Rapid-Q Documentation by William Yu (c)1999-2000 |
Appendix A: QTRACKBAR |
QTrackBar is a track bar control used to represent a position along a continuum
using a slider and, optionally, tick marks.
QTrackBar Properties
Field | Type | R/W | Default |
Align | INTEGER | RW | alNone |
| Align determines how the control aligns within its parent control.
Cursor | INTEGER | RW | crDefault |
Enabled | INTEGER | RW | True |
Frequency | INTEGER | RW | |
| Frequency specifies the increment between tick marks on the trackbar.
Handle | INTEGER | R | |
Height | INTEGER | RW | |
Hint | STRING | RW | |
Left | INTEGER | RW | 0 |
LineSize | INTEGER | RW | 1 |
| LineSize is the amount the value of Position changes when the user presses the arrow keys.
Max | INTEGER | RW | 10 |
| Max specifies the maximum Position of the trackbar.
Min | INTEGER | RW | 0 |
| Min specifies the minimum Position of the trackbar.
Orientation | INTEGER | RW | tbHorizontal |
| Orientation specifies whether the trackbar is horizontal or vertical.
0 = tbHorizontal -- Min position is on the left, Max is on the right.
1 = tbVertical -- Min position is on the top, Max is on the bottom.
PageSize | INTEGER | RW | 2 |
| PageSize specifies the amount Position is changed when the PageUp or PageDown key is pressed, or when the bar is clicked.
PopupMenu | QPOPUPMENU | W | |
Position | INTEGER | RW | |
| Position contains the current position of the slider.
SelEnd | INTEGER | RW | |
| SelEnd specifies the position of the end point of the selection range.
SelStart | INTEGER | RW | |
| SelStart specifies the position of the starting point of the selection range.
ShowHint | INTEGER | RW | False |
TabOrder | INTEGER | RW | |
TickMarks | INTEGER | RW | tmBottomRight |
| TickMarks specifies the location of the tick marks.
0 = tmBottomRight -- Tick marks are on the bottom or right of the trackbar depending on the value of Orientation.
1 = tmTopLeft -- Tick marks are on the top or left of the trackbar depending on the value of Orientation.
2 = tmBoth -- Tick marks are on both sides of the trackbar.
TickStyle | INTEGER | RW | tsAuto |
| TickStyle specifies how tick marks are place on the trackbar.
0 = tsNone -- No tick marks are displayed.
1 = tsAuto -- Trackbar displays tick marks automatically for each increment in its range.
2 = tsManual -- Trackbar displays tick marks at either end. Use SetTick to set a tick in other positions
Top | INTEGER | RW | 0 |
Width | INTEGER | RW | |
Visible | INTEGER | RW | True |
QTrackBar Methods
Method | Type | Description | Params |
SetTick | SUB (Pos%) | Set a tick mark at Pos% | 1 |
QTrackBar Events
Event | Type | Occurs when... | Params |
OnChange | VOID | Track bar changes | 0 |
QTrackBar Examples
CREATE TrackBar AS QTrackBar
' Initialize track bar