Keyword | Support | Usage/Description |
ABS | Windows Unix | ABS(NumericExpression)
Return absolute value of number |
ACOS | Windows Unix | ACOS(NumericExpression)
Returns arccosine of NumericExpression |
ASC | Windows Unix | ASC(Char$)
Returns the ASCII key value of Char$ |
ASIN | Windows Unix | ASIN(NumericExpression)
Returns arcsine of NumericExpression |
ATN | Windows Unix | ATN(NumericExpression)
Returns arctangent of NumericExpression |
BIN$ | Windows Unix | BIN$(Integer-Number)
Returns the binary representation of the Number (must be a positive integer). |
BIND | Windows Unix | BIND Num TO MyFunc
BIND a function pointer |
Returns the absolute address of the SUB/FUNCTION |
CALLFUNC | Windows Unix | CALLFUNC(Num, Param1, Param2, ...)
Call function pointer |
CEIL | Windows Unix | CEIL(NumericExpression)
Rounds a numeric expression up towards positive infinity. |
CHDIR | Windows Unix | CHDIR Path$
Change directory |
CHR$ | Windows Unix | CHR$(Byte)
Returns character corresponding to the ascii key value |
CINT | Windows Unix | CINT(NumericExpression)
Implemented for compatibility reasons. Use ROUND instead. |
CLNG | Windows Unix | CLNG(NumericExpression)
Implemented for compatibility reasons. Use ROUND instead. |
CONST | Windows Unix | CONST Variable = Expression
Assigns Variable a constant value |
CONVBASE$ | Windows Unix | CONVBASE$(Str$, FromBase, ToBase)
Returns the representation Str$ FromBase to ToBase representation. |
COS | Windows Unix | COS(NumericExpression)
Returns cosine of an angle given in radians |
DATA | Windows Unix | DATA constant|EXECUTE(...) [, constant|EXECUTE(...), ...]
Stores data for easy retrieval, use READ to read the data. |
DATE$ | Windows Unix | DATE$
Returns the current Date in MM-DD-YYYY format. |
DEC | Windows Unix | DEC(Variable [, DecVal])
Decrements variable by 1 unless otherwise specified |
DEF... | Windows Unix | DEF(...) Variable
See details for more information on this statement |
DELETE$ | Windows Unix | DELETE$(S$, Index, Count)
Deletes Count number of characters from S$ starting at Index |
DIM | Windows Unix | DIM Variable AS DataType
Creates variable of type DataType |
DIR$ | Windows | DIR$[(FileSpec$, Attributes%)]
Returns the next file of FileSpec$ |
Returns 0 if directory does not exist, non-zero otherwise |
Polls events, useful when you're in a deep/big loop |
END | Windows Unix | END
Terminates program |
EXP | Windows Unix | EXP(NumericExpression)
Calculates the exponential function (e raised to the power of NumericExpression) |
ENVIRON | Windows Unix | ENVIRON StringExpression
Set environment string |
ENVIRON$ | Windows Unix | ENVIRON$(environment-string)
Get environment value |
EXTRACTRESOURCE | Windows Unix | EXTRACTRESOURCE ResourceNumber%, FileName$
Extracts a resource to file |
FIELD$ | Windows Unix | FIELD$(StringExpresion, Deliminator, FieldNumber)
Returns a field/token separated by deliminators. |
FILEEXISTS | Windows Unix | FILEEXISTS(FileName$)
Returns 0 if file not found, non-zero otherwise |
FIX | Windows Unix | FIX(NumericExpression)
Truncates fractional number, rounding down towards 0. |
FLOOR | Windows Unix | FLOOR(NumericExpression)
Rounds a numeric expression down towards negative infinity. |
FORMAT$ | Windows Unix | FORMAT$(S$, arg1, arg2, ...)
Returns a formatted string assembled from a format string and a series of arguments (up to 50) |
FRAC | Windows Unix | FRAC(NumericExpression)
Returns the fractional part of the numeric expression. |
HEX$ | Windows Unix | HEX$(NumericExpression)
Returns the HEXidecimal string representation of the NumericExpression |
INC | Windows Unix | INC(Variable [, IncVal])
Increments variable by 1 unless otherwise specified |
INITARRAY | Windows Unix | INITARRAY(Array, values, ...)
Initializes array with corresponding values |
INP | Windows Unix | INP(Address)
Returns the byte value read from an I/O port 0..65535 |
INPW | Windows Unix | INPW(Address)
Returns the word value read from an I/O port 0..65535 |
INSERT$ | Windows Unix | INSERT$(Source$, S$, Index)
Insert Source$ string to string S$ at Index |
INSTR | Windows Unix | INSTR([Start,] SearchString, FindString)
Function returns the position in the SearchString that FindString was found, 0 otherwise |
INT | Windows Unix | INT(NumericExpression)
Convert NumericExpression to a 32-bit INTEGER, truncating decimals. |
KILL | Windows Unix | KILL Filename$
Deletes file |
Removes message from queue |
LBOUND | Windows Unix | LBOUND(ArrayName[, Dimension])
Returns the lowerbound of an array (Dimension starts at 1) |
LCASE$ | Windows Unix | LCASE$(StringExpression)
StringExpression is lowercased |
LEFT$ | Windows Unix | LEFT$(StringExpression, N)
Returns the leftmost N characters of a string |
LEN | Windows Unix | LEN(StringExpression)
Returns the length of string |
Calling this will start printing your document. Make sure all your LPRINTs are
executed before calling LFLUSH.
Returns the handle to a loaded DLL module |
LOG | Windows Unix | LOG(NumericExpression)
Returns the natural logarithm of NumericExpression |
LPRINT | Windows | LPRINT [Expression][;|,][...]
LPRINT acts exactly like PRINT, except all output is directed to the default printer.
Make sure to call LFLUSH.
Also see the Printer component for graphical printing. |
LTRIM$ | Windows Unix | LTRIM$(StringExpression)
Returns string with left padded spaces removed |
MEMCMP | Windows Unix | MEMCMP(ptr1, ptr2, count)
Compares 2 memory addresses, returns 0 if not equal, non-zero otherwise. |
MEMCPY | Windows Unix | MEMCPY(destination, source, count)
Copies count bytes of source memory address to destination memory address. |
MEMSET | Windows Unix | MEMSET(source, char, n)
Initializes a source memory block with n bytes of char. |
MESSAGEBOX | Windows | MESSAGEBOX(Msg$, Title$, MsgButtons%)
Displays a simple message box with prompts |
MESSAGEDLG | Windows | MESSAGEDLG(Msg$, MsgType, MsgButtons, HelpContext)
Displays a message dialog box, see RAPIDQ.INC for proper types & buttons |
MID$ | Windows Unix | MID$(StringExpression, I, N)
Returns string with characters from I to N of StringExpression |
MKDIR | Windows Unix | MKDIR Dir$
Creates new directory |
OUT | Windows Unix | OUT(Address, bytevalue)
Sends a byte value to a machine I/O port 0..65535 |
OUTW | Windows Unix | OUTW(Address, wordvalue)
Sends a word value to a machine I/O port 0..65535 |
PLAYWAV | Windows | PLAYWAV FileName$|Resource_Handle, SndOption
Plays a WAV file, see RAPIDQ.INC for sndOptions |
POSTMESSAGE | Windows | POSTMESSAGE(Handle, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
Post message to handle, and does not block. Refer to your favourite WinAPI guide for the proper message numbers |
QUICKSORT | Windows | QUICKSORT(Array-begin, Array-end, ASCEND | DESCEND)
Sort any array, BYTE, WORD, SHORT, STRING, etc... |
RANDOMIZE | Windows Unix | RANDOMIZE [Num]
Use randomize to reseed the random number generator |
READ | Windows Unix | READ variable [, variable, ...]
Reads next DATA statement, stores it in variable. |
REDIM | Windows Unix | REDIM Array(1000) AS INTEGER
Use REDIM to redimension an array preserving existing data. REDIM is equivalent to DIM if the array has
not yet been allocated. |
RENAME | Windows Unix | RENAME File1$, File2$
Renames File1$ to File2$ |
REPLACE$ | Windows Unix | REPLACE$(S$, R$, Index)
Replaces a string from S$ with R$ starting at Index |
REPLACESUBSTR$ | Windows Unix | REPLACESUBSTR$(Source$, ReplaceStr$, Withstr$)
Replaces the string ReplaceStr$ in Source$ with WithStr$ |
RESTORE | Windows Unix | RESTORE [linelabel]
Jumps to specific position in DATA statement. |
RESOURCE | Windows Unix | RESOURCE(number%)
Get numeric value of Resource, mainly for use with ExtractResource, 0 based array. |
Get resource count. |
REVERSE$ | Windows Unix | REVERSE$(S$)
Reverses a string |
RGB | Windows Unix | RGB(Red%, Green%, Blue%)
Returns the BGR numeric representation of the color. |
RIGHT$ | Windows Unix | RIGHT$(StringExpression, N)
Returns the righttmost N characters of a string |
RINSTR | Windows Unix | RINSTR([Start,] SearchString, FindString)
Reverse INSTR Function, searching starts from the end of SearchString |
RMDIR | Windows Unix | RMDIR Dir$
Removes directory |
RND | Windows Unix | RND(UpperBound)
Returns a random number, if no upperbound is given, it returns a decimal number. Use RANDOMIZE to reseed. |
ROUND | Windows Unix | ROUND(NumericExpression)
Rounds number to nearest integer. |
RTRIM$ | Windows Unix | RTRIM$(StringExpression)
Returns string with rightmost padded spaces removed |
RUN | Windows Unix | RUN command$
Executes command, but does not block |
SENDMESSAGE | Windows | SENDMESSAGE(Handle, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
Post message to handle, and blocks. Refer to your favourite WinAPI guide for the proper message numbers |
SGN | Windows Unix | SGN(NumericExpression)
Returns the sign of a numeric expression |
SHELL | Windows Unix | SHELL command$
Executes command, and blocks until finished |
Popups message in a simple box |
SIN | Windows Unix | SIN(NumericExpression)
Returns sine of an angle given in radians |
SOUND | Windows | SOUND freq, duration
Outputs sound through PC Speaker |
SPACE$ | Windows Unix | SPACE$(Num)
Returns string with Num spaces |
SQR | Windows Unix | SQR(NumericExpression)
Returns the square root of NumericExpression, make sure it's non-negative |
STATIC | Windows Unix | STATIC Variable AS DataType
Creates variable of type DataType and preserves variable between procedure calls |
STR$ | Windows Unix | STR$(NumericExpression)
Returns the string representation of the numeric expression |
STRF$ | Windows | STRF$(NumericExpression, Format%, Precision%, Digits%)
Converts a floating point or number value to a string |
STRING$ | Windows Unix | STRING$(m, n) or STRING$(m, StringExpression)
Returns a string m characters wide that only contains CHR$(n) character |
SWAP | Windows Unix | SWAP A, B
Exchanges values, so A = B and B = A |
TALLY | Windows Unix | TALLY(SearchString, MatchString)
Returns the number of occurrences of matchstring |
TAN | Windows Unix | TAN(NumericExpression)
Returns tangent of an angle given in radians |
TIME$ | Windows Unix | TIME$
Returns the current time in HH:MM:SS format. |
TIMER | Windows Unix | T! = TIMER
Returns the current TIMER value |
UBOUND | Windows Unix | UBOUND(ArrayName[, Dimension])
Returns the upperbound of array (Dimension starts at 1) |
UCASE$ | Windows Unix | UCASE$(StringExpression)
Returns a string whose characters have been uppercased |
Removes DLL from memory |
VAL | Windows Unix | VAL(StringExpression)
Returns the closest numeric representation of the string expression |
VARPTR | Windows Unix | VARPTR(variablename)
Returns the address of a variable. |
VARPTR$ | Windows Unix | VARPTR$(address)
Returns the null-terminated string representation of a given address. |
VARTYPE | Windows Unix | VARTYPE(variant)
Returns the type of a variant 0 - Integer, 1 - Float, 2 - String. |