Appendix A: QLABEL
Rapid-Q Documentation by William Yu (c)1999-2000 |
Appendix A: QLABEL |
QLABEL Component
QLabel is a non-windowed control used to display 2D, 3D, and/or rotated text on a form/container.
Note that rotated labels only work with true type fonts.
QLabel Properties
Field | Type | R/W | Default | Support |
Align | INTEGER | RW | alNone | W |
| Align determines how the control aligns within its parent control.
Alignment | INTEGER | RW | taLeftJustify | W |
| Alignment determines the horizontal placement of the text within the label.
0 = taLeftJustify -- The text appears lined up along the left edge of the label.
1 = taRightJustify -- The text appears lined up along the right edge of the label.
2 = taCenter -- The text is horizontally centered in the label.
Angle | INTEGER | RW | 0 | W |
| Angle determines how the label is rotated. Specify a degree from 0 to 360.
Autosize | INTEGER | RW | False | W |
| AutoSize determines whether the size of the label automatically resizes to accommodate the text.
Caption | STRING | RW | | WXG |
Color | INTEGER | RW | | WX |
Cursor | INTEGER | RW | crDefault | W |
Enabled | INTEGER | RW | True | WXG |
Font | QFONT | W | | W |
Handle | INTEGER | R | | W |
Height | INTEGER | RW | | WXG |
Hint | STRING | RW | | WXG |
LabelStyle | INTEGER | RW | tsNone | W |
| LabelStyle determines whether the label is displayed as 3D or 2D.
0 = lsNone -- The text appears as normal 2d text.
1 = lsRaised -- The text appears as 3d.
2 = lsRecessed -- The text appears engraved.
Layout | INTEGER | RW | tlTop | W |
| Layout determines the vertical placement of the text within the label.
0 = tlTop -- The text appears at the top of the label.
1 = tlCenter -- The text is vertically centered in the label.
2 = tlBottom -- The text appears along the bottom of the label.
Left | INTEGER | RW | 0 | WXG |
LowerColor | INTEGER | RW | clBtnShadow | W |
PopupMenu | QPOPUPMENU | W | | W |
ShowHint | INTEGER | RW | False | WXG |
Tag | INTEGER | RW | | WXG |
Top | INTEGER | RW | 0 | WXG |
Transparent | INTEGER | RW | False | W |
UpperColor | INTEGER | RW | clBtnHighlight | W |
Visible | INTEGER | RW | True | WXG |
Width | INTEGER | RW | | WXG |
Wordwrap | INTEGER | RW | False | W |
QLabel Events
Event | Type | Occurs when... | Params | Support |
OnClick | VOID | User clicks on label | 0 | W |
OnDblClick | VOID | User double clicked on label | 0 | W |
OnMouseDown | SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%) | Mouse button held down | 3 | W |
OnMouseMove | SUB (X%, Y%, Shift%) | Mouse moves | 2 | W |
OnMouseUp | SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%) | Mouse button is released | 3 | W |
WndProc | SUB (Hwnd%, Msg%, wParam%, lParam%) | Messages sent to QLabel | 4 | W |
QLabel Examples
DIM Form AS QForm
DIM Label1 AS QLabel
Label1.Parent = Form
Label1.Text = "Hello"
' Note that rotated labels only work with true type
' fonts, such as Arial and Courier New.
DIM Form AS QForm
DIM Label1 AS QLabel
DIM Font AS QFont
Font.Name = "Arial"
Label1.Parent = Form
Label1.Font = Font
Label1.Text = "Hello"
Label1.Angle = 45