = &HFFFF00       '-- Light Cyan
       QBColor(12) = &HFF           '-- Light Red
       QBColor(13) = &HFF00FF       '-- Light Magenta
       QBColor(14) = &HFFFF         '-- Yellow
       QBColor(15) = &HFFFFFF       '-- Bright White
      $ENDIF ' __QBCOLOR

     $ENDIF ' __RQINC
© Mon 2025-1-13  Guidance Laboratory Inc. Hits:0 Last modified:2013-08-20 12:33:27