Field | Type | R/W | Default |
AutoUpdate | INTEGER | RW | True |
| AutoUpdate determines whether to let the internal thread update the sound buffer every 50ms, or let the programmer control the updates.
BufferLength | INTEGER | RW | 1000 |
| BufferLength specifies how many bytes to read into the buffer for playing. For heavy computations or deeply nested loops,
it's a good idea to extend the BufferLength so that the music can play uninterrupted.
FileName | STRING | RW | |
| FileName specifies the .WAV file.
Frequency | INTEGER | RW | |
| Frequency specifies the reproduction frequency. Do not set the frequency before loading a file, since
a default frequency for the .WAV file will be given to you when you load a new sound file.
Looped | INTEGER | RW | False |
| Looped specifies whether to replay the sound file after it has finished playing.
Pan | INTEGER | RW | 0 |
| Pan specifies the relative volume of the right and left channels within the range from -100 to 100.
A value of -100 mutes the right channel, and a value of 100 mutes the left channel.
Parent | QFORM | W | |
Playing | INTEGER | R | |
| Playing determines whether the sound file is currently playing.
Position | INTEGER | RW | |
| Use Position to set/get the current playing position of the sound file.
Size | INTEGER | R | |
| Size returns the file size of the .WAV file in bytes.
StickyFocus | INTEGER | RW | False |
| StickyFocus determines whether to keep playing even if the application loses focus.
Tag | INTEGER | RW | |
| Tag is not used internally, it is reserved storage space for the programmer.
Volume | INTEGER | RW | |
| Volume specifies the output volume for the current sound as a percentage.
Setting volume to 0 mutes the sound, while setting volume to 100 plays the sound with "normal volume" (ie. your current
sound settings for your computer).