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 '*******  globals *********


'-----  constants  ------------
     CONST CRLF = CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)
     CONST Quot$ = CHR$(34)
     CONST TAB = CHR$(9)
     CONST sQuot = CHR$(39)                                  'single quote mark
     CONST Comma = CHR$(44)
     CONST FileTabDelimitr = CHR$(187) 'CHR$(131)            'for searching across File tabControl
     CONST LineNumDelimitr = CHR$(255)                       'for getting a line number out of QListView (SubItems doesn't work on sort)
     CONST cDebugFileName = "freeqdebug___"                  'debugger output file without extension

'--------  RapidQ Objects ----------------
     DIM MFE_List            AS QSTRINGLIST                 '--- list of file names in all tabs
     DIM IDE_RecentFileList  AS QSTRINGLIST                 '--- list of recently opened file names
     DIM tmpList             AS QSTRINGLIST                 '--- temporary list -- use in sub then forget it
     DIM fDialog             AS QFILEDIALOG                 'open save dialog for multiselection
     DIM gMem                AS QMEMORYSTREAM               'global memorystream
     DIM gFStream            AS QFILESTREAM                 'global memorystream
     DIM IDE_ColorSelector   AS QColorDialog                'global color dialog
     DIM FontDialog          AS QFONTDIALOG                 'global font dialog
     DIM ini                 AS QINI                        'read ini files
     DIM IDE_InactiveFont    AS QFONT                        'general trash Font
'    IDE_InactiveFont.Name = "Times New Roman"
     IDE_InactiveFont.Size = 9
     IDE_InactiveFont.Bold = False

      Height = 16
      Width = 8
      AddICOHandle SUB_ICO
      AddICOHandle FUNC_ICO

'-----  variables at run-time -------------
     DEFINT zzz                                             'trash global integer
     DEFINT Screen_Width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN )'in case we have dual monitors...
     DEFINT Screen_Height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN )
     DEFSTR TheMainIniFile = Application.Path + "\FreeQ.ini"

    ' ==== basic setup for mainform  ====
      MainFormLeft                AS INTEGER
      MainFormTop                 AS INTEGER
      MainFormWidth               AS INTEGER
      MainFormHeight              AS INTEGER
      ShowSplashScreen            AS INTEGER
      RightSplitterPos            AS INTEGER
      LeftSplitterPos             AS INTEGER

      ViewStatusBar               AS INTEGER
      ViewQuickSearch             AS INTEGER
      ViewLeftPanel               AS INTEGER
      ViewRightPanel              AS INTEGER
      ViewBottomPanel             AS INTEGER
      ViewTopPanel                AS INTEGER
      ViewFileToolPanel           AS INTEGER
      ViewEditToolPanel           AS INTEGER
      ViewCompileToolPanel        AS INTEGER
      ViewViewToolPanel           AS INTEGER
      ViewCodeFoldingToolPanel    AS INTEGER
      ViewFormatToolPanel         AS INTEGER
      ViewBookMarkToolPanel       AS INTEGER
      ViewIconToolPanel           AS INTEGER
      ViewWidgetToolPanel         AS INTEGER

    ' =========== hilighting colors =============
      MainFont                    AS QFONT
      BackGround                  AS INTEGER     'no fore ground use MainFont
      SelectionFore               AS INTEGER
      SelectionBack               AS INTEGER
      LineNumbersFore             AS INTEGER
      LineNumbersBack             AS INTEGER
      ActiveLineBack              AS INTEGER

      CommentFore                 AS INTEGER
      CommentBack                 AS INTEGER      'backgr color
      CommentBold                 AS INTEGER
      CommentItalic               AS INTEGER
      CommentUnderL               AS INTEGER

      NumberFore                  AS INTEGER
      NumberBack                  AS INTEGER      'backgr color
      NumberBold                  AS INTEGER
      NumberItalic                AS INTEGER
      NumberUnderL                AS INTEGER

      StringFore                  AS INTEGER
      StringBack                  AS INTEGER      'backgr color
      StringBold                  AS INTEGER
      StringItalic                AS INTEGER
      StringUnderL                AS INTEGER

      PreProcessorFore            AS INTEGER
      PreProcessorBack            AS INTEGER      'backgr color
      PreProcessorBold            AS INTEGER
      PreProcessorItalic          AS INTEGER
      PreProcessorUnderL          AS INTEGER

      OperatorFore                AS INTEGER
      OperatorBack                AS INTEGER
      OperatorBold                AS INTEGER
      OperatorItalic              AS INTEGER
      OperatorUnderL              AS INTEGER

      KeywordFore                 AS INTEGER
      KeywordBack                 AS INTEGER
      KeywordBold                 AS INTEGER
      KeywordItalic               AS INTEGER
      KeywordUnderL               AS INTEGER

      Keyword2Fore                AS INTEGER
      Keyword2Back                AS INTEGER
      Keyword2Bold                AS INTEGER
      Keyword2Italic              AS INTEGER
      Keyword2UnderL              AS INTEGER

      Keyword3Fore                AS INTEGER
      Keyword3Back                AS INTEGER
      Keyword3Bold                AS INTEGER
      Keyword3Italic              AS INTEGER
      Keyword3UnderL              AS INTEGER

      FileTabContolBack           AS INTEGER
      FileTabContolInactive       AS INTEGER

    ' === editor specific =====
      SearchFlag                  AS INTEGER          'search flags for find/replace
      HiLighting                  AS INTEGER          'toggle on/off
      LineNumbers                 AS INTEGER
      UseTabs                     AS INTEGER
      TabSpaces                   AS INTEGER
      CodePage                    AS INTEGER
      AutoIndent                  AS INTEGER
      CodeFolding                 AS INTEGER
      CodeFoldCollapseAll         AS INTEGER
      CodeFoldExpandAll           AS INTEGER
      ViewIndents                 AS INTEGER
      WordWrap                    AS INTEGER
      ViewBookMarks               AS INTEGER
      LastTab                     AS INTEGER          'go back to last file tab
      CurrTab                     AS INTEGER          'this is to store for OnChange event

    ' ====  compiler specific variables  =====
      MFEActiveProject            AS STRING
      MFEActiveFile               AS STRING
      ActiveFile                  AS STRING
      NewFileIndex                AS INTEGER
      MainFileForCompiler         AS STRING
      CompiledOK                  AS INTEGER      'did compile work?

      FileFilter                  AS STRING
      UseAppDirectory             AS INTEGER      'set directory to main app when compiling source, overrides Path
      ConstPath                   AS STRING       'use a constant path when compiling source
      Path                        AS STRING       'set directory to this path when compiling source
      CompilerPath                AS STRING       'path to find the compiler
      CompilerLibPath             AS STRING
      CompilerIncPath             AS STRING
      CompilerIconPath            AS STRING
      CompilerHelpFile            AS STRING
      CompilerTemplatePath        AS STRING

      FBCompilerPath              AS STRING
      FBCommandLine               AS STRING
      FBCompilerHelpFile          AS STRING

      IconName                    AS STRING
      OptimizeOn                  AS INTEGER
      TypeCheckOn                 AS INTEGER
      VerboseOn                   AS INTEGER
      ByteCodeOn                  AS INTEGER
      GenerateManifest            AS INTEGER
      SaveFileBeforeCompile       AS INTEGER
      SaveAllBeforeCompile        AS INTEGER
      ScriptBeforeCompile         AS STRING

      DefaultLexLanguage          AS INTEGER      'default lexer language for SciLexer
      HiLightCompileErr           AS INTEGER      'toggle compile error line highlighting
      HiLightTurnOFF              AS INTEGER      'turn off temporary line highlighting after sub/func search, compile error
      ShowSubsAfterLoad           AS INTEGER
      SortSubs                    AS INTEGER
      SaveSettingsOnExit          AS INTEGER
      SingleInstanceOnly          AS INTEGER
      BackupFiles                 AS INTEGER
      BackupFilesExt              AS STRING
      HighlightBraces             AS INTEGER
      AutoComplete                AS INTEGER
      NewTabAtStartup             AS INTEGER
      AutoOpenLastProj            AS INTEGER
      ShowWelcome                 AS INTEGER
      NewFileName                 AS STRING
      NewFileAutoSave             AS INTEGER
      MenuIcons                   AS INTEGER
      DebugFileName               AS STRING

      AutoDeclClipboardActiveFile AS INTEGER
      AutoDeclClipboardAllFiles   AS INTEGER
      AutoDeclAtTopActiveFile     AS INTEGER
      AutoDeclAtTopAllFiles       AS INTEGER
      AutoDeclInFile              AS INTEGER
      AutoDeclInFileName          AS STRING

      CancelOnClose               AS INTEGER      'signal cancelling out of cancel loops, etc (use this since SUB can't return value)
      FileMonitorHook             AS INTEGER      'keep track of file changes in a directory

    'external applications
      HomePage                    AS STRING
      SearchEngine                AS STRING
      ExternalApp1                AS STRING
      ExternalApp2                AS STRING
      ExternalApp3                AS STRING
      ExternalApp4                AS STRING

    'specific external applications
      upx                         AS STRING      'need this for un/re -pack of exe for modifying resources
      ResHacker                   AS STRING      'to change the icon, assembly information in resources
      DecompressEXE               AS INTEGER      'should we decompress the output exe -- may help in virus warning, or whatever

    'embedded resources
      EmbedManifest               AS INTEGER
      EmbedVersionInfo            AS INTEGER
      FileVersion                 AS STRING
      ProductVersion              AS STRING
      CompanyName                 AS STRING
      CompanyEmail                AS STRING
      FileDescription             AS STRING
      LegalCopyright              AS STRING

    'custom menu lists
      MenuShortCutFile            AS STRING       'if not null contains a file with menu captions, shortcuts and visible properties
      MenuShortCutList            AS STRING       'list of all menu captions, shortcuts and visible prop
      MenuFuncPtr(1024)           AS INTEGER      'menu short-cut keys to function pointer conversion
                                                'bit 10 (high) = Shift key is pressed (1024)
                                                'bit 9 (high) = Alt key is pressed  (512)
                                                'bit 8 (high) = Ctrl key is pressed (256)
                                                'bits 0-7 = virtual key code pressed (0-255)

    'specific variables for each document
      DocPtr(MaxDim)              AS LONG         'pointers to multiple documents in QScintilla
      CursorPos(MaxDim)           AS LONG         'where was the cursor when switching between tabs
      AnchorPos(MaxDim)           AS LONG         'where was the anchor when switching between tabs
      FirstLine(MaxDim)           AS LONG         'First line visible when switching between tabs
      BookMark(MaxDim, 19)        AS LONG         'list of line # that have a bookmark, max 20 bookmarks/document
      BookMarkCount(MaxDim)       AS LONG
      ListIncludes(MaxDim)        AS QSTRINGLIST  'list of include files for each file
      ListResources(MaxDim)       AS QSTRINGLIST  'list of resource files for each file
      LexLanguage(MaxDim)         AS INTEGER      'lexer language for Scintilla (ie SCLEX_VB)
      ModuleType(MaxDim)          AS INTEGER      'what type of module? 0 = default (RapidQ), 1 = FreeBasic, 2 = Freebasic DLL,

      KeyWordList                 AS QSTRINGLIST
      KeyWordList2                AS QSTRINGLIST
      KeyWordList3                AS QSTRINGLIST
      KeyWordLookUp               AS QSTRINGLIST  'quick help

    'Beautify menu icons
      BackBMP                     AS QBITMAP
      gBMP                        AS QBITMAP      'global bitmap
      hDC                         AS INTEGER      'for general device context

    '-----  set defaults -----------
      SUB NEW
        .MainFormLeft = 48
        .MainFormTop = 48
        .MainFormWidth = Screen.ClientWidth - 80
        .MainFormHeight = Screen.ClientHeight - 120      'give large buffer
        .ShowSplashScreen = True
        .RightSplitterPos = .MainFormWidth * 0.8        '80%
        .LeftSplitterPos = .MainFormWidth * 0.2         '20%

        'tool bar views
        .ViewStatusBar            = True
        .ViewQuickSearch          = True
        .ViewLeftPanel            = False
        .ViewRightPanel           = True
        .ViewBottomPanel          = True
        .ViewTopPanel             = True
        .ViewFileToolPanel        = True
        .ViewEditToolPanel        = True
        .ViewCompileToolPanel     = True
        .ViewViewToolPanel        = True
        .ViewCodeFoldingToolPanel = True
        .ViewFormatToolPanel      = True
        .ViewBookMarkToolPanel    = True
        .ViewIconToolPanel        = True
        .ViewWidgetToolPanel      = False

        .BackGround      = clWhite
        .SelectionFore   = clBlack
        .SelectionBack   = RGB(186,186,186)
        .LineNumbersFore = clBlack
        .LineNumbersBack = RGB(181,197,219)
        .ActiveLineBack = -1                     'turn off

        .CommentFore     = RGB(0,128,12)
        .CommentBack     = RGB(255,255,250)      'drk green on vanilla
        .CommentBold     = False
        .CommentItalic   = True

        .NumberFore      = RGB(90,16,0)
        .NumberBack      = clWhite
        .NumberBold      = False

        .StringFore      = RGB(102,23,14)
        .StringBack      = clWhite
        .StringBold      = False

        .PreProcessorFore    = RGB(0,6,214)
        .PreProcessorBack    = clWhite
        .PreProcessorBold    = True

        .OperatorFore   = RGB(0,12,45)
        .OperatorBack   = clWhite
        .OperatorBold   = False

        .KeywordFore    = RGB(0,35,202)
        .KeywordBack    = clWhite
        .KeywordBold    = False

        .Keyword2Fore    = RGB(134,35,35)
        .Keyword2Back    = clWhite
        .Keyword2Bold    = False

        .Keyword3Fore    = clBlack
        .Keyword3Back    = clWhite
        .Keyword3Bold    = False

        .MainFont.Name          = "Courier New"
        .MainFont.COLOR         = 0
        .MainFont.Size          = 10
        .MainFont.Bold          = False
        .MainFont.Italic        = False

        .FileTabContolBack      = clWhite
        .FileTabContolInactive  = RGB(201,201,201)
        .HiLighting             = True
        .LineNumbers            = True
        .UseTabs                = False
        .TabSpaces              = 4
        .CodePage               = 0         'single byte, ascii
        .AutoIndent             = False
        .WordWrap               = False
        .CodeFolding            = False
        .CodeFoldCollapseAll    = False
        .CodeFoldExpandAll      = True
        .ViewIndents            = False
        .ViewBookMarks          = False
        .LastTab                = -1

        .ConstPath              = ""            'no set path
        .UseAppDirectory        = True          'set to  app path, easy for F5 run and go!
        .Path                   = CURDIR$       'so now set it
        .FileFilter             = "RapidQ files|*.bas;*.rqb;*.rq;*.rqw;*.inc;*.QProj|Include|*.inc|All files|*.*"
        .CompilerPath           = IDE_AttemptToFindFile("\Rapidq\rc.exe")
        .CompilerLibPath        = IDE_AttemptToFindFolder("\Rapidq\lib")
        .CompilerIncPath        = IDE_AttemptToFindFolder("\Rapidq\include")
        .CompilerIconPath       = IDE_AttemptToFindFolder("\Rapidq\icon")
        .CompilerHelpFile       = IDE_AttemptToFindFile("\Rapidq\help\rapidq.chm")
        .CompilerTemplatePath   = IDE_AttemptToFindFolder("\Rapidq\templates")

        .FBCompilerPath         = IDE_AttemptToFindFile("\Program Files\FreeBasic\fbc.exe")
        .FBCommandLine          = ""
        .FBCompilerHelpFile     = IDE_AttemptToFindFile("\Program Files\FreeBasic\freebasic.chm")

        .OptimizeOn             = False
        .TypeCheckOn            = True
        .VerboseOn              = False
        .ByteCodeOn             = False
        .GenerateManifest       = False
        .SaveFileBeforeCompile  = True
        .SaveAllBeforeCompile   = False
        .ScriptBeforeCompile    = ""
        .MFEActiveProject       = ""

        .DefaultLexLanguage          = SCLEX_VB     'this covers RQ very well
        .HiLightCompileErr           = True         'toggle compile error line highlighting
        .HiLightTurnOFF              = False
        .ShowSubsAfterLoad           = True
        .SortSubs                    = True
        .SaveSettingsOnExit          = True
        .SingleInstanceOnly          = False
        .BackupFiles                 = False
        .BackupFilesExt              = ".~bck"
        .HighlightBraces             = True
        .AutoComplete                = False
        .NewTabAtStartup             = False
        .AutoOpenLastProj            = False
        .ShowWelcome                 = False
        .NewFileName                 = "~New"
        .NewFileAutoSave             = True
        .DebugFileName               = ""           'run in debugger sets this
        .MenuIcons                   = False

        .AutoDeclClipboardActiveFile = True
        .AutoDeclClipboardAllFiles   = False
        .AutoDeclAtTopActiveFile     = False
        .AutoDeclAtTopAllFiles       = False
        .AutoDeclInFile              = False
        .AutoDeclInFileName          = ""

        .MainFileForCompiler    = ""

        .HomePage               = ""
        .SearchEngine           = ""
        .ExternalApp1           = ""
        .ExternalApp2           = ""
        .ExternalApp3           = ""
        .ExternalApp4           = ""
        .upx                    = IDE_AttemptToFindFile(Application.Path + "\tools\upx.exe")
        .ResHacker              = IDE_AttemptToFindFile(Application.Path + "\tools\ResHacker.exe")
        .DecompressEXE          = False

        .EmbedManifest          = False
        .EmbedVersionInfo       = False
        .FileVersion            = "1,0,0,0"
        .ProductVersion         = "1,0,0,0"
        .CompanyName            = "My Company"
        .CompanyEmail           = ""
        .FileDescription        = "program developed in FreeQ"
        .LegalCopyright         = "Copyright 2009, my company"

        .MenuShortCutFile       = ""

        .CancelOnClose          = False         'only for return value of CANCEL during Closing files
        .FileMonitorHook        = -1

        'keyword lists.... 1st list is highest priority in autocomplete ...
         "$apptype", _
         "$define", _
         "$endif", _
         "$escapechars", _
         "$ifdef", _
         "$ifndef", _
         "$include", _
         "$optimize", _
         "$option", _
         "$typecheck", _
         "$undef", _
         "as", _
         "byref", _
         "bytecode", _
         "case", _
         "cgi", _
         "clipboard.", _
         "clipboard.clear", _
         "clipboard.close", _
         "", _
         "clipboard.text", _
         "clipboard.getastext", _
         "clipboard.setastext", _
         "clipboard.getashandle", _
         "clipboard.setashandle", _
         "console", _
         "constructor", _
         "create", _
         "decimal", _
         "declare", _
         "do", _
         "else", _
         "elseif", _
         "end", _
         "explicit", _
         "extractresource", _
         "for", _
         "function", _
         "functioni", _
         "gtk", _
         "gui", _
         "icon", _
         "if", _
         "loop", _
         "next", _
         "off", _
         "on", _
         "private", _
         "property", _
         "public", _
         "qbutton", _
         "qbitmap", _
         "qcanvas", _
         "qcheckbox", _
         "qcombobox", _
         "qcoolbtn", _
         "qdirtree", _
         "qdxscreen", _
         "qdxtimer", _
         "qdximagelist", _
         "qd3dframe", _
         "qd3dmeshbuilder", _
         "qd3dface", _
         "qd3dlight", _
         "qd3dmesh", _
         "qd3dtexture", _
         "qd3dvector", _
         "qd3dvisual", _
         "qd3dwrap", _
         "qedit", _
         "qfilestream", _
         "qfilelistbox", _
         "qform", _
         "qfont", _
         "qfontdialog", _
         "qgauge", _
         "qglassframe", _
         "qgroupbox", _
         "qheader", _
         "qimage", _
         "qimagelist", _
         "qlabel", _
         "qlistbox", _
         "qlistview", _
         "qmainmenu", _
         "qmenuitem", _
         "qmemorystream", _
         "qmysql", _
         "qnotifyicondata", _
         "qovalbtn", _
         "qopendialog", _
         "qobject", _
         "qolecontainer", _
         "qoleobject", _
         "qoutline", _
         "qpanel", _
         "qpopupmenu", _
         "qradiobutton", _
         "qrichedit", _
         "qrect", _
         "qregistry", _
         "qsavedialog", _
         "qscrollbar", _
         "qscrollbox", _
         "qstatusbar", _
         "qsocket", _
         "qsplitter", _
         "qstringlist", _
         "qstringgrid", _
         "qtabcontrol", _
         "qtimer", _
         "qtrackbar", _
         "qtreeview", _
         "qabout", _
         "qbitmapex", _
         "qcanvasex", _
         "qchart", _
         "qcolordialog", _
         "qdebug", _
         "qdir", _
         "qdockform", _
         "qfiledialog", _
         "qfilelistbox", _
         "qfontdialog", _
         "qformex", _
         "qformmdi", _
         "qimageex", _
         "qmenuex", _
         "qredex", _
         "qsplash", _
         "qstatusbarex", _
         "qstringgridex", _
         "qsystem", _
         "$resource", _
         "resource", _
         "resourcecount", _
         "select", _
         "sub", _
         "set", _
         "screen.", _
         "screen.mousex", _
         "screen.mousey", _
         "screen.height", _
         "screen.width", _
         "screen.consolex", _
         "screen.consoley", _
         "screen.cursor", _
         "screen.cursors", _
         "super", _
         "then", _
         "this", _
         "type", _
         "width", _
         "while", _

    '===== Functions and general keywords 2nd highest priority in autocomplete list ===========
        .KeyWordList2.AddItems("and", _
         "abs", _
         "acos", _
         "alias", _
         "asc", _
         "asin", _
         "atan", _
         "atn", _
         "bin$", _
         "bind", _
         "byte", _
         "call", _
         "callback", _
         "callfunc", _
         "ceil", _
         "chdir", _
         "chdrive", _
         "chr$", _
         "cint", _
         "clng", _
         "cls", _
         "codeptr", _
         "command$", _
         "commandcount", _
         "const", _
         "convbase$", _
         "cos", _
         "csrlin", _
         "defint", _
         "data", _
         "date$", _
         "dec", _
         "deflng", _
         "defstr", _
         "defbyte", _
         "defdbl", _
         "defdword", _
         "defshort", _
         "defsng", _
         "defword", _
         "delete$", _
         "dim", _
         "direxists", _
         "dir$", _
         "doevents", _
         "double", _
         "dword", _
         "environ", _
         "environ$", _
         "event", _
         "exit", _
         "exp", _
         "extends", _
         "fileexists", _
         "field$", _
         "fix", _
         "floor", _
         "frac", _
         "get$", _
         "gosub", _
         "goto", _
         "height", _
         "hex$", _
         "instr", _
         "iif", _
         "inc", _
         "initarray", _
         "inkey$", _
         "inp", _
         "input", _
         "input$", _
         "insert$", _
         "integer", _
         "int", _
         "inv", _
         "is", _
         "kill", _
         "lbound", _
         "left", _
         "lcase$", _
         "left$", _
         "len", _
         "lflush", _
         "lib", _
         "libraryinst", _
         "locate", _
         "log", _
         "long", _
         "lprint", _
         "ltrim$", _
         "memcmp", _
         "memset", _
         "messagebox", _
         "messagedlg", _
         "mid$", _
         "mkdir", _
         "mod", _
         "not", _
         "or", _
         "out", _
         "paramstr$", _
         "paramstrcount", _
         "paramval", _
         "paramvalcount", _
         "pcopy", _
         "playwav", _
         "poke", _
         "pos", _
         "print", _
         "quicksort", _
         "randomize", _
         "return", _
         "redim", _
         "result", _
         "rename", _
         "replace$", _
         "replacesubstr$", _
         "restore", _
         "rgb", _
         "right$", _
         "rinstr", _
         "rmdir", _
         "rnd", _
         "round", _
         "rtrim$", _
         "run", _
         "sendmessageapi", _
         "setfocus", _
         "setconsoletitle", _
         "sgn", _
         "shell", _
         "shl", _
         "short", _
         "showmessage", _
         "shr", _
         "single", _
         "sin", _
         "sizeof", _
         "sleep", _
         "sound", _
         "space$", _
         "sqr", _
         "string", _
         "string$", _
         "str$", _
         "step", _
         "", _
         "stack.str$", _
         "subi", _
         "swap", _
         "tally", _
         "tan", _
         "time$", _
         "timer", _
         "top", _
         "to", _
         "ucase$", _
         "until", _
         "ubound", _
         "unloadlibrary", _
         "udtptr", _
         "val", _
         "variant", _
         "varptr", _
         "varptr$", _
         "vartype", _
         "wend", _
         "weaktype", _
         "word", _

'        .KeyWordList3.Clear         'can leave as custom
        .KeyWordList3.AddItems("abortallio", _
         "accept", _
         "additems", _
         "addstrings", _
         "addtabs", _
         "addbordericons", _
         "addchild", _
         "addchilditems", _
         "addcolumns", _
         "adddirtypes", _
         "adddrivetypes", _
         "addfiletypes", _
         "addlines", _
         "addoptions", _
         "addpanels", _
         "addsections", _
         "addstring", _
         "addstyles", _
         "addsubitem", _
         "application.", _
         "application.Icon", _
         "application.IcoHandle", _
         "application.ExeName", _
         "application.Handle", _
         "application.HintColor", _
         "application.HintPause", _
         "application.HintHidePause", _
         "application.HelpFile", _
         "application.HintShortPause", _
         "align", _
         "alignment", _
         "allowallup", _
         "allowclick", _
         "allowinplace", _
         "autoscroll", _
         "autoshow", _
         "autosize", _
         "backcolor", _
         "baudrate", _
         "bevelinner", _
         "bevelouter", _
         "bevelwidth", _
         "bmp", _
         "bmphandle", _
         "bmpclosed", _
         "bmphandleclosed", _
         "bmphandleleaf", _
         "bmphandleminus", _
         "bmphandleopen", _
         "bmphandleplus", _
         "bmpleaf", _
         "bmpminus", _
         "bmpopen", _
         "bmpplus", _
         "borderstyle", _
         "bold", _
         "button", _
         "buttonstyle", _
         "caption", _
         "center", _
         "checked", _
         "checkboxes", _
         "charcase", _
         "circle", _
         "clientheight", _
         "clientwidth", _
         "clear", _
         "clearcolumns", _
         "close", _
         "closekey", _
         "color", _
         "colcount", _
         "colorhighlight", _
         "colorshadow", _
         "columnscount", _
         "columnclick", _
         "columnlist", _
         "columnstyle", _
         "colwidths", _
         "connect", _
         "connectionready", _
         "container", _
         "copytoclipboard", _
         "copyfrom", _
         "copymode", _
         "copyrect", _
         "createdb", _
         "createobject", _
         "createremote", _
         "curdir$", _
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         "dtsystem", _
         "enabled", _
         "editormode", _
         "edittext", _
         "empty", _
         "escapestring", _
         "execute", _
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         "extractres", _
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         "fullcollapse", _
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         "gethostname", _
         "getidofname", _
         "getobject", _
         "getpeername", _
         "goalwaysshoweditor", _
         "gocolmoving", _
         "gocolsizing", _
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         "goediting", _
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         "gohorzline", _
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         "invoke", _
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         "mousex", _
         "mousey", _
         "monochrome", _
         "multiline", _
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         "name", _

        'properties ... append, -- limited to 255 entries
        .KeyWordList3.AddItems("onbreak", _
         "onclick", _
         "onchange", _
         "onclose", _
         "oncolumnclick", _
         "ondblclick", _
         "ondrawcell", _
         "ondrawsection", _
         "onellipsisclick", _
         "onerror", _
         "onkeydown", _
         "onkeypress", _
         "onkeyup", _
         "onlistdropdown", _
         "onmousedown", _
         "onmousemove", _
         "onmouseup", _
         "onmoved", _
         "onobjectmove", _
         "onopen", _
         "onpaint", _
         "onresize", _
         "onring", _
         "onrxchar", _
         "onscroll", _
         "onsectionclick", _
         "onsectionresize", _
         "onsectiontrack", _
         "onselectcell", _
         "onsetedittext", _
         "onshow", _
         "ontimer", _
         "ontxempty", _
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         "orientation", _
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         "readline", _
         "readinteger", _
         "readstring", _
         "readbinstr", _
         "readbufsize", _
         "readbyte", _
         "readnum", _
         "readonly", _
         "readstr", _
         "readudt", _
         "read", _
         "realconnect", _
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         "refresh", _
         "reload", _
         "repaint", _
         "rootkey", _
         "rotate", _
         "roundrect", _
         "rowblob", _
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         "showtext", _
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         "style", _
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         "wordwrap", _
         "writeline", _
         "write", _
         "writebinstr", _
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         "writebyte", _
         "writeinteger", _
         "writenum", _
         "writestr", _
         "writestring", _

        IF FILEEXISTS(Application.Path +"\tools\Qlookup.txt") THEN
         .KeyWordLookUp.LoadFromFile (Application.Path +"\tools\Qlookup.txt")
        ELSEIF FILEEXISTS(Application.Path +"Qlookup.txt") THEN
         .KeyWordLookUp.LoadFromFile (Application.Path +"Qlookup.txt")
        END IF

        DEFINT i
        FOR i = 0 TO MaxDim
         .DocPtr(i) = 0
         .CursorPos(i) = 0
         .AnchorPos(i) = 0
         .FirstLine(i) = 0
         .BookMarkCount(i) = 0
         .LexLanguage(i) = This.DefaultLexLanguage
        NEXT i
        MEMSET(VARPTR(This.BookMark(0, 0)), -1, 2 * (MaxDim+1) * SIZEOF(INTEGER))
        This.BackBMP.Width = 0
        This.BackBMP.Height = 0
        This.gBMP.Width = 0
        This.gBMP.Height = 0

       END WITH
      END SUB

       MenuShortCutList  = ""                                          'don't add to NEW may corrupt on defaults
        'MEMSET(VARPTR(MenuFuncPtr(0)), 0, 1025 * SIZEOF(INTEGER))       'null function pointers



© Wed 2025-2-19  Guidance Laboratory Inc. Hits:0 Last modified:2010-12-07 21:18:03